Does booming blade include weapon damage?

Booming blade means you make a weapon attack, which creates a spell effect, which can do more damage, but this is not part of the attack.
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Is booming blade a spell attack or weapon attack?

First, each of [booming blade and green-flame blade] involves a normal melee weapon attack, not a spell attack, so you use whatever ability modifier you normally use with the weapon. (A spell tells you if it includes a spell attack, and neither of these spells do.)
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How does booming blade work?

"You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects and then becomes sheathed in booming energy until the start of your next turn."
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Does booming blade work with natural weapons?

You can't use natural weapons, conjured weapons, or improvised weapons. And since the spell says you make a melee attack, you can't pick a thrown melee weapon and throw it for the spell.
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Does booming blade damage double on a crit?

Is the 2ndary damage caused by Booming Blade doubled on a critical as well or only the initial damage? It will double the weapon dice and thunder damage of the initial hit. Damage from moving will be normal. Crits basically only double the very next roll after the crit.
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Should you use Booming Blade or Extra Attack? D&D5e

Can you do two weapon fighting with booming Blade?

Yes, the cast a spell action (which allows you one melee attack) or use an attack action (one attack + two-weapon fighting bonus action).
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Does booming Blade work with great weapon fighting?

But what about the bonus action attack from GWM? Booming Blade takes your action and the melee attack is part of the spell casting. You still have your bonus action left to use. It would not carry the Booming Blade rider, but you would still have your attack as a bonus action.
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Can you stack green flame Blade and booming Blade?

Since as a rogue you can only cast one cantrip per turn you would not be able to cast two cantrips. An EK fighter with action surge or a sorcerer with quickened spell could cast two cantrips however they would be either Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade not both on one swing.
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Can you use Eldritch smite with booming Blade?

The smite spells only require a bonus action (and the blades spells are cantrips), so there's no problem in casting both on the same turn.
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Can booming Blade be used with unarmed strikes?

A consequence of this ruling is that Rules as Intended, a Paladin can smite on an unarmed attack, which counts as a melee weapon attack but not an attack with a melee weapon. However you can't use an unarmed attack for Booming blade or Green flame blade.
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Can booming Blade be counterspelled?

Booming Blade is a magically enhanced melee attack. There is no logic behind having a counterspell prevent the melee attack component.
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Does booming Blade count as an action?

Booming Blade is a spell, which requires you to have taken the Cast a Spell action, not the Attack action.
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Can booming blades stack?

No, the rules of 5e are such that you can't stack two of the same effect, whether from the same person or multiple people, beneficial or detrimental. You can have similar effects, for example different named abilities or spells that increase your speed, but you cannot have the same thing twice.
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Is booming blade considered a melee weapon attack?

Booming Blade: You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack... Divine Smite: As part of the spell, you make a melee attack with a weapon.
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Do you get a second attack with booming blade?

Green Flame blade or booming blade take your full action. And they contain a weapon attack not your attack action as part of the spell which means when casting either of the two you lose your second weapon attack as after level 5 your extra attack feature let's you make 2 weapon attacks when taking the attack action.
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Can you bonus attack after booming blade?

When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand.
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Can you cast booming blade with Shadow Blade?

Though since shadow blade dissipates when the caster lets go, it would have no value. But, they could be hired as a mercenary because of their shadow blade, giving it the technical value that would allow booming blade to be cast.
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Can you use booming blade with psychic blades?

Psychic Blades only deals 1d6 of damage and Booming Blade requires melee anyway so it's not like you'd get the benefit of it's ranged capabilities. And a downside is that it would mean you would have to forego your BA psychic blades attack because it requires the Attack action with the PB, and BB is an action.
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Does Eldritch smite double on a crit?

If they expend a 5th level warlock spell slot using Eldritch Smite, the force damage is 1d8 + 1d8 per spell level, or 6d8 total. And if the triggering attack was a critical hit, then these dice are doubled for 12d8 damage.
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Can you combine shillelagh and booming blade?

Green-Flame Blade and Booming Blade are both cantrips, meaning you can cast one after Shillelagh and use its attack as part of GFB or BB.
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Can green flame blade be twinned?

Green flame Blade can't be twinned

For a spell to be twinnable it needs to only target one creature. As clarified in the PHB errata: To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell's current level.
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Can you dual wield and use green flame blade?

You cannot use two-weapon fighting with green-flame blade at all, as the bonus action off-hand attack requires you to take the Attack action first, but like I say, casting the cantrip uses a different action.
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Does horde breaker work with booming blade?

Rules as written, yes, if you know the spell. Horde Breaker doesn't require the attack action. It just requires that a weapon attack be made. Both Booming Blade and Green-Flame Blade qualify.
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Does the dueling fighting style work with booming blade?

All of this is true either if you are using them for the usual extra attack, or with booming blade. One point I want to clarify: if you are wielding a Shield in your other hand, then you are not wielding a weapon in both hands, and the Dueling Fighting Style would apply.
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Can you smite on a booming blade?

If your sorcerer-paladin has Booming Blade (or Green-Flame Blade) you can smite with it, as a melee weapon attack is part of the spell.
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