Does natural armor stack with unarmored defense?

Originally Answered: Does natural armour stack with unarmored defense (5e)? Whenever you have two different ways of calculating AC, they do not stack.
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How does natural armor and unarmored defense work?

A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor. In comparison, the Unarmored Defense feature of Barbarian reads: While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
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Does Tortle armor stack with unarmored defense?

No, because it's not actually armor.

An unarmored Tortle Monk is not wearing armor, so it gets the benefit of Unarmored Movement.
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Does natural armor stack with monk?

To answer your question - the tortle natural armor and the monk's unarmored defense do not "stack" or in any way combine with each other - as with all AC calculations, you select which one you want to use.
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Does natural armor stack with dexterity?

Sorry to say, natural armor stacks with basically nothing, except shields and a high DEX. Like regular armor, Mage Armor, Dragon Skin, and Barbarian/Monk's unarmored defense, natural armor sets your base AC to a certain number, which can then be boosted by DEX and a shield.
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D&D (5e): Unarmored Defense (Barbarian)

How does natural armor work in 5e?

Your shell provides you a base AC of 17 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). You can't wear light, medium, or heavy armor, but if you are using a shield, you can apply the shield's bonus as normal.
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Does natural armor stack with mage armor?

Sure. You can do just about anything that changes the AC calculation, but only one calculation can apply at a time. Mage Armor changes the calculation to 13+DEX. If the creature's natural armor doesn't provide a higher AC, this might be beneficial.
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Does barkskin stack with natural armor?

Aside from Amulets, Natural Armor bonuses come mainly from spells. Specifically, polymorph spells that turn you into some creature with natural armor. Barkskin is the exception to that, and is the only kind of natural armor that doesn't stack with other sources.
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Can a monk use strength instead of Dex?

You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons. You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table.
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Does unarmored defense work with wild shape?

Yes, unarmored defense still works, since you retain your class features in wild shape. Since Wild Shape uses your Wis/Int/Cha and the beasts Dex/Con/Str you would use the beasts Dex and your Wis.
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Can tortles benefit from mage armor?

Most Tortles won't benefit from Mage Armor, but if they wished to, they could use the Mage Armor calculation instead of their racial Natural Armor flat 17.
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Can tortles wear Bracers of defense?

Tortles are specifically called out to have a specific armor class that effectively works as armor itself. As such, the Bracers of Defense wouldn't apply.
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What class goes best with Tortle?

Your options here are varied – Tortle Bards, Clerics, and Rogues are all on the table. Each of these can also make use of the handy Nature's Intuition proficiency options. Our top personal picks, based on Natural Armour and the suggested proficiencies for the Tortle, would be the Druid and the Ranger.
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How does natural armor work?

Natural armor is an AC calculation: Your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your natural armor bonus. Most creatures have an assumed +0 for natural armor so it better for them to wear armor.
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Does natural armor apply to touch AC?

Armor, Shield, and Natural Armor bonuses do not contribute to Touch AC. The idea is that a touch attack just needs to touch you, and it has its full effect if it hits your armor, shield, or carapace. Dexterity, dodge, and deflection modifiers do contribute to touch AC.
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Do bracers of defense work with natural armor?

Bracers of Defense work with Unarmored Defense, Natural Armor, and some other things as well. All involve AC that is independent of wearing Armor (except Shields in this case).
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Can you dual wield as a monk?

Monks have an ability to attack using thair offhand fist as an bonus action like dual weilding but can use their dexterity modification on their damage. You cannot benefit from flurry of blows while dual weilding. Monks are probably the only martial class that shouldn't dual weild mechanicaly.
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Should you dual wield as monk?

You wouldn't really WANT to dual wield on a monk, because it's a bonus action to use the weapon in your offhand... It's also a bonus action to use your flurry of blows, which is usually the better option since you get to add your dexterity to your damage of your flurry.
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Do monks add dex to unarmed strike damage?

Yes for attack rolls, no for grapple DC. The Monk ability Martial Arts applies to attack rolls and damage rolls for unarmed strikes. Because a grapple or a shove is now an effect chosen after an unarmed strike, you would have the option of using Dexterity on the unarmed strike before you choose those effects.
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Can you cast barkskin on yourself?

Barkskin is also a good spell for a moon druid to use on themselves before going into a wildshape. The fact that Barkskin requires concentration is what lowers its value for self-casting. It almost makes taking Magic Initiate feat just for Mage Armor worth it...but only if you shift into beasts that have a high DEX.
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Does armor of shadows stack with unarmored defense?

They don't stack: the player chooses one.

You have this: Normal: AC = 10 + Dex. Unarmored Defense: SET AC = 10 + Dex + Stat.
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Can you use a shield with Barkskin?

Bark skin and shield stack. Your shield does NOT stack with the spell shield. Both are shield bonuses.
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What is the natural armor bonus?

Natural armor represents a creature's hide or magical effects that make skin thicker (such as Barkskin). Natural armor provides a bonus to AC. Most items and spells provide plain "natural armor" modifier to AC.
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Does natural armor count as armor 5e?

Natural Armor is an AC calculation formula, not actual armor. When a Monk/Druid uses Wild Shape, they have the option of using either the Natural Armor calculation or the Unarmored Defense calculation. The decision to use one or the other does not interfere with the Unarmored Movement feature.
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Can you have mage armor and unarmored defense?

Bottom-line is unarmored defense and mage armor do not work together, that is the question asked and that is the question answered. OP asked for advice regarding the rules and incorrect advice was given. It is useful, both for OP's sake and for the sake of future readers, to provide the correct rules.
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