Does evolving a Pokemon later make it weaker?

Stats, no. Moves, sometimes. The level you evolve your pokemon at has no bearing at all on the stats that the evolved pokemon will have. The main reason to evolve at different levels has to do with the moves that pokemon learn.
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Are Pokémon weaker if you evolve them later?

Not only do evolved forms tend to show greater stat gain from Level to Level, but Pokémon receive a one-time "evolution bonus" to their stats. The longer evolution is delayed, the larger this bonus will be. However, it is not the case that Pokémon who put off evolution are stronger in the long run.
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Is it better to evolve a Pokémon early or later?

Evolved Pokémon often learn particular moves at later levels than unevolved Pokémon, or they might learn different moves altogether. Although evolved Pokémon's moves are generally more powerful, some Trainers may want to wait to evolve their Pokémon until it learns a certain favorite move.
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Are Unevolved Pokémon weaker?

However, instead of taking a stronger and more mature form, not evolving Pokémon can leave them trapped in a weaker and immature state. Knowing what a Pokémon wants from its trainer is important throughout the franchise.
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Does evolving a Pokémon change its stats?

Evolving will only change the base stat. If they have the same IVs and Nature, and have gone through the same EV training, they will have exactly the same stats regardless of when it evolved. Stats gains do not accumulate, your stats are recalculated every time the Pokemon levels up or evolves.
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Pokémon that get WORSE when they Evolve

Do Unevolved Pokémon level faster?

Accepted Answer. No, each Pokemon has a certain growth rate (Fast, medium, Slow) and every form across it evolutionary path shares it. The only reason you would not evolve a pokemon is so that it learns moves faster.
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Do Pokémon appraisal change after evolution?

Swipe left or right or tap the white arrows to view appraisals for adjacent Pokémon in your inventory. Please note that Evolving or Powering Up a Pokémon will not improve its appraisal, however Purifying a Shadow Pokémon will improve its appraisal.
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Should you keep 0 star Pokémon?

Ultimately, the decision to keep or transfer a zero-star Pokemon depends on your individual goals and resource limitations. If you're a casual player with limited storage, it might be best to let them go. But for collectors or trainers needing temporary solutions, these low-stat Pokemon can still hold value.
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Should I evolve a 2 star Pokemon GO?

It's recommended to evolve a Pokemon that has high CP or a 3/4-star Appraisal.
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Should I max CP before evolving?

A Pokémon's CP potential and IVs are not affected by evolution: IVs (Attack, Defense, Stamina values hidden in the game) and CP potential (the max CP that can be reached when fully powered up) remains the same regardless of whether you Power Up before or after evolving.
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Is it better to evolve Pokémon early or later?

Stats are calculated from a formula, and "level of evolution" isn't a factor. And all Pokemon gain EXP equally (except in the fifth gen, but even then it was due to level, not species), and all Pokemon in the same evolutionary line gain levels at the same EXP values.
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Is there a downside to using rare candies?

Rare Candies prevent you from gaining EV's as you level up, making your pokemon weaker overall. However, they're pretty useful in-game because you gain EV's throughout the game. Besides, three levels would make nearly no difference. So go ahead and use them, you have nothing to lose.
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What happens if you evolve a Pokémon late?

It doesn't matter when you evolve a Pokémon, its stats will be the same.
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What is the 1 weakest Pokémon?

What is the first weakest Pokemon? The first weakest Pokemon is Shedinja, with a base stat total of 236. Although it has a 90 attack, this feeble creature only has 1 HP, which means it instantly dies after getting one hit.
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What Pokémon has 0 weakness?

The Eelektross line (Tynamo, Eelektrik, and Eelektross) all lack any weaknesses. The reason for this is that they are pure Electric-type Pokémon that can only possess the Levitate ability. Levitate makes the user immune to Ground-type moves, which is the primary opponent to Electric-type users.
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What Pokémon has 7 weaknesses?

Shiftry, like its previous evolution Nuzleaf, has a total of seven weaknesses. Shiftry is weak against Fire, Ice, Fighting, Flying, Fairy, Poison, and Bug.
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Are Pokémon weaker if they evolve later?

Stats, no. Moves, sometimes. The level you evolve your pokemon at has no bearing at all on the stats that the evolved pokemon will have. The main reason to evolve at different levels has to do with the moves that pokemon learn.
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Do any Pokémon get worse when they evolve?

In a few strange cases, however, some Pokemon are better off not evolving. In terms of competitive viability, there are several Pokemon that are more useful before they evolve than after. This is usually due to a change in stats, a change in typing or a change in what items the Pokemon can use post-evolution.
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Do Pokémon level up faster if they don't evolve?

However, evolving does make leveling up take longer. This is because unevolved Pokemon that pass their level requirement to evolve will gain more EXP from battle. For example, a level 17+ Mudkip will gain more EXP than a level 17-35 Marshtomp or a level 36+ Swampert.
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What does 3 * 4 * mean in Pokemon GO?

3* = 3 Stars. 4* = 3 Stars with a red background / 100% Pokémon.
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What does 3 stars on a Pokemon GO mean?

The team leader will tell you how your Pokémon ranks using stars and a pretty easy to understand graphic using bars: If your Pokémon has three stars and a red stamp, it means that it has 100% perfect IVs. If it has three star with an orange stamp, it has around 80-99% perfect IVs.
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Can you make a 2 star Pokémon 3-star?

This means it's possible for a Pokemon to go from 3 to 4 stars, 2 to 3 stars, etc. A Pokemon with 13 points (most of the third bar of an IV filled) will achieve the maximum IV points if it's purified. The other way to change a Pokemon's IVs is to trade with another player.
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