Does dexterity make you swing faster Dark Souls?

Nothing makes you swing faster as attack speed is based on the weapon used.
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Does dex affect swing speed in DS1?

No, dex increase cast speed though.
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How to swing faster in Dark Souls 1?

Swing speed is determined by the weapon. Greatswords swing slow when held in one hand, though some greatswords will swing slightly faster or slower.
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Does dexterity make you hit faster?

Dexterity only affects casting speed of attack spells.
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What increases movement speed in Dark Souls?

% of Equip Load is the only thing that affects movement and roll speed (aside from the ring that changes your roll animation). The three tiers of maneuverability are <25%, <50%, >50%.
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Dark Souls: Dexterity Casting Comparison

How do you move faster in Dark Souls 1?

Keep your Equip Load under 25 to move faster and run farther. Movements will begin to slow down between 25 and 100; once you go over 100, you will no longer be able to dodge or roll, and being able to move around is a vital part of Dark Souls.
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What makes you run faster in Dark Souls?

Increasing your endurance increases your maximum equip weight and stamina. The more endurance you have the more you can equip and keep your movement fast. But raising your endurance raises your max equipment load, so eventually the stuff that used to make you slower, you'll be able to wear and be fast.
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How to increase speed in DS1?

You need to get your equipped weight to be a lower percentage of your total load. less than 50% of your total is normal movement speed, and less than 25% of your total makes you a lot more nimble.
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What does increasing dexterity do?

Increasing Dexterity will also decreased the Tarnished's casting time with spells as it raises. Fall damage will also be reduced as Dexterity raises past 21 Dexterity. The Tarnished can level Dexterity by spending Runes at Sites of Grace.
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Should I increase strength or dexterity?

One of the main benefits of a dexterity fighter is that dexterity is typically a much more useful stat than strength. Dexterity helps determine your initiative, your armor class in light armor (or without armor), and skills like acrobatics, stealth, and sleight of hand.
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What does dexterity do in Dark Souls 1?

Common weapon requirement, especially faster, lighter weapons. Unlike Strength, two-handing weapons does not decrease the dexterity requirement. Increases damage on weapons with dexterity modifiers. Decreases casting time of most offensive spells at dexterity levels 35-45.
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What makes you roll faster in Dark Souls?

Players have a fast roll if their equipment weight is 25% or less of their maximum equipment load.
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How do I increase my swing speed?

10 Tips to Increase Golf Swing Speed
  1. Shallow the Club. ...
  2. Optimize Hip and Shoulder Turn. ...
  3. Strengthen Core Golf Muscles. ...
  4. Reduce Grip Pressure. ...
  5. Rotate Wrists Through Impact. ...
  6. Warm Up Before Your Round. ...
  7. Smooth Rhythm and Tempo. ...
  8. Lighter shaft.
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Can you swing faster in Dark Souls?

There is nothing in this game that allows you to swing weapons faster. You're prolly thinking of the heavy swing you get when you try to use a weapon without meeting its Str or Dex requirements. Once you meet the requirements, the swing speed stays the same no matter how high you raise Str/Dex.
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Is Dex worth it ds1?

Why don't people like to use dex? It can deal decent damage and adds some speed and finesse to the combat and rewards higher skill play. I level dex in all souls games and I'm proud.
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What is the difference between strength and dexterity in ds1?

For example high Strength will increase the damage of a slower type of weapon like a club, hammer, axe etc. whereas Dexterity is more for 'faster' weapons like daggers, scimitars and things like that.
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Does dexterity improve swing speed?

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Is dexterity build good?

The Elden Ring Dexterity build has the most variety of any class in the game. There are a ton of options and most of them are very strong at that. Overall, Dexterity also has a large variety of multi-statting. This means investing in different stats like Faith or Intelligence.
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Can dexterity be improved?

This is the ability to use the hands in a coordinated way to grasp and manipulate objects and demonstrate small, precise movements. Several hobbies are known to improve manual dexterity, such as drawing, painting, woodcarving, sewing, needlepoint, crocheting, and knitting.
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Why am I moving so slow in Dark Souls?

The closer your current weight gets to your total possible, the more you slow down. This does not include weapon swinging speed, but only running and rolling/backstepping. Increasing your stamina stat increases your total possible weight. Your character's mobility comes in increments.
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How long does it take to 100% ds1?

When focusing on the main objectives, Dark Souls is about 42 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 105 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How do you cast faster in Dark Souls?

All catalysts also have their own casting speeds. This speed affects the speed of the cast equally to the player's stat. Examples of catalysts with high casting speed are Caitha's Chime and the Dragon Chime. It is also possible to increase casting speed by wearing a Clear Bluestone Ring.
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What is a god run in Dark Souls?

However, perhaps nothing is harder than God Run 3 – the most recent iteration of an agonizing challenge which tasks players with completing all three Dark Souls games, as well as Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring, back to back and without getting hit once.
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Does endurance make you faster in Dark Souls?

Endurance will help you move/roll quicker. Endurance, its based on your max carry weight vs currently equipped weight. Movement and roll speed is determined by equip weight. If it's over 50% you'll move sluggishly, if it's under 50% you'll move faster, and if it's under 25% you'll move the fastest.
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Why do you run faster in the dark?

When we run at night our perception of pace changes because some of our spatial cues are taken away and our impression of where we are in space in comparison to our surroundings changes. Scientists call it 'optic flow influence'.
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