Do vex jobs count?

Both Vex and Delvin jobs count towards the total. Upon completion of the 5th job in each city, you will get the special job.
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Does Vex ever run out of jobs?

No. But if you do five jobs in a city (except Riften) you get a special job. And you aren't really done with the Thieves Guild until you have done all four of those.
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How many jobs do I have to do for Vex and Delvin?

You have to do a total of five jobs, whether from Delvin or Vex, in each hold and finish those special quests in order to bring it back into business. You have the finish the questline and do 5 jobs for Vex or Mallory in every one of the 'special' cities in order to get the 'special' jobs.
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Does doing jobs for the Thieves Guild do anything?

After performing five small jobs in a single city, excluding Riften, a special job will be unlocked for it, which upon completion will upgrade the appearances of both the Ragged Flagon and Cistern as the Thieves Guild regain their influence around Skyrim.
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What jobs does Vex give you?

Vex is a member of the Thieves' Guild who handles burglary, heist, and shill jobs. She can be found in the Ragged Flagon in The Ratway under Riften. She's also an Expert Lockpick Trainer.
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - How To Complete Vex & Delvin Quests Easy

How many jobs do you need to do to become Guild Master?

You can only become guildmaster, after doing all the (4) "Special Missions", and returning the Skeleton key. 5 jobs for each major town are required to become guildmaster. (Whiterun,Windhelm,Solitude,Markarth, and riften.)
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Do thieves guild quests ever end?

They never end but they are easy money when you are desperate. Numbers and heist jobs are probably the easiest. You can walk in during business hours and do it. Plus, the more holds you complete, the more money the fencer has.
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Can I marry vex?

You gotta complete the Companions quest line before you can marry her, though. Purveyor of holding hands. Life is like a box of chocolates; it doesn't last as long for fat people. I was also disappoint about not being able to marry Vex.
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Is there a penalty for quitting Thieves Guild jobs?

No repercussions. A talking to by Delvin and disappointment from Vex in their speech but nothing that affects the quests.
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What Thieves Guild jobs pay the most?

Thieves Guild quests from Delvin pay 500 gold. the best job would be beldum from Delvin as you get 500 gold plus whatever you you can fence the loot for.
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Can you marry Sapphire in Skyrim?

Ever wanted a chance to go on a thieving quest with her? Well, with Marry - Sapphire, now you can! In case you're infatuated with this awesome thief, she's also marriable! Just buy an Amulet of Mara, talk to Maramal, and ask her to marry you!
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What do I do with the right eye of the falmer?

It is a highly valuable miscellaneous item just like its counterpart. Besides the name, the difference between the two is that the Right Eye is not a quest item and can be sold, dropped, or used as decoration for the player's house.
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Are vex jobs infinite?

You will do jobs for each hold. There are unlimited amount of jobs. Once you've done a few, you will get a special job for each hold.
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How old is Vex in Skyrim?

Vex-iim is 4246 years old, and was born in the First Era.
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Can Vex be a follower in Skyrim?

Vex is an Imperial thief and a member of the Thieves Guild. Normally she cant be a follower not possible, i just made it possible no gray face. Weapons she use are level depending on your player level.
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Can you marry Brynjolf in Skyrim?

You can only marry companions, except Serana. The only way to marry Brynjolf is to use mods like RDO relationship dialog overhaul.
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Is it worth restoring Thieves Guild?

Benefits Of Restoring The Thieves Guild

Now that the Thieves Guild is now fully restored in Skyrim, you will be granted all the perks that the guild can offer its leader, from enchanted equipment to a small flow of loot.
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How many number jobs does Delvin have?

Assuming no mods, five jobs per city (Solitude, Windhelm, Whiterun, and Markarth), plus one special job per city, makes for 24. You can take two jobs at a time (one from Delvin and one from Vex), so 12 outings, plus the special jobs makes 16 trips.
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Can Vex be married in Skyrim?

Without mods, no. Console commands won't do either. In order to be marriageable, an NPC needs to have a voice type that has the married lines recorded, and Astrid doesn't.
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Can you ever talk to Brynjolf again?

After the Thieves Guild main questline, Brynjolf can be found wandering around the cistern and the flagon. Due to a bug, when spoken to, he will say that he has important things to do and will talk sometime later, rather than speaking his scripted post-quest dialogue.
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What killed Vex?

While Vox Machina explored the tomb of a former champion of the Matron of Ravens, a goddess of death, Vex'ahlia was caught in the radius of a trap that instantly kills her.
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Does Vex get revived?

The ritual succeeded and Vex came back to life, unaware of the deal that had taken place. Vax'ildan attempted to lie to Vex'ahlia, telling her she had only been knocked out, but Grog immediately told her she had died. Percy admitted to being at fault, and Vax'ildan admitted that Kashaw revived her.
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How many jobs to become Guild Master?

To become Master of the Thieves Guild, players must complete five jobs each in the cities of Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, and Markarth. Upon doing five quests in one city, a new quest will become available and must be completed to restore said city's faith in the Thieves Guild.
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Does joining the Thieves Guild make you bad?

There is no impact on the Two Main Plotlines if you join a guild, complete any guild, do any daedric quests, even if you do quests for enemies of whatever faction you choose in the Civil War, it won't affect them in the slightest. Everything plays out exactly as intended depending on the sides you pick.
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