Do Fey have true names?

Each Fey has a true name, but rather than being "Rumpelstiltskin" or some other nonsense word, their true name is a real word. In fact, their true name is the platonic form of that word, and each Fey is dimly aware of all uses of their word.
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Do Fae have true names?

Every faerie born in Midsummer Forest possesses a name that carries their essence. This, my dears, is called a true name. True names are unique to every fairy, and are not given to them by their parents, but instead discovered by their carriers. It is not hard for a faerie to discover their true name.
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What are the rules for fey names?

Never give them your name (Full or otherwise).

Anyone who knows of the Aymm Rhoin, or Elven Naming Ritual knows that names are powerful seals and hold power, especially to a Fey. If a Fey asks for a humanoid's name and they say it, they're giving them power (and possibly partial control) over them.
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What happens if you give your name to a Fae?

A well known trope in DnD for faeries and other fey creatures is they may "ask you for your name", and if you "give" it to them, they will "take your name". Literally. This comes from real world mythology about fey creatures, and the consequences for this are extremely varied depending on the story.
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What can fey do with names?

If a creature tells the fey its name without taking proper precautions*, the fey can then take possession of that name.
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True Names and DND

Can I name my child Fae?

This name also has meanings in other countries, such as in Irish, referring to “trust” and “belief.” So if you believe baby will resonate with any of these definitions or you simply would like to honor baby's Irish or French roots, Fae can be the perfect name!
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Is there a difference between fey and Fae?

Fairy was used to represent: an illusion or enchantment; the land of the Faes; collectively the inhabitants thereof; an individual such as a fairy knight. Faie became Modern English fay, while faierie became fairy, but this spelling almost exclusively refers to one individual (the same meaning as fay).
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Why can't you say thank you to a fairy?

If you've studied fairy lore for more than five minutes, you'll know that you don't ever say “thank you” because it implies an obligation on your end (you've just agreed to a contract you didn't know you were agreeing to) or it's insulting to the fae, because it implies they are there to serve you.
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What is a human sized fairy called?

Human-sized fairies are often referred to as "faerie folk" or simply "faeries." They may have similar abilities and characteristics to their smaller counterparts, but are often more powerful and capable of interacting with humans on a more equal level.
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What do Fae want?

Fae will steal adults as well. They are particularly fond of musicians and poets and will take them away to their realm for their entertainment. They also take humans who offend them and transform them into strange creatures or keep them as servants. In some versions of the story of Tam Lin the bard, he went willingly.
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What are the three fey rules?

Never share your full name. Always pay your debts and don't return more than you borrowed. Don't accept gifts and never thank the Fey.
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How to talk to fey?

Fey etiquette
  1. Don't accept a gift from the fey.
  2. Don't consume the food or drink of the Feywild.
  3. Never dance with a fairy.
  4. Never tell a fairy your full name.
  5. Never stray from a path in the Feywild.
  6. Never give a fairy clothing.
  7. Don't forget your manners, but never say "thank you"
  8. Always keep your word.
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How do you become a fey?

Becoming a fey requires a direct connection to the faerie realms. Most creatures who become fey are forced to do so when they are stolen from the material realm as a child. These children, known as changelings, rapidly transform after only a few days trapped in the realm of faerie.
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Can Fae tell lies?

Faeries who enjoy word-play can skillfully lie without literally appearing to lie. Faeries are skillful illusionists. Humans are ill-equipped to deal with them, because Humans are too rational, too linearly logical, too pragmatically methodical — while Faeries are adept at casting shifty or misty glamour & illusions.
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Are Fae genderless?

Fairies are fantasy creatures and can be male or female. A lot of folk tales feature male fairies - like the Erlking. The word “fairy” derives from “Fair Folk” which referred to any member of the “Fae” races. As such there are exclusively male Fae, exclusively female Fae, and Fae of mixed gender, or no gender.
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How do Fae trick humans?

Here are some examples of the kinds of tricks that fairies are known to play on people:
  1. Leading travelers astray.
  2. Making people fall in love with them and then disappearing.
  3. Changing people's appearance.
  4. Stealing children and replacing them with changelings (fairy children)
  5. Cursing people.
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What is a half fairy half human called?

If the father is human and the mother is fairy, it's called a hury. If the father is fairy and the mother is human , it's called a faiman. The latest scientific surveys estimate the human/fairy hybrid population is about 7% faiman, 90% hury, and 3% fhauimrayn (you don't want to know how those are conceived).
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What are dark fairies called?

The Unseelie Court describes the darkly-inclined fairies. Unlike the Seelie Court, no offense was deemed necessary to bring down their assaults. In Scotland, they were seen as closely allied with witches.
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What's a fae trap?

As for fae traps, these refer to elaborate setups the fae would create to lure humans into their secret world. On TikTok, it's now being used to describe any place in nature that seems to have a magical yet deceptive aura about it.
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How do you befriend a fairy?

Fairies have a very strong affinity to nature. In fact, they are often referred to as Nature Angels. If you take care of your natural environment they will know that they can trust you. If you nurture plants and animals they will feel confident that you will nurture them too.
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What happens if you accept food from a fairy?

Eating/drinking their food either makes it impossible (or painful) to leave Faerie or gives them power over you, and giving a fey power over you (especially the great ones) is a very dangerous and potentially fatal thing.
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Why can't you go into a fairy ring?

European superstitions routinely warned against entering a fairy ring. French tradition reported that fairy rings were guarded by giant bug-eyed toads that cursed those who violated the circles. In other parts of Europe, entering a fairy ring would result in losing an eye.
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What is a true fey?

In the World of Darkness, True Fae are a type of supernatural being that are native to the realm of Faerie. True Fae are incredibly powerful and often malevolent beings that are known for their capricious and unpredictable nature.
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Are fey good or evil?

Feywild creatures tend towards the chaotic, but the plane as a whole has no overall lean to good or evil. As such, it is as capable of naturally producing vicious and hateful beings as any other plane, as exemplified by the fey creatures known as meenlocks.
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Are fae good or evil?

Fae are not good or evil by nature, they just have inhuman values, to humans the act of saying thank you is to show them that you are grateful thus a good gesture, but to the Fae they take it as an insult because it implies they did you a favour out of kindness.
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