Did Link ever like Mipha?

The shipping between these two is a very common ship in the Zelda community, it's considered to be a rival ship to Zelink and has often been a debate on who Link loved more, however it generally is expected that Link loved both Mipha and Zelda and there was a love triangle between the 3 of them.
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How does Link feel about Mipha?

In the memory, Mipha is healing Links' arm and implies that she used to do it often when they were younger. With many instances where Mipha's love for the knight is revealed, a translation of the Adventure Log in Japanese also exhibits Link's love for Mipha.
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Who is Link in love with?

This unrequited love adds a layer of emotional tension throughout the game, as Link's unwavering determination to save her is fueled by his feelings. After Link rescues her, Zelda remains on the surface to establish a new kingdom, and Link chooses to stay with her, solidifying their bond.
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Who has a crush on Link in Zelda?

Eventually, Paya and Impa talk about her feelings and she realizes that she is in fact in love with Link. Although she realizes it is likely to remain unrequited, Paya is happy just to know what it feels like to be in love and is grateful to Link for giving her this new emotion.
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How old is Mipha compared to Link?

Mipha - Height: 5'2, Age: 55, Relationship Status: Engaged? While the Zora are generally tall, their little princess is shorter than even some Hylian women, standing at barely 5'2. However, she's roughly the same age as Link and Zelda, albeit in Zora years, making her about 55 years old.
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Link's True Thoughts on Mipha REVEALED|Zelda BoTW

Was Link ever in love with Mipha?

The shipping between these two is a very common ship in the Zelda community, it's considered to be a rival ship to Zelink and has often been a debate on who Link loved more, however it generally is expected that Link loved both Mipha and Zelda and there was a love triangle between the 3 of them.
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Who is Sidon's girlfriend?

[Ed. note: This post contains spoilers for Prince Sidon's quest line in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.] Let it be known: Prince Sidon, the heir to the Zora throne and defender of Hyrule, is betrothed to a Zora named Yona.
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Has Zelda ever kissed Link?

14 Zelda II: The Loves Of Link's Life

This of course creates a problem when the other Zelda wakes up at the end of the game and kisses Link.
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Does Beth have a crush on Link?

Beth is a young girl from Ordon Village who is the daughter of Hanch and Sera. She seems to have a crush on Link, admiring him for all the important things he does while still having time to relax. She always hangs out with Talo and Malo, but thinks that they are both immature and calls them brats and idiots.
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Are Zelda and Link in love in totk?

In an interview with TheGamer, Zelda's voice actor, Patricia Summersett, revealed that she believes Zelda and Link are in a relationship. "I know that [Link and Zelda] are in a relationship with each other, it's active, there's a lot of care and a lot of listening, and I just love that about it,” Summersett said.
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Why is Link so girly?

“Back during the Ocarina of Time days, I wanted Link to be gender neutral. I wanted the player to think 'Maybe Link is a boy or a girl,'” Aonuma told Time. “If you saw Link as a guy, he'd have more of a feminine touch.
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Was Link originally a girl?

"As far as gender goes, Link is definitely a male, but I wanted to create a character where anybody would be able to relate to the character," Aonuma said. "So, that's why I think the rumor went around that Link could be a female because maybe the users were able to relate in that way."
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Does Link ever marry Zelda?

In actuality, they almost never end up together or strike up a romantic relationship. Most of the time, Link and Zelda maintain a strictly platonic relationship, with even a few instances of them simply having a professional one. The few times Link and Zelda actually wind up together are exceptions to the rule.
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Why does Revali hate Link?

His resentment towards Link is due to envy of his higher position as well as his lack of expression rubbing him the wrong way. In the Champion Revali's Song cutscene, EX Recovered Memory, it is revealed that Revali's abrasive and reserved persona is frequently used to cope with his insecurities.
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Who is Link's love interest?

Princess Zelda is believed by many to be the love interest of Link in the Legend of Zelda series. She first appeared in The Legend of Zelda for the NES in 1987. She is often kidnapped by Ganondorf several times. Her role is very similar to Princess Peach, and Princess Bubblegum.
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What does Mipha say to Link?

"You're so strong... so much stronger than before. The power of Mipha's Grace will now recharge much faster. As powerful as you are, I'm certain that you can save Hyrule... as well as the princess who awaits you." "Link.
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Why does Beth kiss Rick in TWD?

When he returns at the prison with Maggie, Beth sweetly hugs Rick and gives him a kiss on the cheek to thank him for what he did for her sister, which seems to slightly surprise him. Later as Rick walks in, she gives him Judith, and she comments that she has her mother's eyes.
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Was Daryl dating Beth?

Beth. What was going on with Beth and Daryl? Left to escape on their own, they shared intimate conversations about their lives, drank together, and seemed like a sweet couple out on the first date. Of course, this may also have been interpreted as a brother/sister type relationship, rather than a romantic one.
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Was CIA in love with Link?

Cia was originally the Guardian of Time tasked with watching and keeping the balance of the Triforce; however, she eventually began to harbor romantic feelings for the hero Link. These affections turned into jealousy towards Princess Zelda, a close friend of Link's.
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Did Midna kiss Link?

Whereas 2006's Twilight Princess heavily implied that Midna harbored romantic feelings for Link, Himekawa's manga took things a step further by having her kiss the Hyrulean warrior before returning to the Twilight Realm. To make matters all the more awkward, the heartfelt kiss happened in front of Zelda.
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Who is Link's girlfriend in BOTW?

Mipha is also known to be in love with Link, promising to heal him whenever and no matter how bad the wound may be. She shyly tells him that after the Great Calamity was dealt with, she wants to spend time with him, like they did in their childhood.
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Why is Link's hair pink in Link to the Past?

Potential Reasons For Link's Pink Hair In A Link To The Past

Others posit that it was simply to make Link's hair stand out from the rest of his sprite.
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How old was Link when he met Mipha?

Revealed in Mipha's diary in the Champions Ballads, Mipha met Link when he was four years old, knowing him to be a great swordsman, even besting adults.
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Who is older Mipha or Sidon?

Sidon is the prince and eventual king of the amphibious Zora and younger brother of Mipha, one of the four Champions who helped Princess Zelda and Link fight Calamity Ganon.
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Do Sidon and Yona marry?

Yona has shown time and again that she does have feelings for Sidon as seen in her interactions with him and isn't afraid to stand up to him when it's warranted, and Sidon does care for Yona's well-being with him being worried for her safety when the loss of his sister came to mind, but he happily accepts her hand in ...
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