Does it matter who kills General Tullius?

You will then follow them to General Tullius, and will end up killing his right-hand-man first then before you kill Tullius. Ulfric will give you the options to: Let him go, Have Ulfric kill him, or you finish him. After that, you just go with Ulfric for his speech.
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Who should kill General Tullius?

After the conversation, Ulfric will ask if the Dragonborn would prefer to be the one to end Tullius' life. Optionally, the Dragonborn may elect to have Ulfric do the killing. Ulfric will give the Dragonborn his Sword of Devouring (in v1. 9 a leveled Sword of the Vampire), which absorbs enemy health when struck.
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What happens if you let Tullius kill Ulfric?

If you choose to let the general kill Ulfric he will still give you the sword afterwards. After Ulfric is dead, Tullius and Rikke will head outside. Follow them out and watch as Tullius gives a speech to the assembled Imperial soldiers, thanking them for their service.
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What happens after you kill General Tullius?

After killing General Tulius and Ulfric's second speech, Solitude may stay in war mode. An easy solution is to fast travel to Windhelm and talk to Ulfric in the Palace of the Kings, where he will offer you to be Thane of Eastmarch.
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Can you peacefully end the Skyrim Civil War?

If you have yet to bring the Skyrim Civil War to a conclusion, you can bring the conflict to a temporary halt by calling peace talks. Using the Graybeards' authority, you bring leaders from each side to the negotiating table. There is no diplomacy skill tree, and there will be consequences for these decisions.
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Skyrim - Killing General Tullius - Stormcloak Ending

Is it better to fight for the Imperials or Stormcloaks?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Can I betray Stormcloaks?

Yep. If you get the Jagged Crown for the Stormcloaks, you can give it to General Tullius instead and join the Imperials after joining the Stormcloaks.
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Can you overthrow Ulfric?

Nope because he is an essential plot character for the main storyline. If you attack him enough to kill him he just hunches over groaning and then heals and gets back up.
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Can you steal General Tullius armor?

Acquisition. It can only be obtained at the conclusion of "Battle for Solitude," if the Stormcloaks questline is followed in the Civil War. It can also be stolen from General Tullius' coffin in the Solitude Catacombs after the quest.
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Who should kill Ulfric Stormcloak?

Once Ulfric is defeated, he will request that the Dragonborn be the one to kill him, as it would "make for a better song," although the Dragonborn can refuse and allow General Tullius to strike the final blow.
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Do the Thalmor want Ulfric to win?

They want to keep the civil war going for as long as possible, as a swift victory for either party would be against their interests. This is actually all covered in the Thalmor Dossier of Ulfric. The Thalmor want the war to go on as long as possible, draining the Empire's resources and keeping them weak.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a hero or villain?

Type of Hero

He believes that Skyrim should free itself from the puppet government of the Empire. Some believe Ulfric to be a hero, while others label him an opportunist, leading him to play the role of one of the main anti-heroes/villains in the game.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak brainwashed?

From the contents of the Thalmor Dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak, it appears the Jarl of Windhelm may have once been willingly working alongside the Thalmor but abandoned allegiance rather quickly. Instead, manipulation tactics and brainwashing turned Ulfric Stormcloak into the Thalmor's unwitting attack dog.
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Does General Tullius hate the Thalmor?

7 Hero: He Hates The Thalmor

Although Tullius is on speaking terms with people like Elenwen, that doesn't mean he's a fan of the Thalmor himself. In fact, Tullius seems extremely aware of what the High Elves are doing and even admits to despising them.
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Should I give Tullius Riften or Winterhold?

When Tulius asks for Riften or Dawnstar/Winterhold (either one of this, normally it is Dawnstar) in return, don't give him Riften (major hold), give him Dawnstar/Winterhold (minor hold). Tulius will ask Ulfric for massacre compensation, don't agree with him.
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Is General Tullius a good person?

General Tullius is seen by some as a respectable general while to others he is an oppressive warlord but virtually no one disputes his well established insensitivity towards the Nordic culture of Skyrim.
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Can you get Ulfric Stormcloaks armor?

They can be obtained from Ulfric's corpse upon the completion of Battle for Windhelm if the Civil War is completed on the Imperial Legion.
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Can you give the Jagged Crown to Ulfric?

While the Jagged Crown is in the possession of the Dragonborn, they can also decide to travel to the capital city of the opposition to hand over the crown to either General Tullius in Solitude or Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak in Windhelm.
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Can I just keep the Jagged Crown?

Keeping the crown

The Jagged Crown can be kept by reverse-pickpocketing it to either Hadvar or Ralof, after the crown is collected but before the quest is completed. Although the chance of success will show as zero percent, it is still possible to pickpocket successfully. However, this may require several attempts.
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What happens if I let Ulfric live?

If Dragonborn decides not to kill him - General Tullius would strike the final blow and Ulfric is dead. You could, however, never finish the civil war - and then we dont know what happens until the next game is out - when Bethesda would choose a canon ending of the civil war.
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Who replaces Ulfric as Jarl?

Brunwulf Free-Winter is a Nord former soldier who lives on the east side of Windhelm and wears scaled horn armor. He is also Ulfric's replacement as Jarl if the Imperial Legion occupies Eastmarch.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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What happens to Skyrim if Stormcloaks win?

A Stormcloak victory in the civil war leads to Ulfric becoming High King of Skyrim and declaring the country's independence. This leaves the Tamrielic Empire with only the Cyrodiil and High Rock territories, alongside several smaller provinces.
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Do Stormcloaks hate all elves?

They most certainly hate the thalmor (who doesn't) and they refer to the Thalmor as, "the elves" and they sometimes say "those witch elves" or derogatory terms like that, but remember they DO NOT hate every elf in skyrim. There is even a high elf in Windhelm who is not treated like the other dark elves there.
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What happens if you read General Tullius letter?

The Dragonborn will receive the letter from General Tulius and will be asked to deliver it to Jarl Balgruuf. Once the message is delivered, the Dragonborn will receive an axe from the Jarl and will be asked to give it to Ulfric Stormcloak.
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