Do the Stormcloaks like dark elves?

Race doesn't matter for your character, but Stormcloaks tend to hate dark elves as a race. Windhelm demonstrates this nicely.
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Do the Stormcloaks hate dark elves?

The Storm Cloaks are anti-Elf, though that seems primarily aimed at High Elves. Theres the ancient warfare between nords and Dark Elves at the Red Mountain. There's the Grey Quarter and other questionable treatment of Dark Elves, but the nords let the Dark Elves settle in Solstheim.
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Can a dark elf join the Stormcloaks?

Actually, it doesn't make much sense for anyone who isn't a Nord to join the Stormcloaks. However, it's not entirely impossible. The whole Talos thing. If the dark elf was raised as a Talos worshipper, he might be upset about the restricted religion that came with the White-Gold Concordat.
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Do the Stormcloaks hate the Thalmor?

However, they both hate the Thalmor and want the same things so why not join together and wipe them out? It's a win win situation: The stormcloaks get talos and many other freedoms back and because the empire is still here, the amount of racism would also decrease.
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Should a high elf join the Stormcloaks?

Sure, why not? Contrary to myth, the Stormcloaks will accept anyone into their ranks so long as they pass the initial test. You'll hear some bitching about elves from some vaguely Stormcloak related NPCs, but nothing actually stops you from joining.
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Skyrim: Dark Elf Joins Stormcloaks b/c He Can

Do the Stormcloaks hate magic?

Well as a rule, the traditionalist Nords (i.e. Stormcloaks) are quite strongly anti-magic, while the Imperial Legion fields professional battlemages (you can even see some at Helgen).
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Should a high elf be imperial or Stormcloak?

If you play a High Elf, it is actually lore-accurate to join the Stormcloak Rebellion, as several Thalmor documents imply that they favor the Stormcloaks in their attempts to oust the Empire (and thus give the Aldmeri Dominion a stronger chance to take over the province later on).
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Why does Ulfric hate Dark elves?

In Skyrim they hate the elves because of course the Thalmor started a civil war and conquered the Empire. Ulfric (and many other Stormcloaks and Nords) were members of the Imperial legion and fought in the Great War agaisnt the Thalmor and their dominion.
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Does General Tullius like the Thalmor?

7 Hero: He Hates The Thalmor

Although Tullius is on speaking terms with people like Elenwen, that doesn't mean he's a fan of the Thalmor himself. In fact, Tullius seems extremely aware of what the High Elves are doing and even admits to despising them.
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Do the Thalmor fear the Dragonborn?

However, that does not mean they outright fear the Dovahkiin/Dragonborn or their power. For one the Thalmor have a superiority complex that does not allow for them to fear someone they view beneath them which the Dragonborn would fall under.
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Do the Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to win?

The Thalmor want the Stormcloaks to prevent the Imperials from recovering for Empire-Thalmor war. The plan is to let them punch each other out whilst the Thalmor rebuild ready for the next war.
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What races do the Stormcloaks hate?

They most certainly hate the thalmor (who doesn't) and they refer to the Thalmor as, "the elves" and they sometimes say "those witch elves" or derogatory terms like that, but remember they DO NOT hate every elf in skyrim.
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Is The Dark elf good in Skyrim?

Dark elves (also known as dunmer) are an interesting race in Skyrim due to both their bonuses and how they play. These native people from Morrowind have a lot of unique bonuses that make creating a solid build about them quite the task to undertake since they don't completely specialize in one specific area.
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Is Dark Elves evil?

The drow (/draʊ/ or /droʊ/) or dark elves are a dark-skinned and white-haired subrace of elves connected to the subterranean Underdark in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. The drow have traditionally been portrayed as generally evil and connected to the evil spider goddess Lolth.
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Do wood elves hate dark elves?

The wood elves, like the other elves, are hated by the dark elves, albeit nowhere close to the hatred that burns for the high elves. Their isolation doesn't bother the drow, as they will attack wood elf settlements anyway.
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Who do the Nords hate in Skyrim?

The race that the Nords hate the most are the Dark Elves. They dislike elves in general, and they dislike high elves (thalmor) more than wood elves (which are barely seen).
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Was Ulfric brainwashed by the Thalmor?

Given the treatment of prisoners beneath the Thalmor Embassy, it can be assumed Ulfric was tortured and perhaps even brainwashed by his interrogators. The Thalmor led him to believe that information he'd given up during his interrogation allowed the Dominion's armies to breach the Empire's capital city and win the war.
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Is General Tullius a good guy?

General Tullius is seen by some as a respectable general while to others he is an oppressive warlord but virtually no one disputes his well established insensitivity towards the Nordic culture of Skyrim.
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Should I give Tullius Riften or Winterhold?

Nothing really affects gameplay or story, it's just a personal preference.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a bad guy?

While some fans believe he's nothing but another villain furthering the cause of the Thalmor, others argue that his main motivation continues to be the freedom and independence of Skyrim from an oppressive Empire.
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Why is Ulfric Stormcloak bad?

According to the in-game book The Bear of Markarth, Ulfric also executed every Nord who did not aid him in retaking Markarth, including farmers, shopkeepers, the elderly, and even children. This book quotes Ulfric as saying “You are with us, or you are against Skyrim” as he killed his fellow Nords.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a hero or villain?

He is the leader of the Stormcloak Rebellion who seeks to free Skyrim from the Empire of Cyrodiil. He becomes the main antagonist of the Civil War quest-line if the player joins the Imperial Legion to keep Skyrim under the Empire's control or its deuteragonist if the player joins the Stormcloaks instead.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Is it better to join Stormcloaks or Imperials?

Moreover, the armor and weapons of the Imperial Legion are of higher quality and look arguably better than the Stormcloaks' cheap-looking gambesons. If players ever wanted to cosplay as a Roman legionnaire that can throw fireballs and yell people to death, then joining the Imperial Legion is... imperative.
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What happens if the Stormcloaks win?

If the Stormcloaks won, the Aldmeri Dominion could take Skyrim on it's own without the Empire supporting the nords, but it would require an investment of resources (due to poor Aldmeri logistics in the region) that the remaining provinces of the Empire could potentially take advantage of.
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