Do you have to beat Demon of Hatred?

Fighting him or not has no effect on the story ending that you are going for. But if you are going for the achievement, or/and intending to attempt the Gauntlets of Strength, you will have to defeat Daemon of Hatred. I agree he was more Bloodborne-like than most of the other bosses.
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Is the Demon of Hatred optional?

The Demon of Hatred is an optional boss found within Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
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Is Demon of Hatred the final boss?

Demon of Hatred is an optional boss, but very close to the end. It won't take long now to reach the final boss. The game doesn't automatically transition to NG+ so you can just kill the final boss and come back later. - articles on the action genre's best.
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Is the Demon of Hatred missable?

The Demon of Hatred is an optional boss that players can find and challenge, but may not be defeated as it happens to be one of the harder bosses in the entirety of the game in terms of pure difficulty.
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What does Demon of Hatred give you?

Once the demon finally goes down, it drops the Memory: Hatred Demon, which increases Wolf's attack power when consumed, and two of the six Lapis Lazuli in the game that upgrades Prosthetic Tools to their ultimate form.
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Ranking Every Souls Game Easiest to Hardest (Including Elden Ring)

Who is the hardest boss in Sekiro?

1 Isshin, The Sword Saint Is Sekiro's Most Challenging Boss

While players can face off with the elderly Isshin Ashina in the Shura ending, that wasn't his deadliest form. Players take on the character at his peak when they encounter Isshin, the Sword Saint after defeating a two-phase Genichiro, Way Of Tomoe.
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How many endings are there in Sekiro?

In case you are wondering how many endings does Sekiro have, there are actually four. These scale from worst to best as: Shura, Immortal Severance, Purification, and Return. If you want the Sekiro best ending, well, prepare to die (a lot).
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Who is the final boss in Sekiro?

You'll find Isshin the Sword Saint at the end of the Near Secret Passage in the moonlit field - through the tunnel you first escaped through with Lord Kuro right at the start of the game.
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How do you avoid the Demon of Hatred?

The Demon of Hatred will swing its head around, spawning balls of fire before launching them towards you. Running diagonally towards the boss is the best way to avoid this attack, but it can be unavoidable if either of you is too close to a wall.
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Can you deflect the Demon of Hatred?

He does punishes deflecting, because 75% of his attacks are based around his left hand, which deals plenty of fire damage and therefore hits through deflecting no matter what. You can use the hat-shield, sure, but sooner or later those spirit emblems are gonna run out. But yes, the charge attack is 100% dodgable.
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Why does the sculptor turn into the Demon of Hatred?

Actually the old lady at the castle gates says why he turned into that. The rage in the area, the flames of war were burning strong that night due to what was going on. It consumed the sculptor, filled him with hatred causing him to turn into that thing.
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Where do I go after beating Demon of Hatred?

You'll see two samurai fighting. Run past them and into a building with a drop. Drop down into the pit and you'll be at the Ashina Resevoir idol and right before the final boss.
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Is the Demon of Hatred a mandatory boss?

The Demon of Hatred (怨嗟の鬼, Oni of Deeply-held Resentment) is an optional Boss with three Deathblow counters found at the Ashina Castle Gate, when the final invasion of the Central Forces hits Ashina.
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What shinobi tool is best for Demon of Hatred?

Malcontent. This final upgrade to the Finger Whistle Prosthetic Tool will let you stun the Demon of Hatred a few times, opening him up to a few extra attacks. Use it sparingly, though, since it'll eat through your Spirit Emblems quickly, and the Umbrella is, in our opinion, more useful.
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Does finger whistle work on Demon of Hatred?

You can use the Malcontent Finger Whistle to get a very long stun on him. If you time it right, you can chain this stun into one of the two normal staggers you get during the fight.
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Is Owl Father an optional boss?

SEKIRO - OWL FATHER (Optional boss Hirata Estate) - YouTube.
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What is the weakest boss in Sekiro?

The 10 Weakest Bosses In Sekiro (And 10 That Are Impossibly Powerful)
  1. 1 Hard: Ishin The Sword Saint.
  2. 2 Easy: Guardian Ape.
  3. 3 Hard: Owl Father.
  4. 4 Easy: Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa.
  5. 5 Hard: Headless Ape And Bride.
  6. 6 Easy: Ashina Elite: Jinsuke Saze.
  7. 7 Hard: Demon of Hatred.
  8. 8 Easy: The Armored Warrior.
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Who is the true villain in Sekiro?

Genichiro Ashina is the main antagonist of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.
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Who is the coolest boss in Sekiro?

With that in mind, let's go over some specific examples in this game of bosses or even mini-bosses that are truly satisfying to beat.
  • 8 O'Rin Of The Water. ...
  • 7 Genichiro Ashina. ...
  • 6 'Inner' Genichiro. ...
  • 5 Emma The Gentle Blade & Isshin Ashina. ...
  • 4 The Guardian Ape. ...
  • 3 Owl (Father) ...
  • 2 The Demon Of Hatred. ...
  • 1 Isshin: The Sword Saint.
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Which Sekiro ending is easiest?

Sekiro Endings – How To Get The Immortal Severance Ending

Of all the endings in the game to achieve, Sekiro's Immortal Severance ending is arguably the simplest.
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Can you complete Sekiro without dying?

Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice. so upon your first death, after being defeated by genichiro on your first encounter, a cutscene of kuro is shown and you get resurrected. what happens if you dont die at all? you actually then win the game instantly and you then get everything in the game, congratulations youre amazing.
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Which Sekiro ending is canon?

Like many other FromSoftware titles, Sekiro features different endings that depend on decisions the player makes during the course of the game. In true Soulsborne fashion, the path to the true ending is exceptionally convoluted. Of the four different endings in Sekiro, the canon ending is titled Dragon's Homecoming.
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Does Sekiro get harder every playthrough?

Statiscally, enemies deal more damage every NG+ cycle, and the highest difficulty of the game is in NG+7 and it is capped at that. It shouldn't be a problem as you probably have all the upgrades and maxed out stats by NG+2 if you clear the whole map at every playthrough.
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Is Sekiro harder than bloodborne?

Short answer: Sekiro, which may prove to be one of the most challenging games ever made. Don't just take our word for it—Forbes, Digital Spy, Gamespot and a bevy of other publications agree: Sekiro is harder than any of the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne .
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