Do pillagers respawn in mansions?

Pillagers, which are a different type of Illager entirely, don't even spawn in Woodland Mansions in the first place. They spawn during Raids, infinitely from pillager Outposts (btw, demolishing the Outpost won't stop them from spawning; they'll continue to spawn in that chunk), and from pillager Patrols.
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Do pillagers respawn at the Woodland mansion?

Neither type of illager spawns directly in the hallways of the mansion, but they often wander into the hallways after spawning in. Once any of the vindicators or evokers are killed in a woodland mansion, they do not respawn, unlike pillagers, who respawn when all of them are killed in a pillager outpost.
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Do mobs Respawn in the Woodland mansion?

These hostile mobs, which resemble the villagers in appearance, are waiting in the various rooms of the Minecraft mansion. The important thing to note here is that these mobs are generated along with the Minecraft woodland mansion and do not re-spawn when defeated.
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Will Evokers respawn in Woodland Mansions?

Evokers spawn naturally in certain rooms of a Woodland Mansion. They will not respawn after their initial spawn, thus there are a limited number of them per mansion.
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Do pillagers ever stop spawning at outposts?

Pillagers (including captains) eventually respawn. You can use it in a raid farm, to deliberately get the Bad Omen effect to spawn raids to attack a village you have built as a trap, and collect the loot from raids.
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The Story of Minecraft's Pillagers

Why aren t pillagers spawning at mansion?

Pillagers, which are a different type of Illager entirely, don't even spawn in Woodland Mansions in the first place. They spawn during Raids, infinitely from pillager Outposts (btw, demolishing the Outpost won't stop them from spawning; they'll continue to spawn in that chunk), and from pillager Patrols.
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Why do evokers turn blue sheep red?

Trivia. Evoker Celebrating When not in combat, evokers change any blue sheep they find into red sheep, uttering "Wololo." This is a reference to the video game Age of Empires where the priest unit would convert enemy units to their own side while uttering "wololo".
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Is there a spawner in a woodland mansion?

Spider spawners can often be found in a woodland mansion. Each spider room has one spider spawner. But because the layout is always random, there is no way to tell how many spawners are in a woodland mansion unless you check the entire mansion and check it manually.
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How many woodland mansions are there in a world?

Minecraft Java worlds are about 60 million blocks along each axis— roughly 900,000,000,000,000 (900 trillion) blocks of area. And if each woodland mansion is 20,000 apart in each direction, that gives us… 2,250,000 mansions per world.
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What is the rarest thing in a woodland mansion?

A woodland mansion can sometimes generate secret rooms on each floor. A secret room can be one of the following type: "X" room, spider room, fake end portal room, obsidian room, birch pillar room, clean chest room, lava room, and attic room, with the 'X" room being the most common, and the "lava" room being the rarest.
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Is there anything good in a woodland mansion?

While woodland mansions have tons of great loot, most players search for them in the hopes of obtaining multiple Totems of Undying. Unfortunately, this is no easy task as players will have to be strong enough to defeat multiple Evokers to get them.
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How rare is it to spawn on a woodland mansion?

Because woodland mansions are extremely rare in Minecraft, it is common to find them at least 20,000 blocks away from the starting point. Using the locate command, players can find the woodland mansion quickly.
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What triggers pillagers to spawn?

Pillagers may naturally spawn on any valid opaque block (except leaves) as long as the block light level is 8 or less. They cannot, however, spawn on blocks that emit a light level of 14 or greater. There is a 6% chance a pillager will spawn as a patrol leader.
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Do pillager captains spawn at mansions?

Raid captains can also spawn in woodland mansions, which are either vindicators or evokers.
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Can you get bad omen from a woodland mansion?

Bad Omen Origins

Before getting the effect, you likely found an outpost structure with countless pillagers spawning around it. This is the most common area to obtain bad omens, as raid captains occasionally spawn there. However, it's also possible to stumble upon them in Woodland Mansions.
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Do pillagers respawn in woodland mansions?

Pillagers, which are a different type of Illager entirely, don't even spawn in Woodland Mansions in the first place. They spawn during Raids, infinitely from pillager Outposts (btw, demolishing the Outpost won't stop them from spawning; they'll continue to spawn in that chunk), and from pillager Patrols.
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Can you make a woodland mansion your house?

They are also dangerous places: in addition to the Evoker and Vindicator Illagers, the interior of Woodland Mansions is dark enough for the other Overworld monsters to spawn even during the day. These appear even with sufficient lighting, making Woodland Mansions poor choices to convert into a home.
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How many vindicators are in a woodland mansion?

Vindicators spawn during the generation of woodland mansions, in groups of 1–3 inside particular rooms, sometimes accompanied by an evoker. Rarely, vindicators can spawn in the corridors and hallways.
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What is the rarest sheep color in Minecraft?

The majority of sheep are white, with an 81.836% chance of spawning. The light gray, gray and black sheep each have a 5% chance of spawning, or a 15% chance collectively. Brown sheep have an uncommon 3% chance to spawn. Pink sheep have a rare chance of 0.164% of spawning naturally.
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Can you tame a vex?

How do you tame a vex in Minecraft? A. After killing the evoker, you can feed the vex beetroot and it will become friendly. It will follow you around and attack hostile mobs with and for you as well.
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Why do vexes turn red?

When a Vex attacks, they glow red and lunge towards their target. When a Vex is idle, they float around their evoker.
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Can you live in a Pillager outpost?

However, you can't really make it your home as it is right now, or even just a safe base of yours, as pillagers constantly spawn there. Some players may want that, for things like pillager farms for example, or just places they can go to constantly kill some pillagers for a XP boost and maybe some other loot.
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Why won't the pillagers respawn?

Description. So, the Pillagers only spawns one time when you approach It, then, they won't spawn anymore after that, even if you're on the spawnable radius they need to spawn. How to reproduce: Set the game to Hard.
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How long until pillagers respawn?

So, if you find a large open area and wait for long enough, a pillager patrol will spawn. Please note, that Pillager Patrols only spawn when your world reaches 100 minutes or 5 in-game days.
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