Does Arvak replace your horse?

Summoning Arvak and mounting him will replace any currently owned horse, including a purchased one, Frost and Shadowmere.
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Is Shadowmere or Arvak better?

Shadowmere is also the most offensive and strongest horse and will respawn if he dies, so feel that in mind. Arvak dies when the 60 seconds time limit is over. He will never die so long as you're mounting him though.
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Will I lose Shadowmere if I summon Arvak?

He doesnt fast travel with you after you summon Arvak until you ride him again but he'll be where you left him last if you dont. Don't use Arvak the Undead horse, you lose Shadowmere!
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What happens to your old horse when you get a new one Skyrim?

Your currently active horse (that is, the one you last rode) will always show up when you fast travel. If you switch to a different horse, your old horse will return to where you got it from.
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What to do if you find Arvak?

Arvak is a horse running in the Soul Cairn endlessly. His master approaches you as you make your way along the path, asking for you to help him. Without your help, Arvak will continue to run in the Soul Cairn forever. Locating Arvak will reward you with the special ability to summon him whenever you would like.
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Skyrim: Dawnguard - How To Get Arvak (New Dawnguard Horse)

What happens if I lose my horse in Skyrim?

Purchased Horses

A purchased horse will also stick with the player after they dismount, while a stolen or wild horse will usually go back to where they started. In fact, a purchased horse will stick with players who decide to use fast travel.
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Where has my horse gone in Skyrim?

The horse will usually be within the range of Detect Life or Aura whisper, after a battle. If that fails, you can fast travel to any nearby location. You should find your horse waiting nearby the fast travel spot (or in the nearest stable, if you fast traveled to a city).
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Does Shadowmere replace my horse?

Accepted Answer. Well if you chose to keep the horse instead of giving him away he will have replaced Shadowmere, in this case you must choose which one you want that or wait for Frost to be killed in battle. Either way afterwards just fast travel somewhere or go to where Shadowmere originally spawned.
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How do I get my old horse back in Skyrim?

It should appear near you when you fast travel outside of cities, or in the nearby stables if you're in a town, but if you fast travelled and then left it behind, you'll either have to fast travel again to get it to spawn, or waddle back to it if you're over carry weight.
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Do I have to buy a new horse if it dies in Skyrim?

If you buy a horse and it dies, it is gone. Another is available to buy at the stables. If you abandon a horse in favor of another, they will "stay" in that spot until you return. Summoning arvak counts as another horse.
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What happens if Arvak dies?

If he dies in combat, he can be re-summoned, adding to his usefulness. Summoning Arvak and mounting him will replace any currently owned horse, including a purchased one, Frost and Shadowmere. They will, however, reappear after a certain amount of time where they were originally acquired.
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How to get an immortal horse in Skyrim?

Shadowmere is a horse in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, originally owned by Lucien Lachance. Astrid lets the Dragonborn borrow Shadowmere to travel to the Dawnstar Sanctuary for the quest "The Cure for Madness." She then gives him to the Dragonborn as a reward for completing the quest.
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Is Arvak unkillable?

Arvak has several noteworthy advantages over other mounts: he can't be permanently killed, he costs no money, and you don't need to worry about losing him. Despite being a summoned horse, he can be kept indefinitely (until you dismount) as long as you are riding him when his summon time of 60 seconds expires.
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Where is Shadowmere after Arvak?

You're supposed to lose Shadowmere after mounting any other horse. He just stays in the last location you mounted/fast traveled with him.
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Is Shadowmere a guy or a girl?

Did You Know: Shadowmere was referred to as being female in Oblivion, but male in Skyrim? Interestingly, the only person to refer to Shadowmere's gender in Oblivion was male, Lucien Lachance, while the only person to refer to Shadowmere's gender in Skyrim was female, Astrid.
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What is the best horse in Skyrim?

Of the quest-obtained horses, Shadowmere possesses higher health than a non-unique horse, Arvak (Dawnguard) possesses several unique traits as a summoned creature, and Frost possesses higher stamina than a non-unique horse.
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What happens if my horse dies in Skyrim?

Any horse you buy respawns at the same place it died. Same rule applys to Shadowmere. Huh. Yes, purchased horses respawn so you can buy another.
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What happens to Shadowmere if I ride Frost?

Shadowmere will just wait at whatever spot he was at when you start riding Frost. Free Games board. He would be waiting wherever you left him.
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How do you get the shadow horse in Skyrim?

Enter the sanctuary and follow the trail of blood on the floor to find Cicero. Once you find him, attack Cicero to kill him and complete the “A Cure for Madness” quest. From here on, you can now use Shadowmere as your own horse and take it to wherever you need to go in Skyrim.
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Can Shadowmere be revived?

Can you get Shadowmere back if he dies? Yes, though it is somewhat frustrating. You have to wait 10 in-game days and he will respawn.
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How do I summon my horse in Skyrim?

While there's no "call" feature in Skyrim, you can make your horse appear next to you by fast-travelling. If you have the Hearthfire DLC, you can get your horse from your homestead's stables. If you have the Dawnguard DLC, you can learn the spell Summon Arvak via a side quest that summons a horse for you.
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What happens to my horse if I leave it Skyrim?

Horse owned by the player mostly stay where they are left. Sometimes the ones that are bought from stables will wander back to which ever stable they where bought from if left on its own in the wild for too long, but if left near another stable they typically stay there until ridden or the player fast travels.
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Where did my unicorn go in Skyrim?

Once tamed, the Unicorn will become your mount. If you decide to switch to a different mount, it will make its way to the College of Winterhold courtyard and wait for you there.
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