Do orcs side with Stormcloaks or imperials?

Lore-wise they wouldn't take any side. They would just stay in their strongholds largely ignoring the war. But, since you have to pick a side, go imperial. It doesn't make since for an Orc to be on either side, but it makes less for an Orc to be a stormcloak.
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Who do Orcs side with in Skyrim?

The Imperials, Nords and the Orcs are the only races who still side with the empire. Imperial for sure.
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Which side supports Orcs Skyrim?

The Empire Was There To Support The Orcs Long Before Skyrim

The Oblivion Crisis also began during this time, so documentation may have been lost or never started. During the early Fourth Era, Orsinium was attacked again by a Breton-Redguard force. The Empire sent two Imperial Legion forces to assist the Orcs.
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Who sides with the Stormcloaks?

Jarls Who Side With The Stormcloaks

At the start of the game, there are four Jarls that side with the Stormcloaks, the most popular of these being Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion and Jarl of Eastmarch, who wishes to liberate Skyrim and her people from the Imperial.
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Who is really in the right Stormcloaks or Imperials?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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EMPIRE vs STORMCLOAKS - Who is the Better Ruler? - Elder Scrolls Lore

Is Ulfric Stormcloak evil?

As it is revealed during the quest "The Forsworn Conspiracy" and the book "The Bear of Markarth", Ulfric committed horrible atrocities when retaking the city, particularly against captured reachmen fighters, and as we have no in game quest, document or event that contradicts the claims of this book, its content should ...
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Which side is morally right Skyrim?

The premise of this question is actually why the game lets you choose. There is no right answer. The Empire promises a firm federation for all races of Tamriel, but it is currently a puppet of Thalmor that disregards and denounces Talos, one of the Nine Divines, and one of the most respected figures of Skyrim.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Can I betray Stormcloaks?

Yep. If you get the Jagged Crown for the Stormcloaks, you can give it to General Tullius instead and join the Imperials after joining the Stormcloaks.
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What happens to Skyrim if Stormcloaks win?

A Stormcloak victory in the civil war leads to Ulfric becoming High King of Skyrim and declaring the country's independence. This leaves the Tamrielic Empire with only the Cyrodiil and High Rock territories, alongside several smaller provinces.
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Who is the best Orc to marry in Skyrim?

Best Orc to marry in Skyrim?
  • Ghorza gro-bagul.
  • Borgakh the Steel Heart.
  • Gat gro-Shargakh.
  • Ghorbash The Iron Hand.
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Can you get an Orc wife in Skyrim?

There are two female Orcs you can marry. Ghorza gra-Bagol lives in Markarth, in the Blacksmith Shed. The other is Borgakh the Steel Heart, who you'll find in Mor Kazgur. For the former, you'll have to complete a task for them, for the other you'll have to agree to take her as your follower.
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Can you marry Orc in Skyrim?

The majority of spouse options are Nords and Imperials, with some Elves, Bretons, Orcs and Argonians mixed in.
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What happens if you join the Stormcloaks?

Joining up mostly affects the camps you can visit. Being a Stormcloak makes Imperial camps and forts hostile and vice versa but the major cities generally won't be affected. We are all Uniformly Unique. The respective camps will become hostile if you join the other side, but the cities and towns don't react.
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Should I free Stormcloak prisoner?

If you free the prisoner rather than just attacking the romans, you avoid the bounty while still making them hostile so you can kill them without negative consequence.
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Is whiterun Imperial or Stormcloak?

Whiterun leans heavily towards the empire though shown by the fact that, on the jarls map he marks Whiterun as imperial, that in the bannered mare the bard sings about driving out the Stormcloaks, and that in the civil war questline Whiterun chooses to be Imperial.
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Do Stormcloaks hate all elves?

They most certainly hate the thalmor (who doesn't) and they refer to the Thalmor as, "the elves" and they sometimes say "those witch elves" or derogatory terms like that, but remember they DO NOT hate every elf in skyrim. There is even a high elf in Windhelm who is not treated like the other dark elves there.
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Do the Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to win?

The Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to prevent the Imperials from recovering for Empire-Thalmor war. The plan is to let them punch each other out whilst the Thalmor rebuild ready for the next war.
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Why do Stormcloaks hate Imperials?

They want nothing more than to free the Nords and Skyrim from the clutches of the progressively more oppressive Empire who even goes as far as banning certain gods from being worshipped as a part of their unfortunate treaty with the Thalmor.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a hero or villain?

Type of Hero

He believes that Skyrim should free itself from the puppet government of the Empire. Some believe Ulfric to be a hero, while others label him an opportunist, leading him to play the role of one of the main anti-heroes/villains in the game.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Because of thousands of years of interbreeding, the scales of a dragonborn's hide were usually scarlet, gold, rust, ochre, bronze, or brown in hue, though a few dragonborn with an stronger draconic heritage had scales resembling those of true dragons, but white scaled dragonborn were said to be rare.
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Is Ulfric a Thalmor Pawn?

no he's not. they captured him (after being betrayed to them by the empire btw). then they tortured the crap otu of him for awhile. they then found out he'd become jarl of eastmarch if he got out, and that he'd probably start a civil war because he hates the thalmor so much, and by extension the empire.
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Can you peacefully end the Skyrim Civil war?

If you have yet to bring the Skyrim Civil War to a conclusion, you can bring the conflict to a temporary halt by calling peace talks. Using the Graybeards' authority, you bring leaders from each side to the negotiating table. There is no diplomacy skill tree, and there will be consequences for these decisions.
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Should I join Stormcloak or Imperial?

Neither side is entirely good, but they aren't entirely bad. Both sides believe they are doing the right thing. They both want to help Skyrim, but the way they go about it is flawed, and it will only cause more conflict. All in all, just choose who you believe will best help Skyrim, and then go from there.
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Should you give up Riften or Dawnstar?

Give Riften to Tallius if you're siding with him, give him Dawnstar if you're Stormcloak. Nothing really affects gameplay or story, it's just a personal preference.
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