Does lake ice melt or sink?

AIce floats on a lake's surface until it is melted. Although it sometimes floats low in the water, it does not sink to the bottom, as some mistakenly believe. Water is heaviest at 39 degrees, lighter at higher or lower temperatures.
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Does lake ice melt from the top or bottom?

Because the ice acts like the glass in a greenhouse, the water beneath it begins to warm, and the ice begins to melt FROM THE BOTTOM.
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What happens to ice on a frozen lake?

Melting of lake ice usually occurs first near the shorelines or near the mouths of streams. At these points of contact with inflowing warm water, the ice melts faster than it does at central lake locations, where most melting is caused by the transfer of heat from the atmosphere.
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At what temperature does lake ice melt?

Warm wind is the primary driver behind top surface melting. For example, over a 24-hour period at 50°F, strong (20-30 mile per hour) winds can cause over two inches of ice loss. In the same period, heavy rain and only moderate wind result in just one inch of ice loss.
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Does the bottom of a lake freeze?

The gravitational weight of all the water higher up in the lake presses down on the water deep in the lake. The pressure allows the water near the bottom of the lake to get cold without expanding and rising. Because of the pressure, the water at the bottom of deep lakes can become cold without freezing to ice.
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Why does ice form on the top of a lake?

Why does the bottom of a lake not freeze?

The bottom of a lake do not freeze in severe winter. The reason is that ice is a poor conductor of heat hence once the surface is frozen no further heat is liberated or absorbed by water beneath ice. Therefore water below ice never freezes.
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What happens to a lake when it freezes?

Once an ice film has formed on the surface of the lake and the air above the ice continues to be colder than the ice, the ice will thicken. The cold air above the ice causes heat to leave the lake water under the ice and from the ice itself. This causes the water below the ice to freeze into successively deeper layers.
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How deep does a lake freeze?

Some lakes are fed by warmer springs. The surface ice depends on those factors as well as the ambient air temperature. Because of the above there is no set depth that all lakes will freeze to for a given ambient air temperature.
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How quickly can a lake freeze?

Water is a great insulator and good at holding heat, which is why the lake temperature doesn't fluctuate much day to day like the air does. Therefore, below freezing temperatures are needed for a week or more to form ice on a large lake.
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How cold is it under a frozen lake?

Surface Temperatures. —During the winter, from the latter part of December to the breaking up of the ice in the spring, the temperature of the water under the ice is 32 F. The water then warms at a uniform rate to 72 F.
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Why does ice sink in a lake?

As the surface water cools further, it will eventually change into ice. Because the ice is colder and less dense than the water below it, it floats. In the spring, the reverse occurs. Rising air temperature and higher sun angles cause melting to begin on top of the ice layer.
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Is it safe to swim in a frozen lake?

Cold Water Can Kill You Within Seconds

Few people realize that water between 50-60F (10-15.5C) can kill you in less than a minute. It's actually so dangerous that it kills a lot of people within seconds. Not because of hypothermia or incapacitation, but rather because of cold shock and swimming failure.
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What freezes first in a lake?

Calm Water Ice Formation and a Quirk of Density

Lake ice freezes first at the surface starting at the edges or shoreline for two reasons. Water near the shore is typically shallower and contains less heat than deeper water so it can reach the freezing point faster than deeper water.
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How long does it take lake ice to melt?

A 24 hour, 50 degree thaw with winds in the 20-30 mph range can melt a couple inches or more of ice. Holes of several types and sizes are also common after a windy thaw. Heavy rain over 24 hours with only moderate wind will result in about an inch of ice loss. Most of that is from the warm air.
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Is ice thicker in the middle of a lake?

The shore has rocks and reeds and all sorts of other things which catch the sunlight and radiate heat into the ice, making it thinner and brittle. If you can see the ground through the ice, then there's going to be warmer water under it. Out in the middle, the ice grows thicker over the cold dark depths.
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Can a lake freeze completely?

If water were most dense as a solid, lakes would freeze from the bottom up, eventually freezing solid. In that case, little or nothing would survive in the lake. Most lakes and ponds don't completely freeze because the ice (and eventually snow) on the surface acts to insulate the water below.
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Can a lake freeze overnight?

Ice can quickly form when temperatures tumble, but it takes more time than you might think for ice to reach the four-inch thickness that experts recommend. On average, it takes four days of below freezing temperatures to form ice that is safe. Also, this guideline is for ponds and lakes.
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How much ice can form on a lake overnight?

If the sky is cloudy and calm the temperature will have to be about 7 degrees (F) to grow 1/3" of ice in 12 hours. If it is cloudy and there is a 10 mph wind the temperature will have to be 27 degrees F to grow 1/3" of ice in 12 hours.
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How thick can ice get on a lake?

Ice is seldom the same thickness over a single body of water; it can be two feet thick in one place and one inch thick a few yards away.
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What happens to fish in frozen lakes?

Some species, like koi and gobies, may burrow into soft sediments and go dormant like frogs and other amphibians, but most fish simply school in the deepest pools and take a "winter rest." In this resting state, fishes' hearts slow down, their needs for food and oxygen decrease, and they move about very little.
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Can you walk over a frozen lake?

Everyone should stay off of ice that is 2 inches thick or less. Ice fishing or other activities on foot is possible on fresh ice that is 4 inches thick. Snowmobiles or ATVs are possible on ice with a thickness of at least 5 inches.
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What is the coldest zone in a lake?

Typically the hypolimnion is the coldest layer of a lake in summer, and the warmest layer during winter. In deep, temperate lakes, the bottom-most waters of the hypolimnion are typically close to 4 °C throughout the year. The hypolimnion may be much warmer in lakes at warmer latitudes.
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Do fish survive in frozen lakes?

Do fish die in frozen lakes or in lakes that are partially frozen? Since fish are cold-blooded animals, they can survive because they are able to regulate their body temperature to match their environment. However, they could die if a body of water freezes over completely and remains frozen for an extended period.
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Why don't fish freeze under a frozen pond?

However, when ice begins to form on freshwater bodies, it is less dense than the water and floats to the top. As long as there is some liquid water below the ice, fish will survive. They can do this because they are cold-blooded and their temperature is the same as the surrounding water.
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How long can a fish stay frozen and come back to life?

For thousands of years if your freezer lasts that long, or if you bury your freezer in Antarctica. Fish and other animals are occasionally found frozen in ice for tens of thousands of years. Some are remarkably well preserved. Some worms were thawed out after 40,000 years or so and actually came back to life.
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