Does crit damage apply to Smite?

An attack that procs a critical strike will do 175% (1.75 times) the amount of damage it usually would. Gods that either hit or miss a target during a crit streak will lower the chance to crit again and increases the longer a miss streak occurs (this does not affect the god's current crit chance from items).
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Does crit affect smite damage?

Divine Smite on Critical Hit (Reaction) Information

Your weapon deals an additional 2~16 Radiant damage, increased by 1~8 Radiant damage when attacking fiends or undead. Deals an additional to finds and undead. This reaction only triggers when you land a Critical Hit.
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Is smite damage multiplied on a crit Pathfinder?

Do bonus dice from Channel Smite or spells such as elemental touch or flame arrow multiply on a critical hit? No.
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What type of damage is smite 5e?

Divine Smite

Starting at 2nd level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon's damage. The extra damage is 2d8 for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 1d8 for each spell level higher than 1st, to a maximum of 5d8.
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Does divine smite crit in BG3?

Use the reactions menu to tell the game when you want to smite. By default, divine smite triggers on critical hits. Critical hits double your damage dice, meaning instead of 2d8, you deal an additional 4d8 from Divine Smite. (The game also helpfully shows you the potential damage range.)
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Is there a crit cap in Smite?

Critical Chance caps at 100. Deathbringer grants Critical Strike Damage, which increases how much damage critical strikes will do by an extra 25% (for a total of 200% damage increase for critical hits).
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Does holy fire add damage to Smite?

The Fire/Cold/Lightning damage added to attacks with the Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, and Holy Shock auras do not add onto Smite damage. As Smite is affected by attack speed and damage increases, Fanaticism works excellently with it.
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What is the damage of Smite?

600 true damage to the target medium / large monster or enemy minion. Against pets, deals 40 true damage instead. Unleashed Smite once a jungle pet is fed 20 treats.
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Is Divine Smite the best Smite?

Divine Smite and Improved Divine Smite may also be combined with other Smite damage to produce an incredibly powerful strike that could potentially take an enemy out in a single hit, and that makes these the best options for any Paladin.
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Does Smite apply elemental damage?

The minor effects are a few: Smite can apply Crushing Blow and Open Wounds, but not Deadly Strike or elemental damage like fire etc.
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Does Smite do damage to champions?

Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28-164 true damage and stealing 20% of their movement speed.
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Does crit damage increase damage?

☠ Crit Damage (short for Critical Damage; often abbreviated ☠ CD) is one of the 17 core player statistics. It is how much damage will be increased by when a player lands a Critical Hit.
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How do crits work in 5e?

In DND 5e, critical hits work by rolling all the attack's damage dice twice and adding them together. Afterwards, you add any relevant modifiers as normal.
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Is crit damage better than strength?

Due to the Fact that Strength and Crit Damage are now equal in terms of Damage (assuming you crit with every hit), you'll need the same amount of Strength and Crit Damage to maximize your Damage.
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Is divine smite a spell?

1) The Class power of Divine Smite is *not* a spell. It directly burns spell slots to power, but it is not a spell and cannot be counterspelled. It's just bonus damage on a strike that has already hit, “when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack”.
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What does banishing smite do?

Effects. The spell caused the chosen weapon to crackle with power and cause serious damage. A struck target with less than certain level of vitality would be banished. A creature from another plane was sent to its native plane, while a creature on its home plane was sent to a harmless demiplane.
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Which god is best in smite?

Merlin. One of the most powerful Gods in Smite emitting huge area damage blasts, Merlin uses the Eclipse, Radiate, Frostbolt, and Vortex skills to extreme effect on the battlefield.
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Is searing smite bad?

While Searing Smite doesn't do a ton of extra damage right away, the fact that it can set enemies on fire means you can potentially keep dealing damage over time—making it a fairly useful spell to have in your arsenal!
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Can you crit with divine Smite?

THe smite on critical is there so you can chose to auto smite when you crit, as that's the most effective way to use Divine Smite, when you dont need burst. THe smite on critical is there so you can chose to auto smite when you crit, as that's the most effective way to use Divine Smite, when you dont need burst.
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Will Smite 1 shut down?

SMITE 1 will continue to receive regular updates and servers will remain available for the foreseeable future.
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Does Smite get rid of sharpness?

Sharpness, Smite, Cleaving,‌ [upcoming: JE Combat Tests] and Bane of Arthropods are mutually exclusive. However, if commands are used to have two or more of these enchantments on the same item, the effects stack.
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Does Smite do radiant damage?

Smite Buildup is your "Radiant Damage"; All Radiant weapons/spells do Smite Buildup. Radiant Damage is just a Damage type (like Fire, Inferno, etc.); Smite Buildup is its Status effect. More Radiant in build, faster build of Smite (and possibly more damage when it procs).
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Does grief increase Smite damage?

Grief gives +dmg stat that increases smite damage the same way that holy shield does.
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Does rage prevent divine Smite?

Divine Smite lets you sacrifice from your pool of spell slots for pure consistent damage when you hit things with melee attacks. Thankfully, this doesn't count as casting a spell either, so we're free to do it while raging.
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