Do you get Robux if someone buys your shirt?

Groups have the ability to create and sell their own clothing, including custom shirts and pants, on Roblox. Any Robux earned from these sales will go directly to the group regardless of who created it.
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How much Robux do I get if someone buys my shirt?

Thus, the seller earns 3 Robux from each sale. Though this seems low, most Classic Shirts and Classic Pants on the Marketplace are sold at the price floor, with higher prices are generally seen as unappealing as a result, so long-term profits are more likely to increase this way.
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Do you get Robux when someone buys your item?

Short answer: Yes, you definitely earn Robux when someone buys your clothes on Roblox. This is one of the exciting ways Roblox supports its creatives! When another player purchases an item of clothing you've designed, you get a cut of the sale in Robux.
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How to get Robux after selling clothes?

Robux earned from sales are held in pending status before being released for you to use. When this holding period is over, the Robux will appear in your Robux total. You can check your Pending Robux by viewing My Transactions.
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Do you have to pay 10 Robux every time you upload a shirt?

Classic t-shirts do not require a fee when uploading, but they do require a 10 Robux fee when going on sale for the first time. If the seller takes the item off sale, it does not require an additional fee when they place it on sale again.
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3 REAL Ways To Get FREE ROBUX.. (2024)

How many Robux for 1 dollar?

Getting Bang for Your Buck in Roblox

For every dollar you spend, you get about 80 Robux. That's the quick answer. But, let's get a bit more into the details. Bear in mind, buying Robux directly from Roblox comes with different rates depending on how many you purchase at once.
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How to get Robux for free?

There is no such thing as free Robux or membership offers, tricks, or codes. If a person, video, website, or game tries to tell you there is one, this is a scam and a violation of our Terms of Use.
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What happens when someone buys your clothes on Roblox?

Groups have the ability to create and sell their own clothing, including custom shirts and pants, on Roblox. Any Robux earned from these sales will go directly to the group regardless of who created it. A Group's page features a Store tab, which shows you the most recently updated group items by default.
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Why am I getting less Robux?

If you still had Roblox credit on your account at the time, it has automatically been converted to your own currency. So in some cases, this means you get more or less Robux for the same amount.
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What is 70% of 100 Robux?

So if you buy a game pass for 100 Robux, the developer will get 70 Robux and Roblox will get 30 Robux. Here's a breakdown of how the Robux is distributed: Developer: 70%
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Can my parents see if I buy Robux?

Q: Will accounts without a spending limit still receive notifications for high-risk transactions? A: Yes. By default parents/guardians will get an email notification.
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Does Roblox take 70 of Robux?

When you sell your own passes in your experience, you earn 70% of the Robux spent. You can also sell passes within your experience that were made by other creators; in this case, you earn a 10% affiliate fee on the Robux spent within your experience, and the original creator of the pass earns 60%.
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Do you get your Robux back if you delete a shirt?

In general, we are not able to offer a refund for items purchased within an experience. All purchases with Robux requires users to click on a confirmation box as a precaution against making accidental purchases and many experiences also have a confirmation window for purchases with their in-experience's currency.
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Can I sell my Roblox clothes for Robux?

Roblox allows you to create avatar items, such as accessories and clothing, and sell them on the Marketplace. To learn more about the various avatar items you can sell and access Roblox's avatar creation resources, see the Avatar overview.
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Is uploading a shirt on Roblox free?

After finalizing and testing your design, you can upload the clothing item to the Marketplace for a fee. After Roblox reviews and uploads the item to the Marketplace, you will receive a commission for all sales of your items.
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How much is 1 billion Robux?

Breaking Down the Billion Robux Mystery

If we go by the rough estimate that 1 Robux is equal to $0.0125 in U.S. dollars, some quick math brings us to an answer. Multiplying 1 billion by $0.0125 gives us a total of $12,500,000. Yes, that's right, 1 billion Robux is equal to a whopping 12.5 million dollars!
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How much is 1 million Robux in real money?

The value of robux can vary slightly, but typically 1 robux equates to about $0.0125 in US dollars. So, if you do the quick math, 1 million robux translates to around $12,500! Remember, the price of robux can change depending on how many you buy at once, or if you're a Roblox Premium subscriber.
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How much is 2 million Robux?

Buying 2 million robux will cost you around $25,000. That's a lot of game passes and avatar accessories! Win Roblox gift cards by playing games on Playbite!
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How much does Roblox take when someone buys your shirt?

The Roblox Tax on all gamepasses, clothing items and developer products are 30%.
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Can Roblox ban you for clothing?

You'll get banned if you create ANY inappropriate item in Roblox, let alone a shirt. They'll usually give you warnings, but if you do it repeatedly, they will ban you, and the time and type of ban depends on how Roblox thinks of your offence to the rules.
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What are some 5 Robux shirt ids?

The best Roblox shirt ID codes
  • Adidas Red Camo Split: 4924687704.
  • Aesthetic Black Sweater x: 5134719820.
  • All black: 3830132554.
  • Baddie Tattoo Tank y2k: 6748392322.
  • Bandito Army Jacket – Twenty: 7427983453.
  • Beautiful shirt: 6680903131.
  • Bella Swan Twilight vamp: 7338884141.
  • Black Aesthetic: 5532806467.
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How do I claim 1000 Robux codes?

Head to the Gift Card Redemption Page; Enter the purchased Roblox Code of 1000 Robux; Press the Redeem button to finish the process; Robux have been successfully added to your account!"
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How much is 10,000 Robux?

$20.00 – 1600 Robux. $50.00 – 4000 Robux. $100 – 8000 Robux. $125 – 10 000 Robux.
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Can you get 25 Robux for free?

While there is no way to get Robux for free, you can purchase Robux individually, or through a premium subscription. You can also earn Robux by making clothing and accessories for Roblox avatars or by making making pay-to-play games or games with in-game purchases.
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