Does Hawke have to be human?

No. Being a member of the 'Hawke family', a family of humans originally from Lothering, is a key aspect of the character. Unlike Origins or Inquisition, being another race would not work. Your choices are limited to gender, appearance and class.
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Is Hawke always human?

Hawke is a human, you're playing Hawke's story. It's kind of like ME how you're always Shepard, but you get some aesthetic choices. You aren't building your own character, you're playing and influencing the legend of Hawke. And Hawke is human.
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Is Hawke canonically male or female?

Hawke is fully voiced, can be either male or female, and has a fully customizable appearance. Hawke can be a mage, warrior or rogue. The default given name for Hawke is Garrett for a male, and Marian for a female.
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Can Hawke survive the fade?

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Following a battle with the agent of Corypheus and his Grey Warden thralls, Hawke is unwittingly pulled into the Fade alongside the Inquisition party; depending on the player's choices, either Hawke or a Grey Warden ally would later sacrifice themselves to help the others escape the Fade.
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Can Hawke be related to the warden?

Potentially, Hawke and the Warden are cousins once removed.
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Ethan Hawke Creativity

Is the warden asexual?

In an interview with FreakSugar, Karacas revealed that the Warden is asexual.
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Is Hawke older than the warden?

save was of a human mage, Warden Amell is at least 8 years older than Hawke, making him or her 33 during the events of Origins (which to me seems too old to just be Harrowed, but I digress) and 43 by DA2's Act 3 climax.
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Why did Flemeth save Hawke?

Dragon Age II

Materializing as a more attractive human form, Flemeth attributes her actions to mere curiosity towards Hawke for defeating an ogre earlier. Afterward, Flemeth offers Hawke safe passage with the request that Hawke delivers an amulet to the Dalish Keeper Marethari, whose clan resides near Kirkwall.
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What happens if Morrigan goes into the fade?

The Warden (if of Mage Origin), Morrigan, Irving, Wynne or Jowan (the range of candidates depends on several previous decisions) may be sent to Into the Fade to resolve the possession. Whoever is chosen will return to Redcliffe Castle after the quest has concluded.
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How powerful is Hawke Dragon Age?

As the protagonist of Dragon Age II, Hawke is naturally a very powerful individual, especially due to the number of threats they face down. Their abilities are far greater than they often get credit for.
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Does Hawke appear in Inquisition?

When you meet Hawke in Game, then that Point in the game, the Game will check Keep Site, to see about your Hawke, then via Inquisition the game will let you Customize Hawke's Looks. But Hawke's Personality, Class, Choices from the Past are only done through the Keep.
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What class is Canon Hawke?

They would know you are a mage. The fact that a Mage Hawke carries a magical staff on their back and are wearing mage-like clothes is a dead giveaway for Hawke being a Mage. The Kirkwall nobility would know of Leandra's story of running off with Malcolm, who was a mage.
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How old is Hawke?

As such, Hawke was born between 9:06-9:07, making them 24-25 years old. Carver and Bethany - Canonically born in 9:11 Dragon according to WoTv2, making them just 20 years old.
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Can Hawke be an elf?

Seriously, no you can't, only human female or male Hawke. I think you can either choose the default Hawke face, which you cannot tinker with, or else create a new face, but either way, you cannot play another race.
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Does the Arishok respect Hawke?

Hawke has earned the Arishok's respect. If Hawke refuses to duel him or is not offered a duel, they will instead fight the Arishok and all surrounding Qunari with the entire party (and Isabela will join in if she is there).
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Can Hawke became viscount?

This choice is made clear during Act 3 by Seneschal Bran and King Alistair, who both mention that becoming viscount can only be achieved by having the support of the Templars. Upon defeating Meredith, the templars will bow to Hawke, and the achievement pops up during the credits at the end.
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How to get Morrigan pregnant?

Yes you have to romance Morrigan or have Alistair or Loghain do the DR. You can refuse to do the DR but if you did a romance she will apparently have a human child. If you do the DR or have Alistair or Loghain do it then the child is the OGB, Old God Baby.
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What happens if you refuse Morrigan?

Accepted Answer

If you refuse the ritual, she will leave the party immediately. This will force you to sacrifice one of your grey warden characters to end the blight. You do not have to have any relation with Morrigan for this to happen.
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Why does Fenris leave Hawke?

Fenris always leaves after the romance scene. He tells Hawke that during their night together, he experienced flashbacks to his life before lyrium was burnt into him. He sorrowfully claims that he is in no place to be with someone else (or that all he wanted was to be happy for a little while).
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Why did Cassandra want Hawke?

Initially, she's looking for Hawke (during DA2's narration/interrogation of Varric), because she honestly doesn't know the details of what went down in Kirkwall, and assumes Hawke was probably responsible.
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Who saved Leliana?

[SC]: Yes—Justinia was formerly known as Revered Mother Dorothea, the woman who saved Leliana when Leliana was betrayed and almost killed by her old mistress, Marjolaine. Because of their history, Leliana feels a close bond with Justinia; naturally, when Justinia needed her help, Leliana went to her side.
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Who is more powerful than Warden?

The Warden, or the Wither. Especially if it was BE Wither, due to the fact that it's way stronger than Java Wither. But although the Wither can fly, the Warden can hit it with the echo attack, and the Wither can counter with its explosive skulls.
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What is wardens calling Dragon Age?

The Calling begins with nightmares and bad omens. The warden then begins to hear eerie music and whispers, the same call the darkspawn hear to search for the Old Gods. Although Alistair claims that it takes a person about thirty years after the Joining to hear the Calling, this should be considered the upper limit.
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How old is Leliana?

At age 36, Leliana is the second youngest Divine in history and the third to be elected outside the traditional Chantry hierarchy.
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