Do paladins need faith?

Although most follow established religions, others draw spiritual sustenance from non-traditional philosophies and even natural forces. All paladins, however, believe in something: Their faith provides them with not only their spells, but also their special powers.
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Do paladins need to be religious?

Paladins can be and often are also devout members of their churches, but it isn't specifically their devoutness that gives them powers. But that's exactly the point people are making. Sure, they aren't required to follow a deity. But they have always had that option available to them.
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Can you be a non religious paladin?

You don't have to be a good faith boy to wield the light. You only need the conviction to do so.
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Do paladins require a god?

Most Paladins are sworn to a deity. But all Paladins recieve their powers from deities, whether or not they are aware of it or not. Thats a given. Their powers and spells use Divine magic, they use Holy symbols, they recieve powers before they swear oaths (if you want to go technical).
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What happens if a paladin loses faith?

By breaking faith with their guiding principles, they unlock taboo powers over death and undeath unavailable to other Paladins. From controlling undead thralls to sowing despair, Oathbreaker abilities encourage morally complex approaches to any campaign.
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The Problem with Paladins in D&D

Can a paladin worship any god?

So the source of a paladin's holy power is the powerful oath they swear, their commitment to justice. The oath can be sworn to a god, to nature, maybe a dead loved one, or just sworn, not to anyone in particular.
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Can I be an evil paladin?

Paladins can be any of alignment, although evil paladins are extremely rare. However, their oath and their alignment can either be in harmony, or their oath might represent standards that they have not yet attained.
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Why can only humans be paladins?

Is there a in-universe lore reason for it? It was to help keep Humans as special, given other races were stronger in the early game, the 'strongest' class was the Human only one (also hardest one to be).
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Do paladins have to pray?

Paladins, like clerics, are granted their divine powers, known as prayers, through strength of faith and devotion to their divine patron, and like clerics can enhance these prayers with a holy symbol.
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Can a paladin have more than one god?

Yes they can. Can a paladin/cleric follow more than one god in D&D 5E? The default assumption is that clerics serve a single deity.
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Are paladins Christians?

In these romantic portrayals, the chivalric paladins represent Christianity against a Saracen (Muslim) invasion of Europe. The names of the paladins vary between sources, but there are always twelve of them (a number with Christian associations) led by Roland (spelled Orlando in later Italian sources).
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Can a paladin heal himself?

Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each day she can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 her paladin level plus her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, a paladin can heal 1d6 hit points of damage for every two paladin levels she possesses.
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What religion do paladins follow?

Religions. Paladins often do not worship a single deity, but rather abide by a strict personal code or organizational doctrine. Paladins who do venerate a single god, however, most commonly follow Iomedae, the goddess of justice. Like fighters, paladins also might pay service to the deities of war or order.
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What god do paladins worship?

Paladins who did worship good or lawful gods tended towards the worship of deities such as Azuth, Bahamut, Chauntea or her aspect Yondalla, Helm, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Mystra, Jergal, Lathander, Moradin, Re-Horakhty, Sune, Torm, or Tyr.
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Are paladins holy?

Paladins are holy knights, protectors of the people, and dispensers of justice.
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Can paladins have tattoos?

Paladins can get tattoos, peircings, or body mods.
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Can Paladins be atheist?

A paladin that is an atheist could for example, still be devoted to Justice, and he would still be granted divine powers through the divine portfolio of Justice with the approval of the God of Justice, Tyr.
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Do Paladins have to be chaste?

I always tell them that this is not the case by which nowhere does it say that a Paladin or Cleric would have to vow an oath of chastity or be abstinent from alcohol, gambling or even have to be Lawful Good. It is not written into the rules so to allow for the player to roleplay their character as they see fit.
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Are Paladins allowed to marry?

That's right, Arthas was a paladin himself, so that probably answers my question then, paladins can Indeed get married.
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Can paladins be girls?

Yes. Sex/gender has no bearing on whether a character can become a paladin.
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Is paladins mostly bots?

You get real players after level 5 in quick play. Swaffell. The first 5 levels your matches are against bots with real people in your team. After level 5 you are matched against real enemy players.
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What are paladins weaknesses?

Paladins are susceptible to enemy Monks because of their high gold cost. Siege weapons are ineffective against Paladins in most situations, but if cautiously used, Onagers can deal a great amount of damage.
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Are all paladins lawful?

If you're a Paladin, you need to remain Lawful and Good to keep your power. No, that's not the problem. The problem is, if you consistently do good acts as a Paladin, you wind up shifting 'up' on the chart until you slide around the circle to Neutral Good, causing you to lose your abilities. No evil necessary.
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Can you be a neutral paladin?

Really, a few of the paladin oaths don't really "require" you to be of a particular alignment. You could have a true neutral oath of devotion if you really wanted to, for example.
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