Does EDI survive the destroy ending?

Edi survives in two of the three endings of Mass Effect 3. However, all the Mass Effect 4 teasers so far seem to imply that Mass Effect 3's Destroy ending, the one in which Edi supposedly dies, will be the canon conclusion of the trilogy and starting place of the next game.
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Does Shepard survive the destroy ending?

While the Destroy Ending eliminated the Reapers, it also destroyed the relays and all synthetic lifeforms, such as the geth and EDI. If the player has enough Galactic Readiness, Shepard is shown to have survived all the destruction.
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What happens to the Geth in the destroy ending?

The Destroy Ending in ME3 end all synthetic life, including the Geth, but there's a clear way they could have survived to appear in Mass Effect 4.
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Does the destroy ending destroy the mass relays?

So do the Mass Relays survive the paragon choice? There is a clear editing choice made there by Bioware. Unless I am mistaken...the "Destroy" ending IS the Paragon ending. And as you said, the Mass Relays are destroyed in that one.
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Is Destroy the good ending?

Once you have gathered 7800 Total Military Strength or above played every mission and DLC content, you can get started with the Final mission, "Priority: Cerberus Headquarters." This will lead you into the final moments of the story and the last chapter, "Priority: Earth." To get ME3's best ending, you need to choose ...
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Mass Effect 4 - THIS is How the GETH Survived the Destroy Ending (probably)

What happens in the destroy ending?

The “Destroy” ending allows Shepard to eradicate the Reapers along with all other synthetic life, allies included.
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Which ending is the destroy ending?

Mass Effect 3: Destroy Ending [Legendary Edition / Extended Cut] - YouTube. One of the three big endings, the "Destroy" ending concludes the Mass Effect trilogy by activating the Crucible to destroy the Reapers and all synthetic life forms.
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Which ending is the destroy ending in Mass Effect 3?

If players have around 7,800 Total Military Strength or higher and select the Destroy ending, Shepard's love interest refuses to put their name on the Normandy's Memorial Wall. The debris of the Crucible is shown, along with Shepard taking a breath, having survived the explosion.
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What is the canon ending of ME3?

At this time, there isn't a confirmed canon ending for ME3. But several teasers for the next entry in the series suggest that Shepard destroying all synthetic life is the true conclusion to the game.
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Why is Mass Effect 3 ending controversy?

Among the criticisms include the ending rendering character choices inconsequential; a general lack of closure; lore contradictions and plot holes; character and narrative inconsistencies; the absence of a final boss battle; and inconsistencies between statements by BioWare staff during the game's development and the ...
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What happens to Garrus after ME3?

Depending on the choices made throughout the game, and the total galactic readiness rating, it is possible for Garrus to die, killed by Harbinger. Garrus can also survive, and if Shepard chooses certain endings at the game's climax, can be seen placing a plaque in the honour of Shepard.
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How do you get the perfect ending in ME3?

To achieve the Perfect Ending in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, Shepard needs 7800 Total Military Strength or higher. The Total Military Strength system in Mass Effect Legendary Edition counts all the War Assets Shepard obtains, not only in Mass Effect 3 but based on choices made throughout the Mass Effect trilogy.
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Should I rewrite or destroy Geth Mass Effect 2?

The most basic thing that a player should consider when making this choice is if they have been slanting their playthrough toward Paragon or Renegade. Indeed, rewriting the heretics awards a large number of Paragon points, and it is perhaps the best option for fans that are playing a kinder, gentler Commander Shepard.
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Does Liara have a child with Shepard?

Iyra Aldonia was an Asari Commando, Shadow Broker agent, and adept. She is one of the main protagonist of Mass Effect: Lost Souls, Broken Minds. Iyra is also the daughter of Liara T'Soni, and Vincent Shepard.
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Is Mass Effect 5 confirmed?

Mass Effect 5 and Dragon Age Dreadwolf fates confirmed following EA layoffs. Mass layoffs at EA have left the fate of several upcoming games up in the air, though it's said Mass Effect 5 and Dragon Age Dreadwolf will survive for the time being.
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What happens if Shepard dies at the end of Mass Effect 2?

If Shepard dies, Joker will be the one who reports to the Illusive Man at the end of the game. HOWEVER, this will be the end of the story: if Shepard dies at the very end, you cannot import that save to Mass Effect 3, or continue playing into Mass Effect 2's post-game.
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Is there an ending where Shepard lives?

Mass Effect 3 ending - Destruction (Red)

At a lower level of Total Military Strength this will also destroy everything else, though if you're prepared enough then it's possible to save Earth, the Normandy crew, and Shepard. This is the only ending choice where Shepard can survive.
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Can you keep playing me3 after ending?

In Mass Effect 2 and 3, after the end credits roll, players are booted back to a save point before the final mission(s). Unfortunately, Mass Effect 1 is an outlier; the game doesn't spin back time automatically, so players will need to manually choose a save file before the ending.
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Does Mass Effect 3 ending affect Andromeda?

It would have been awesome if the Andromeda Initiative had left a few years after, so that the ending you chose in Mass Effect 3 (Except walking away and letting the entire galaxy die) would have been amazing. the ending you chose, out of any of the four, will have no effect on the events of Andromeda.
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Does Shepard survive synthesis?

Accepted Answer. Shepard only survives if you choose the destroy ending. Synthesis turns them into new DNA/CNA, and control destroys their body but their consciousness takes control of the Reapers. They become a Reaper, basically.
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Is Shepard indoctrinated?

However, he was also clear about the fact that Shepard being indoctrinated was never on the cards at BioWare - it's a theory that was completely born from fans. “The Indoctrination Theory is a really interesting theory, but it's entirely created by the fans,” Hepler explains.
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Why is synthesis the best ending?

The races of the universe do not consent to being annihilated in the refusal ending. The synthesis ending, not only keeps everyone alive, but everyone retains free will- even the reapers, who are no longer forced to carry out the cycle. And the price to pay? Green eyes and oh, the ability to live forever.
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Is Shepard in Mass Effect Andromeda?

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Shepard does not make a direct appearance, though players can select Shepard's gender at the start of the game. Shepard is referenced both in conversations between characters, and in audio logs sent by Liara T'Soni to Alec Ryder, the player character's father.
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Is Shepard in me4?

While it would seem that Shepard sacrifices themselves to defeat the Reapers, the Destroy Ending (which appears to be Mass Effect 4 canon) has a scene suggesting they're alive. This isn't the only reference Mass Effect has made to Shepard's survival, but it is perhaps the most concrete.
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Can the Mass Relays be rebuilt?

The relays' element zero cores overload from the massive amounts of energy involved. Every point in space for hundreds of lightyears from the relays is affected by the Crucible's energy, effectively changing the entire galaxy. The relays are rebuilt by the survivors whichever non-refusal decision is taken.
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