Does creeper buy moon sugar?

Creeper won't buy moon sugar; it counts as an ingredient, and he doesn't buy ingredients. He buys booze, magical items, weapons and armor, and soul gems. As for who Creeper is, he's a non-hostile Scamp that lives on the 2nd floor of Ghorak Manor, in Caldera.
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Who can I sell moon sugar to?

Any Khajiit trader who deals in alchemical items will buy moon sugar and skooma.
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What can you do with moon sugar?

Moon Sugar can also be used to make tonics that increase a character's resistance to Frost Damage or brew poisons in Skyrim that can increase weakness to fire. As for cooking, Moon Sugar is included in the Hearthfire recipes for Elsweyr Fondue and Lavender Dumplings.
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Is moon sugar legal?

Moon sugar is illegal throughout the Third Empire but often smuggled. In the Third Era, smuggling of moon sugar was prominent in Morrowind. Dunmer occasionally used Khajiit slaves to transport moon sugar secretly.
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What does Creeper buy Morrowind?

He will buy nearly everything except for ingredients, clothes, and lights (candles, torches, lanterns, etc.).
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How to sell Skooma and Moon Sugar (TES III Morrowind)

Who will buy moon sugar in Morrowind?

A notable exception are any vendors who are Khajiits (in fact, the only ones who buy moon sugar are Baissa and J'Rasha in Vivec, as well as Ajira and Ra'Virr in Balmora).
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Who is the richest NPC in Morrowind?

The Mudcrab Merchant is a friendly mudcrab who can be found on a small island, just to the east of Mzahnch Ruin in the Azura's Coast region. He is an easter egg, and is notable for being the richest merchant in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
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Are Khajiit immune to moon sugar?

While Khajiit in Morrowind are immune to the effects of moon sugar, the Khajiit in Skyrim are not, as evidenced by what happens when they eat it. Despite in-game descriptions, ingesting Moon Sugar does not have any psychoactive effects.
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What do Khajiit call moon sugar?

The Khajiit believe moonsugar to be "crystallized moonlight," which is caught in the Topal Sea and brought to the sugarcane groves of the Tenmar by its twin tides. This is said to be a blessing that the Khajiiti gods regularly bestow upon their chosen people.
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Why is moon sugar illegal?

Moon Sugar is basically the heroin of skyrim. Comes from a plant (as does heroin), is illegal(as is heroin) and is extremely detrimental to your heatlh (as is heroin).
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What is skooma in real life?

Customers are very pleased that the skooma tastes as floral as it does considering the strength of the alcohol and the bottle is, of course, getting rave reviews. It's an award-winning absinthe actually, placing silver in the UK Spirits Masters and bronze in the San Francisco world spirits competition.
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Is skooma made from moon sugar?

Skooma cannot be made in an alchemy lab, but is manufactured out of Moon Sugar and Nightshade. All parts of this plant are poisonous but some contain an essence which enhances the potency of moon sugar. If improperly prepared, the Skooma user will experience loss of voice, minor fits, and possibly even death.
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Who buys moon sugar Balmora?

Try the alchemist in the Balmora Mages Guild, or the Khajiit merchant next door. Most Alchemists and Khajiit will buy the stuff.
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Does creeper buy skooma?

As a creature rather than a humanoid NPC, Creeper is one of the few merchants who will purchase skooma (but not moon sugar, since he doesn't deal in ingredients).
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Is skooma illegal in Morrowind?

Skooma is valuable and often smuggled, but due to its illegal nature, most shopkeepers in Morrowind will not do business with you if you are in possession of skooma or its unrefined form, moon sugar. Among criminals, skooma is often used as a currency.
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Can you get addicted to skooma in Morrowind?

Skooma, a famous illegal drug of Tamriel, was a part of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. In Morrowind, this "drug" would eventually get you addicted with side effects. In Oblivion, you would find drug dens containing skooma addicts.
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Is Skooma illegal in Skyrim?

Skooma is valuable and often smuggled, but few shopkeepers are willing to buy it. Due to its illegal nature, some shop keepers will not do business with the player if they are carrying it or its unrefined substrate moon sugar. Khajiit, however, have a particular fondness for skooma and are often willing to purchase it.
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Which God do Khajiit worship?

Most text imply Jone and Jode are their main gods and the most revered. Meanwhile other sources say that Alkosh is more popular especially in the northern regions. The concept of polytheistic religion is foreign to me personally.
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Is there a female Khajiit that you can marry?

No, there are no kajiit you can find to marry you. additional there are no wood elfs, and only one high elf.
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What happens if you drink too much Skooma in Skyrim?

When used, skooma increases the user's strength, speed, and restores stamina. Some of the more addictive effects of the drug are bouts of euphoria, protracted lethargy, loss of voice, minor fits, and possibly death.
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Who is the shirtless guy in Morrowind?

Caius Cosades is an Imperial monk in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. He is the grand spymaster of the Blades residing in the city of Balmora and head of the Blades chapter in Morrowind.
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Who is the bad guy in Morrowind?

Dagoth Ur is one of the main antagonists of the action role-playing high fantasy video game franchise The Elder Scrolls. He most prominently served as the main antagonist and final boss of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
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Who is the oldest character in Morrowind?

Divayth Fyr is a powerful 4000-year-old Dunmer Sorcerer and member of House Telvanni who resided in Tel Fyr in Zafirbel Bay. He served as the caretaker of Corprusarium, a quarantine area which treats those infected with Corprus.
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