Do paladins believe in God?

Paladins who did worship good or lawful gods tended towards the worship of deities such as Azuth, Bahamut, Chauntea or her aspect Yondalla, Helm, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Mystra, Jergal, Lathander, Moradin, Re-Horakhty, Sune, Torm, or Tyr.
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Do paladins worship a god?

If a paladin transgresses against their oath, the usual absolution, as the PHB states, is to seek absolution from a cleric of the same faith. Paladins DO worship deities, and like any other mortal, may receive requests from mortal priests or divine servitors, or messages directly from a deity [...]
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What are the beliefs of a paladin?

Oath of Devotion: paladins who appeal to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and honor. Those who take this oath are typically Lawful Good, following the tenets of honesty, courage, compassion, honor, and duty. Nicknamed cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors.
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Does a paladin need a religion?

Although most follow established religions, others draw spiritual sustenance from non-traditional philosophies and even natural forces. All paladins, however, believe in something: Their faith provides them with not only their spells, but also their special powers.
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What is paladin god called?

Torm and Tyr are both popular deities for paladins, as is Ilmater, who stresses self-sacrifice and the alleviation of suffering. Although less common, there are paladins of the following deities: Helm, Hoar, Lathander, Sune, Corellon Larethian, The Red Knight, Clangeddin Silverbeard, Arvoreen, and Mystra.
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The Problem with Paladins in D&D

Who is paladin in the Bible?

Any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause. Based on the above definitions, we may consider David son of Jesse of Bethlehem, the young shepherd who became a celebrated warrior and later King of all Israel, as the prime example of a paladin.
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What is a paladin holy symbol?

A holy symbol is a representation of a god or pantheon. A cleric or paladin can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus, as described in the Spellcasting section. To use the symbol in this way, the caster must hold it in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield.
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Are paladins Christians?

So, no, "paladins" aren't necessarily religious. Certain subclasses absolutely are. Specifically, Devotion but also Redemption, as both of those specifically mention "holy warrior" in their description. Conquest and Crown are ones that can essentially go either way based on their flavor text.
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Are paladins holy?

The paladin (often shortened to "pala" or "pally" by players) is a holy knight, a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — healing (holy), tanking (protection), and DPS (retribution).
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What makes someone a paladin?

Anyone who fights hard for something they believe in can be called a paladin, although the word has old-fashioned associations.
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What is a paladin in real life?

Present day. The word "paladin" is still used to describe a good, heroic person, or a defender of a good cause.
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What is a paladin in church?

Paladins are the warriors of the Great Church. Founded by Saint Anne, the first paladin (or according to the Church, the first “modern” paladin, as the many mortals who fought at the gods' side before the Compact were all paladins), the holy order of paladins is vast, and dedicated to opposing evil wherever it arises.
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What race is a paladin?

Almost any race can be a Paladin, but the most numerous members of a Paladin Order would be Humans, Half-Elves, and Dwarves. Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes make decent Ancients Paladins, while Tieflings and Half-Orcs are better suited for Vengeance Paladins. Dragonborn work well as any Paladin type.
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Can a paladin be evil?

You can totally be an evil paladin. Out of the available oaths, oathbreaker is for sure the play.
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How does someone become a paladin?

Becoming a paladin involves taking vows that commit the paladin to the cause of righteousness, an active path of fighting wickedness. The final oath, taken when he or she reaches 3rd level, is the culmination of all the paladin's training.
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Who does a paladin swear their oath to?

Oath of the Crown

Often, paladins who swear this oath are members of an order of knighthood in service to a nation or a sovereign, and undergo their oath as part of their admission to the order's ranks.
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What is a paladin in the Bible?

The cleric or paladin worships that world's revelation of the Lord, while accepting the existence of other gods and the worship of those gods by people of other churches or nations.
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Do paladins pray to god?

The unique aspect of paladins, was that the principal object of their devotion could be a cause, a philosophy of justice and chivalry, or a deity. Like clerics, paladins could enhance these prayers with a holy symbol.
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What religion are paladins?

In these romantic portrayals, the chivalric paladins represent Christianity against a Saracen (Muslim) invasion of Europe. The names of the paladins vary between sources, but there are always twelve of them (a number with Christian associations) led by Roland (spelled Orlando in later Italian sources).
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Do you need a god to be a paladin?

Specifically, a paladin only needs to committed to uphold justice and righteousness, to stand with the good things of this world and against the forces of evil, and then commit to an oath. So, while most paladins will be following a god of good, they don't have to be.
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What is the relationship between a paladin and a god?

The relationship between a paladin and their chosen deity is akin to that of a devoted servant or champion. Paladins swear oaths to uphold certain values, often aligning with those espoused by their god.
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Do paladins have a holy symbol?

In many ways, holy symbols were to clerics and paladins what swords were to fighters or wands were to some wizards. Typical holy symbols took the form of amulets, emblems on shields, or reliquaries that contained fragments of sacred material.
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Can a paladin be non religious?

A paladin that is an atheist could for example, still be devoted to Justice, and he would still be granted divine powers through the divine portfolio of Justice with the approval of the God of Justice, Tyr.
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What is a paladin Angel?

PALADIN is a guardian angel who earned his wings before Arianna. He is sometimes just called "Pal" for short. Paladin. Information. Class.
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What does a paladin symbolize?

A paladin is a crusading holy warrior sworn to a particular deity or deities, who is explicitly granted additional powers from them to use at will in return for that oath.
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