Does Keldeo have a signature move?

Secret Sword is the signature Fighting-type move of Keldeo introduced in Generation V. This move can be learned by via tutoring when the rest of the Swords of Justice are also in the player's party and the player visits an old man in the Moor of Icirrus.
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What is Keldeo's signature move?

Secret Sword (Japanese: しんぴのつるぎ Secret Sword) is a damage-dealing Fighting-type move introduced in Generation V. It is the signature move of Keldeo.
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Why is Keldeo special?

Keldeo is the only known Pokémon capable of learning the move Secret Sword.
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Why doesn't Keldeo have a paradox form?

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet introduced Paradox Pokemon with powerful battle abilities and exclusive stats, shaking up the traditional Pokemon formula. While Paradox versions of Legendary Beasts and Swords of Justice were included, it makes sense that Paradox Keldeo was not added due to design and lore inconsistencies.
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What is the signature move of articuno?

Galarian Articuno's signature move: Freezing Glare!

This move may also leave the target frozen.
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What Happens When You Use Ogerpon Against Kieran in The Indigo Disk (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet)

What is zapdos signature move?

Zapdos's signature Ability: Thundering Wings

Effect: This Pokémon's offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 when using a Flying-type or Electric-type attack. In addition, Flying-type and Electric-type attacks gain a 30% chance of flinching the opponent. Replaces Pressure.
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What is Zacian's signature move?

Behemoth Blade is a Steel-type move introduced in Generation VIII. It is the Signature Move of Zacian, and is the counterpart to Zamazenta's Behemoth Bash and Eternatus's Dynamax Cannon.
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What Paradox Pokemon are banned?

There are currently only 2 Paradox Pokémon that are banned and these are Walking Wake and Iron Leaves, the Paradox versions of Suicune and Virizion.
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What is the rarest Paradox Pokemon?

These are the most valuable Pokémon cards in Paradox Rift.
  1. #1 Roaring Moon ex (Special Illustration Rare)
  2. #2 Groudon (Illustration Rare) ...
  3. #3 Iron Valiant ex (Special Illustration Rare) ...
  4. #4 Iron Hands ex (Special Illustration Rare) ...
  5. #5 Altaria ex (Special Illustration Rare) ...
  6. #6 Garchomp ex (Special Illustration Rare) ...
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Why did Keldeo fight Kyurem?

Keldeo is determined to become a "Sword of Justice" and to become one, he must defeat the monster Kyurem. Ash and the gang tag along for no reason other than that the plot requires it.
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Does Keldeo beat Kyurem?

Kyurem and Keldeo fire blasts at each other but Kyurem's blast accidentally gets sent towards Ash and his friends. Keldeo slices the blast with Secret Sword, saving his friends but injuring him. Keldeo yields to Kyurem, and the battle ends.
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Is Shiny Keldeo legal?

It won't be legal though, afaik Keldeo is supposed to be shiny locked. Sure, cheating will get you past that, but...
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What is Regidrago's signature move?

Dragon Energy (Japanese: ドラゴンエナジー Dragon Energy) is a damage-dealing Dragon-type move introduced in Generation VIII. It is the signature move of Regidrago.
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Is Keldeo still a Mythical Pokémon?

There are four Mythical Pokémon from Unova region - Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect. Unlike the other Mythical Pokémon's placement in Pokédex, the end of each region of Pokédex, Victini is the first Pokémon in the Unova region Pokédex, even before the Starter Pokémon.
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Does Regieleki have a signature move?

Regieleki's signature move: Thunder Cage!
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Are Paradox Pokémon legal?

As has been revealed, Paradox Pokemon will no longer be banned in Series 2, which runs from the beginning of February until the end of March. This will have a huge impact on the game, as Paradox Pokemon are significantly powerful creatures with high stats.
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What is the coolest Paradox Pokémon?

Iron Moth is one of the coolest Paradox Pokémon designs, but can still prove its worth in a battle as well. Eight type resistances help it out, but a defensive Tera type is still worth considering, in order to get rid of its weaknesses.
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What is the hardest Paradox Pokémon to find?

10 Hardest Paradox Pokémon To Catch In Scarlet & Violet
  • 5 Iron Thorns Is Basically A Mecha Tyranitar. ...
  • 4 Roaring Moon Is A Prehistoric Mega Salamence. ...
  • 3 Iron Valiant Has Gardevoir's Grace & Gallade's Vigor. ...
  • 2 Winged King, Koraidon, Is Scarlet's Poster Legendary. ...
  • 1 Iron Serpent, Miraidon, Is Violet's Poster Legendary.
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Is Koraidon legal in Regulation F?

Pokémon Banned in Regulation F. Regulation F has the following Pokémon banned: Koraidon. Miraidon.
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Are there more than 1 Paradox Pokémon?

Despite only being catchable in the end-game area, you actually encounter two Paradox Pokémon beforehand. Both Koraidon and Miraidon are Paradox Pokémon — Koraidon (Scarlet) is the Ancient version of Cyclizar, while Miraidon (Violet) is the Future version of Cyclizar.
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Is paradox rift legal?

The set will be legal for tournament play on 17 November 2023.
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Is Zacian Zamazenta's sister?

In the English Pokedex, Zacian is stated to be the elder sister of Zamazenta and fights to protect her younger brother with her sword.
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What is Palkia's signature move?

Palkia has the power to warp, destroy, and create space itself. They say that the very space in the world where Origin Forme Palkia resides is in shreds, as if it had been torn to ribbons. Palkia's signature move is called Spacial Rend, which tears not only the target but the very space around them asunder.
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What is Urshifu's signature move?

Single Strike Style Urshifu's signature move: Wicked Blow!

An Urshifu that has followed the path of darkness can unleash this single, severe blow.
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