Did Ash catch Rayquaza?

Ash was at first hesitant at this request, but eventually gave in when Rayquaza assured him that the balance in the world would be intact. Ash captured Rayquaza in a Master Ball, celebrating with his Pokémon at his first Legendary capture.
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What happened to Ash's Rayquaza?

Once evil Hoopa was purified, along with the Shadow Legendaries by Arceus, Rayquaza bid its friends farewell and went home. It was later summoned again by Hoopa to battle Ash and his Pokémon, but was defeated by Pikachu's Z move and captured in an Ultra Ball.
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Who caught Rayquaza?

As a Wild Pokémon

Rayquaza saw Lisia and chose her as it's trainer. He attempted to battle her but Lisia was to scared to and asked Clarissa to do it for her. Clarissa told Lisia that Rayquaza chose her, not Clarissa. Lisia decided to face her fears and battle Rayquaza and successfully captured it.
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Did Ash catch any legendary Pokemon?

Do you think he should have before his departure?
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Did May caught Rayquaza?

May later challenges Rayquaza to a battle, and weakens it enough for it to be caught. Zinnia enters a flashback state, reflecting on her childhood dream of one day meeting Rayquaza. She later urges May to catch it, and succeeds in doing so.
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May Caught Rayquaza😱Pokémon Evolutions: Episode 6

Who killed Rayquaza?

Eventually, Rayquaza was defeated by Fox and Diddy Kong. Later, it is fought in the Great Maze level again and can be fought in the Boss Battles after the storyline is beaten.
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Where is Rayquaza after he flies off?

Once the battle is over, all three Pokémon will disappear. Return to the Sky Pillar when you're ready to capture Rayquaza. Once Rayquaza disappears from Sootopolis City, he will return to the top of the Sky Pillar. In order to reach him this time, you will need the Mach Bike from the Bike Shop near Mauville City.
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What was Ash's rarest Pokémon?

The exception to this is Meltan, which, despite being a Mythical, was but one of many. Many would say that Meltan's evolution, Melmetal, is the rarest Pokémon he's caught, and that's a fair point. Instead, the rarest Pokémon Ash has ever caught is one that goes all the way back to Johto: Noctowl.
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Did Ash ever catch Mew?

Althought he was hestitant at first, Ash agreed with his request and captured Mewtwo in the Master Ball.
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Which God is Rayquaza?

Rayquaza (originally from Pokemon) is the God of the Sky, and creator of the element of Air.
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Who defeated Rayquaza?

The best Pokemon Go Mega Rayquaza counters are Mega Gardevoir, Cetitan, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Mega Abomasnow & Shadow Mamoswine.
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Who is stronger Rayquaza or arceus?

Arceus obviously. In a 1v1 battle, Arceus would definitely win because it could change into an ice type and use a 4x effective move on Rayquaza (it has a 4x weakness to ice).
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Did Ash catch Lugia?

5 Lugia Couldn't Be Caught Without Severe Consequences

They were eventually freed by Ash and his friends, but the birds decided to fight each other in a cataclysmic battle.
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Who is Black Rayquaza?

Not much is known about the Black Rayquaza. It is the most powerful of the "Six Heroes" and apparently, their leader alongside Lucius. It appears to be very aggressive and for some reason, prefers to fly away from the ones seeking it, including its former teammates and Terapagos.
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What evolves into Rayquaza?

Rayquaza is a Dragon, Flying-type Legendary Pokémon from the Hoenn region. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Along with Kyogre and Groudon, it is a member of the Weather Trio. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Rayquaza after being taught Dragon Ascent via a Meteorite and given 400 Mega Energy.
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Did Goh catch Eternatus?

Goh catches Eternatus, and after adding it to his Pokédex, he leaves its Poké Ball with Professor Magnolia for safekeeping.
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Who catches Arceus?

How to Catch Arceus. Only the truly diligent Pokemon Trainers will unlock the ability to meet the Legendary Pokemon Arceus. Complete all of the Main Missions, through #26, Seeking the Remaining Plates. This will begin request #27 The Deified Pokemon.
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Did Ash catch a Zapdos?

Ash battled Zapdos with his Gliscor and successfully defeated it. After the battle, Zapdos gladly accepted Ash as his rightful trainer, allowing Ash to capture him.
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Has Ash ever caught a shiny?

Ash caught a shiny Noctowl in the Pokémon anime during the Johto region. Shiny Pokémon have different coloration than usual, and Ash's Noctowl had a distinct color palette compared to regular Noctowl. It was a rare and unexpected encounter in the series.
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Did Ash catch a Blaziken?

Before he left Kalos, Blaziken was given to Ash as a Torchic as a gift from Meyer for taking care of Clemont and Bonnie during their journey. He evolved into Combusken and again into Blaziken at somepoint when Ash was in Alola.
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Which Ash was the weakest?

Pidgeot ended up reuniting with Ash in his final episode, over a thousand episodes later, but that still meant it never got a chance to fight again, making Pidgeot Ash's weakest Pokémon.
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Can Rayquaza be caught?

Berries can help you catch Rayquaza. A Razz Berry will make Rayquaza easter to catch, and a Golden Razz Berry will make it much easier to catch. If you find yourself failing to land any throws, a Nanab Berry will calm Rayquaza, making its movements less erratic and allowing you to make precise throws more easily.
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What is the final form of Rayquaza?

Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millionsof years. Legends remain of how it put to restthe clash between Kyogre and Groudon. This Pokémon does not evolve.
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