Does anyone survive Helgen?

The Dragonborn was among the survivors to escape in the resulting chaos. The named residents of Helgen, besides Haming, are not seen again after the escape, and it can be assumed that they had either perished during the attack or managed to flee to safety.
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Did anyone survive Helgen Skyrim?

In the prologue, the only survivors are you, Elenwen, Tullius, Ralof / Hadvar and Haming.
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What happens to Helgen?

Before the player's life ends at the headsman's axe, the dragon Alduin attacks and devastates the village. The player escapes through an underground passage beneath Helgen Keep. If you return to Helgen you will find it destroyed and occupied by bandits.
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Is it better to go with Hadvar or Ralof?

Following Ralof plays out much like following Hadvar except that his contact in Riverwood is Gerdur. Following him or Hadvar enables players to take advantage of a few glitches to level up skills. Conversely to Hadvar, following Ralof will give the Dragonborn a foot in the door with the Stormcloaks.
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Is there anything left in Helgen?

Returning to Helgen later in the game reveals a myriad of burned out buildings and other destruction. A few corpses lay about the town containing tiny amounts of gold (<4) or bone meal. Inside the keep, the Dragonborn can pass through many of the same chambers they did before, picking up any previously missed loot.
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What Happens When We Stay in Helgen for Too Long - Skyrim

Can you become Jarl of Helgen?

No, it is impossible to become Jarl in Skyrim, unless you have a mod where you become Jarl of some town like Helgen which, to my knowledge, doesn't exist yet. Besides, becoming Jarl would become boring since Jarls arent allowed to go beyond their city's walls unless heavily guarded.
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Was Ulfric at Helgen?

At Helgen, Ulfric is among the prisoners awaiting execution along with the Dragonborn. He can be identified easily by the cloth he is gagged with, preventing him from using the Thu'um to escape his captors.
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What happens if you save Ralof but join the Imperials?

The only thing that changes is the outcome of the civil war between the Empire and the Stormcloaks - namely, that Ulfric is ultimately killed by either you (the Dragonborn), or by General Tullius/Legate Rikke - the choice is yours.
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Can I marry Ralof in Skyrim?

Ralof is marriable and can be a follower. Make love, not war! Be on the side of the Sons of Skyrim and win the Civil War. Then talk to Ralof.
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Is there a romance in Skyrim?

The ability to romance companions is what makes some video games worth playing. Skyrim is one of the many popular games where players go out of their way to do what they can to add lust and romance to a game.
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Why was Ulfric executed in Helgen?

The Thalmor probably wanted to witness Ulfics death rather than leaving the Empire to fake his death since he would be a pretty strong ally. Little did they know that the Thalmor spy Lokir was used as the avatar of Alduin, the only way to be released is by death.
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What was Alduin doing in Helgen?

Alduin Attacks Helgen So He Can Kill Dragonborn Himself

To defeat the Dragonborn - the one person prophesied to destroy him - would be the ultimate badge of victory, in his mind.
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Does Skyrim have a true ending?

Yes and no. Skyrim is composed of multiple questlines, each with a clearly defined story and ending, that can be completed in any order - as well as a plethora of side quests not tied to an overarching story. Some unique, some generic and repeatable.
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Who is unkillable in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Which Skyrim followers are unkillable?

So, first step, fight a little more carefully. (And, because they can die after being dismissed, make sure you escort them home before dismissing them.) As far as unkillable followers, there are a few: Mjoll, Derkeethus, Serana (Dawnguard), Frea (Dragonborn), and Cicero plus the Dark Brotherhood Initiates.
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Are Stormcloaks or Imperials better?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Can you marry Vex in Skyrim?

Without mods, no. Console commands won't do either. In order to be marriageable, an NPC needs to have a voice type that has the married lines recorded, and Astrid doesn't.
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Can you marry a Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible for a player to marry Jarl Balgruuf in Skyrim, regardless of the player character's gender. While there are many characters available for marriage in Skyrim, such as Aela the Huntress or Farkas of the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf is not one of them.
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Can you have two husbands in Skyrim?

No. It's only possible to marry one NPC through your entire gameplay, unless you play on the PC and use console commands (to divorce your current spouse in order to marry a different NPC), it might be possible to marry two NPC's with mods, but I couldn't know for sure.
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What happens if I give Riften to the Imperials?

Phase 3: You must give up either Riften or Dawnstar to the Imperials. Giving up Riften pleases the Imperials, giving up Dawnstar pleases the Stormcloaks. Phase 4: Imperials want compensation for a battle at Karthwasten. Giving it to them pleases the Imperials, denying it pleases the Stormcloaks.
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Can you betray the Imperials in Skyrim?

If the Dragonborn chooses to betray the Imperials by giving the crown to Ulfric instead, Legate Rikke may show up at the Palace of Kings while the Dragonborn is in the middle of the conversation with Ulfric.
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Does Hadvar survive if you go with Ralof?

If you pick a side during the escape and then later change sides during the Civil War, then yes, Hadvar or Ralof will be alive to accompany you on some of those quests, so it's implied they both escaped Helgen.
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Was Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Who killed Ulfric Stormcloak?

General Tullius will then prepare to kill Ulfric, but Ulfric will request that his death be at your hands. You will then be given the choice of executing Ulfric or making Tullius do it himself.
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Who replaces Ulfric as Jarl?

Brunwulf Free-Winter is a Nord former soldier who lives on the east side of Windhelm and wears scaled horn armor. He is also Ulfric's replacement as Jarl if the Imperial Legion occupies Eastmarch.
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