Does arcane work with Moonveil?

Investing in Arcane is essential for this build as it increases your ability to deal Bleed buildup. Moonveil has a relatively low 50 Bleed damage with each hit, but this can be improved greatly with just a sprinkle of Arcane.
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What does Moonveil scale best with?

The Moonveil Katana scales with Dexterity and Intelligence, and when you reach max upgrade, it's going to scale at B with those, which is relatively good. We also use a cold-infused or magic-infused Uchigatana for this.
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Can you use spells with Moonveil?

It works best with invisibility spells – Night Shard and Night Comet being two of those. Essentially I'm running a two spell build with the Moonveil. However, I might pick up one of the Moon spells just to have it, given the nature of the character.
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What attribute is best for Moonveil?

Your stats should look like this: 25 Vigor for better health in fights, 17 Mind for more FP, 18 Dexterity to use Moonveil, and at least 28 Intelligence to make your spells and weapon stronger.
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What does Moonveil bleed scale with?

The Moonveil scales primarily with Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence and is a good Weapon for dealing melee Slash and Pierce Damage in Combat.
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Why Moonveil Is DESPISED - Elden Ring Controversy

Does Arcane increase Moonveil?

Moonveil has a relatively low 50 Bleed damage with each hit, but this can be improved greatly with just a sprinkle of Arcane.
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Does Arcane increase bleed?

Arcane just increases the amount of bleed buildup per hit. If you don't use Arcane, it means it takes more hits to proc bleed. Of course, instead of putting points into Arcane, you could use Blood Grease or Bloodflame Blade on the weapon.
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How to maximize a Moonveil?

To get the most out of this weapon, you'll need to pour a few upgrade points into Intelligence and Dexterity. Though most of your damage will come from the weapon's Ash of War, you'll want to upgrade either of these two stats so you aren't completely defenseless if you run out of FP.
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Should I upgrade Dex for Moonveil?

Level your Intelligence to 23 and keep building it. Moonveil has better scaling with Intelligence than Dexterity, so pump that up first.
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What is the best dex weapon in Elden Ring?

From pure Dex weapons to some unusual options that are too good to pass up, these are Elden Ring's best Dex weapons.
  1. 1 Death's Poker.
  2. 2 Wing Of Astel. ...
  3. 3 Moonveil Katana. ...
  4. 4 Scavenger's Curved Sword. ...
  5. 5 Rivers Of Blood. ...
  6. 6 Eleonora's Poleblade. ...
  7. 7 Vyke's War Spear. ...
  8. 8 Blasphemous Blade. ...
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Does Moonveil do magic damage on hit?

Moonveil is more or less an upgraded version of the Uchigatana - itself one of the best weapons you can hope to get your hands on in many an Elden Ring playthrough. The key differences are its excellent ranged Transient Moonlight Skill, and the fact that it deals Magic damage as well as Physical damage with each hit.
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What talismans are good with a Moonveil?

To boost the damage of the Moonveil Weapon Art, you can use the Shard of Alexander and the Magic Scorpion Charm if you do not mind the increased damage taken. Graven Talismans only affect sorceries, never weapons.
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Does Moonveil scale with dex or int?

From testing on the rebirth screen, the Moonveil at +9 scales better with Int than Dex. Respeccing to use Moonveil, how does scaling work?
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Is Moonveil the best weapon in the game?

I'd say moonveil is still the best int weapon, even though i've found 13 other int scaling weapons, they all for one reason or another lack the dmg potential that the moonlight has. I have on and off used this katana for almost all areas of the game, though now lategame im using it a lot less.
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What is the best Katana for Dexterity?

The Uchigatana is one of many excellent katana options for a Dexterity build and only requires common Smithing Stones to upgrade. If you're looking for the perfect dex starting weapon, the Uchigatana is very accessible and even comes with the Samurai starting class.
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What is the best hybrid weapon in Elden Ring?

The Sword of Night and Flame is currently the best weapon for Intelligence/Faith hybrid builds, able to delete most bosses in the game relatively quickly with its devastating Ash of War.
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What is the best Katana in Elden Ring?

Nagakiba – #1 Best Katana in Elden Ring
  • Applies Bleed build-up with each hit.
  • Extremely versatile and very good for status effect based builds.
  • Longest Katana in Elden Ring.
  • Can be acquired extremely early in the game by defeating Bloody Finger Hunter Yura.
  • Very strong Weapon Skill in Unsheathe.
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What is the longest Katana in Elden Ring?

The Nagakiba is the more genetically blessed sibling of the Uchigatana ; it inherited the tall genes in the Elden Ring katana family. For Tarnished who want the short and simple version of obtaining this long katana, there are four methods.
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How much poise damage does Moonveil do?

This Skill deals 12.5 Poise damage with the magic projectile using either variant. A direct hit from the Moonveil used to fire it will do an additional 15 using the Light Attack variant for a total of 27.5 Poise damage.
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What is the best katana for bleed Elden Ring?

The Rivers of Blood katana is the best sword for a bleed build, either two-handed or dual wielded with another katana. For the first half of the game you'll likely be making do with the Uchigatana, which you can find in Limgrave (or start with if you pick the samurai class).
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What incantations scale with Arcane?

Most of the Incantations associated with Arcane are Dragon Communion Incantations, obtained by beating bosses like Flying Dragon Agheel, with the remainder being associated with blood loss buildup.
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