Does Dawn dispel magical darkness?

Looking at the Light Cleric's Radiance of the Dawn CD ability, it says that it dispels magical Darkness with 30'. Darkness, the spell, covers a 15' radius from a point the caster chooses within 60'.
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What gets rid of magical darkness?

Light effects overcome non-magical darkness in the area, and can counteract magical darkness. You must usually target darkness magic with your light magic directly to counteract the darkness, but some light spells automatically attempt to counteract darkness.
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What counteracts darkness 5e?

If you want a way to dispel Darkness, here's a couple:
  • Dispel Magic.
  • Daylight ("If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.")
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Does daylight cancel darkness?

Daylight doesn't dispel magical Darkness. The tooltip means it dispels mundane darkness. Darkness requires concentration.
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What can light up magical darkness?

All light sources from magical spells and effects can illuminate a Darkness spell and that includes light from items such as Flame Tongue (RAW).
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The Darkness Spell: D&D 5e Analysis

What is the difference between magical darkness and Darkvision?

Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration. The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it.
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Can you see out of magical darkness?

magical darkness is a heavily obscured area that blocks vision entirely. - No. You can't see a creature on the other side of an area of magical darkness. - If you are in an area of magical darkness you can not see out of it.
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What does light do to darkness?

Darkness is what you have when there are no/very less photons, and thus you can't see anything. When you light a lamp, the photons from the lamp bounce all over the room, and hence the darkness "disappears", so to speak. Absence of light doesn't exist when there is presence of light.
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What is the time between daylight and darkness called?

In its most general sense, twilight is the period of time before sunrise and after sunset, in which the atmosphere is partially illuminated by the sun, being neither totally dark or completely lit.
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Does the light Cantrip illuminate magical darkness?

To sum up, let's consider an object with a Light cantrip cast on it. - If the object is outside the area of Darkness, then it glows as per description of the Light cantrip, but its light does not enter the area of Darkness, regardless of the level of the Light cantrip.
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Does daylight dispel magical darkness?

Daylight does not dispel darkness-creating spells that are able to be cast as level 3 or lower spells, but rather level 3 or lower spells.
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What can defeat darkness?

The Surest Way to Defeat Darkness is By Radiating Light.
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Can the darkness spell be dispelled?

Id say when using Radiance of the Dawn , only magical darkness within 30 feet of you is dispelled, not the effect causing it nor any magical darkness outside that range. So only the portion of the Darkness spell that is within range of your Channel Divinity would vanish, regardlessn of the caster's location.
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How do you get around magical darkness 5e?

Devil's Sight possessed by many fiends and some Warlocks can see through magical darkness. True Sight can also see through magical darkness. Also Blind Sight and Tremorsense can be used effectively in magical darkness since they don't actually require vision, though they have other disadvantages that may apply.
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Does fairy fire work in magical darkness?

Faerie Fire is a 1st level spell, and thus would be dispelled. Darkness will dispel Faerie Fire, and Faerie Fire has no effect if cast into an already existing Darkness spell.
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Does Moonbeam dispel darkness?

Unlike light spells, moonbeam did not dispel or counter magical darkness of equal or lower level.
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What is the time from dusk to dawn called?

Twilight is the time period between dawn and sunrise, or between sunset and dusk. Morning twilight: astronomical, nautical, and civil stages at dawn. The apparent disk of the Sun is shown to scale. Evening twilight: civil, nautical, and astronomical stages at dusk.
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How long before sunrise is it dark?

Astronomical Twilight: This phase starts about 90 minutes before sunrise. During this time, the sky is a deep, dark blue, and it's when the stars and planets slowly start to fade away. Nautical Twilight: Occurring before civil twilight, it starts around 60 minutes before sunrise.
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What is a day with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness called?

During the equinoxes every location on our Earth (except the extreme poles) experiences 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The vernal or spring equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere on March 21 or 22 (the fall equinox of the southern hemisphere).
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What is the spiritual meaning of darkness?

In the scientific world, we can appreciate the value of darkness, but what of the spiritual world? In the experience of religion and the church, darkness, the opposite of light, has come to mean all that separates us from God, because God is light. Light is the symbol of salvation, spiritual growth and discernment.
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Who is the light of God?

So true! The light of the Lord shines and is our path. The Word of the Lord is the light that shines to brighten that path. What is more, Jesus is both the light and the Word, come to Earth as God and man.
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What are the different types of spiritual darkness?

Three different types of darkness are outlined in the EXPLORE text: the darkness of shame and isolation, the darkness of enemy oppression and the darkness of hopelessness.
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How does magical darkness work?

Effectively, Magical darkness works just like regular darkness, except normal darkvision and sources of light can't illuminate it, so you're effectively blind to whatever is inside it(or outside it if you're in it). Strong enough Light spells like Daylight can banish it away.
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Can Devils sight see through darkness?

With Devil's Sight, your vision within Darkness is unhindered. When you attack a creature that cannot see you, your attack is made with advantage. When you are attacked by a creature that cannot see you, their attack is made at disadvantage.
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Can humans see darkness?

Your eyes and brain work together to allow you to see in daylight, artificial light and darkness. They both work together to turn electrical signals into images. Parts of your eye include the cornea, the pupil and the iris.
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