Does finishing Ranni quest end the game?

Once you've done Ranni's questline, this gives you the choice to trigger the secret ending, but won't trigger it automatically. After defeating the final boss of Elden Ring outlined in our Elden Ring main bosses guide, you'll see a blue summoning sign on the ground that'll allow you to bring in Ranni.
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Does Ranni Questline end the game?

At the very end of the game, after defeating the final boss, if you've completed all of the previous steps in this questline you'll have the ability to summon Ranni using a summon sign on the ground. This will prompt Ranni's Age of Stars ending for you, the best ending in the game.
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Does completing Rannis Quest lock you out of other endings?

If I finish her quest, will I still be able to get any of the five other endings if I want to? No, After you beat the final boss you'll have a option on what to do. Ranni will be summoned in via a blue summon sign, the rest is activated via a prompt once you try and mend the Elden Ring.
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What to do after finishing Ranni quest?

As a post-quest bonus, if you return to Ranni's Rise you'll find Blaidd waiting for you. He'll pick a fight with you. Kill him and you'll get his armor. Then go to see Iji by the Road to the Manor Site of Grace and speak with him about Blaidd.
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Is the Ranni ending good or bad?

The Age of Stars achieved through Ranni's questline is generally seen as the best ending by most players, but the Age of Order is a lesser known positive outcome for the world.
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Elden Ring - Killing Every Story NPC | What Happens ?

Does the tarnished marry Ranni?

Completing Rani, the witch's questline culminates in a unique marriage ceremony. This unorthodox union. signifies the deepening bond between the tarnished and Rani, who seeks to defy the golden order and forge her own path.
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Is Ranni a hero or villain?

A powerful witch, Empyrean, and antivillain inhabiting the body of a human-sized doll, and a major figure in the game's lore, she desires to overthrow the Two Fingers and replace the Golden Order with the power of the Dark Moon.
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What happens if you complete the Ranni quest?

Elden Ring Ranni quest rewards

Dark Moon Greatsword: A unique Greatsword with good Int-scaling, frost damage and the ability to empower itself temporarily with the Moonlight Greatsword Ash of War.
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Does serving Ranni change the ending?

If players do agree to serve Ranni, they will begin one of the most complex questlines in the game and even potentially change the ending. When players agree to serve the witch, she will task them with finding the hidden treasure of Nokron.
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Is Ranni good or evil?

Ranni. She's responsible for the entire mess that you, as the player, have to deal with. She is absolutely ruthless, single minded to the point of obsession, uses her people with no thought for their welfare, and she will turn on you the moment you deviate even slightly from following her orders.
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Should I let the Dung Eater out?

Unlock the door and speak to the Dung Eater, commanding him to leave his cell. It can be tempting to kill him here, given what he informs you he's planning to do, but you must resist the urge if you're going to complete this quest.
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Can you do Ranni and fias ending?

The Age of Duskborn - Fia's Ending

To achieve this ending, you'll need to have completed the Fia Questline and the Ranni the Witch Questline to the point where you receive the statue to invert Carian Hall.
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Can I do Dung Eater quest after Ranni?

You can still do Dungeater's quest even if you don't start it until after you finish Ranni's. I didn't start it or complete it until after going to Farum Azula and it was fine.
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Does finishing Rannis Quest lock you into her ending?

Likewise for Ranni's ring. Nope, you can choose your ending at the final bonfire, provided that you did the required things.
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How to choose Ranni ending?

Elden Ring Ranni ending

To activate this ending, you have to complete the Elden Ring Ranni quest and use her summon sign in the arena after you've beaten the final boss. It's probably the longest and most elaborate questline, so this ending takes some work to prep.
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Where is Blaidd after Ranni?

After making it through Caria Manor in northern Liurnia, you'll meet Blaidd again at Ranni's Rise, then again underground in the Siofra River Well, and once more at Redmane Castle when you fight General Radahn.
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Should I finish Rannis Quest?

In Elden Ring, it's the Dark Moon Greatsword, and completing Ranni's quest is the key to finding it. To acquire the Dark Moon Greatsword, you'll have to complete Ranni's entire quest, which culminates with giving her the Dark Moon Ring.
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Does summoning Ranni end the game?

Complete Ranni's quest in full (our full guide is linked above) and after defeating the final boss of Elden Ring you'll now have access to a unique blue summon sign. Instead of touching the item that leads to the Elden Lord ending, use that sign to summon Ranni - and that gives you the Age of the Stars ending.
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Should I side with Ranni?

Should You Serve Ranni the Witch? Ranni will ask you to serve her once you reach her. There are no negative consequences to saying yes - only boons, such as more story questlines and unique rewards. You must complete Ranni's questline to continue Fia's Questline, which unlocks yet another unique ending as well.
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Does Killing Blaidd ruin Rannis Quest?

after you finish rannis questline blaidds become hostile right infront of rannis tower there you can kill him and have to kill him if you want the armor. But that does NOT effect the ending!
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How do you betray Ranni?

If you wish to betray Ranni, you can reload the area, and Seluvis should then give you the Amber Draught. Give it to Ranni (this only works when she is sleeping in her tower upstairs). The witch is not very impressed by the potion and its effects.
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Does killing Rennala ruin any questlines?

There's nothing missed if you kill her. The only big thing that'll change is Brother Corhyn (faith seller at Roundtable) will leave to start his quest. So if you want his faiths better get them now or rush his questline.
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Is Rannis' ending evil?

Elden Ring has six endings, and Ranni's Age of Stars is the only true “good” ending, morally speaking.
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Who killed Ranni the Witch?

Ranni plotted for the assassins to kill another individual while she simultaneously killed herself, slaying her own body while the other person died in spirit, thus freeing herself from being an Empyrean.
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Does Melina care about The Tarnished?

If the player ignores her warnings, or just inherits the Frenzied Flame without speaking with her, she will say that The Tarnished is no longer fit, ending her accord, and forever leaving their side but threatening to kill them should they become Lord of Chaos.
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