Does OK mean yes?

“Yes” is the answer to a question. “Okay” (which can be abbreviated as “o.k.”) means “I have no objection.” Example: If a person asks “Do you want to go to the movies,” the simple answer is “Yes” or the opposite (“No”).
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Does it's OK mean yes or no?

When it comes to saying no and declining offers, lots of people say, “It's okay,” or “I'm okay.” This means "no", and says that the present situation is fine and there is no need for change. A: Would you like a plastic bag? B: It's okay. I'll just put it in my handbag.
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Does OK mean you agree?

OK (/ˌoʊˈkeɪ/; spelling variations include okay, O.K., ok and Ok) is an English word (originating in American English) denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, acknowledgment, or a sign of indifference.
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Does okay always mean yes?

I think the OED's definition of Okay clarifies this nicely. It says "Expressing assent, concession, or approval, esp. with regard to a previous statement or question: yes, all right." So it is only in the sense of expressing approval that okay and yes mean the same thing. Other meanings of yes are not included.
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Does OK count as yes?

Okay would be acknowledgement of a statement, and will generally be taken to mean consent or acceptance, but it doesn't mean "yes." People are asking you the question again because if they are asking you a yes or no question, it isn't answered by "okay."
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Why we say “OK”

What does OK. stand for?

On March 23, 1839, the initials “O.K.” are first published in The Boston Morning Post. Meant as an abbreviation for “oll korrect,” a popular slang misspelling of “all correct” at the time, OK steadily made its way into the everyday speech of Americans.
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What is the full meaning of OK?

OK (also spelled as okay, ok, or O.K.) is a word used to denote acceptance, agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. OK expand as Olla Kalla. It is a Greek word which means All correct.
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Is OK a rude reply?

It's not rude. It's just an acknowledgment that they have heard & accepted your thanks. They might not want to say “my pleasure” or “anytime” or “you're welcome” because those imply people like doing favours & you can ask again.
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Is OK a good reply?

“Okay,” is a fine response when you don't care about something. Use it when you are trying to save time, or when you don't want to engage in discussion. “What do you think about that guy's shirt?” “It's okay.” “I may be 2 minutes late to the meeting because I have another meeting right before that.” “It's okay.”
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Why do people just say okay?

The response “ok” repeatedly in a conversation could mean a few things: 1, they agree with each statement you are saying 2, they don't really understand what you are saying but rather than appear ignorant, uninformed or even to avoid argument or conflict they agree by responding “ok” or 3, they really ARE NOT LISTENING ...
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Does OK mean zero killed?

There are a number of theories as to where the word came from. Some say it came from the Greek phrase, “olla kalla”, which means “everything is good.” Others claim the word came from the American Civil War, where if a battle ended with Zero Killed, a soldier would mark the result down as 'OK'.
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How do you say OK without agreeing?

  1. fine.
  2. good.
  3. alright.
  4. well.
  5. nicely.
  6. correctly.
  7. decently.
  8. acceptably.
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Why do people say KK instead of OK?

In case you're wondering where "kk" came from, there are conflicting theories, but most seem to say that it's a shortened version of the popular 90s gamer expression "k, kewl," which is itself a shortened version of "ok, kewl." Wherever it came from, it does seem to be the most polite form of acknowledgement for the ...
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What does OK but not OK mean?

It means it's alright to acknowledge you're not in a good place either financially, mentally, or spiritually. It's OK to ask for help in these times of need. To reach out to others who are able and willing to assist you. We all experience times of difficulty or crisis. And that's OK.
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What does yes but actually no mean?

It means the answer is “yes” only in the technical sense of the word, but in practical terms the answer would be “no”
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Is OK short for anything?

Roger Thomas is correct in that OK is short for oll korrect, but it is not of military origin. It started as a comical abbreviation during a fad in New England in the 1830s. Others were OW (oll wright), KY (know yuse, or no use), and NS ('nuff said).
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Is OK good or bad?

In the Oxford English Dictionary, 'okay' is defined as 'satisfactory, all correct, fine, in good health, in good order, acceptable, or adequate. ' We use 'ok' and 'okay' as verbs when describing something that isn't good but isn't bad either. It's neutral or fine.
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What should I reply for WTF?

WTF is a perfect rhetorical question that requires no answer. Just smile and nod, knowingly. You could say “IKR????” As in I know right??? That shites crazy!!” or you could say “SMH" which means “shaking my head in disbelief or disappointment".
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What does OK mean in text from a guy?

It sometimes can mark the end of certain topic of conversation on the behalf of the other person. Okay usually just means acknowledging what you said last. It depends on the context. Sometimes people say ok when they don't know what else to say.
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Is K rude in texting?

If you're texting someone close (or someone you don't really care about your relationship with them), it's acceptable. If you're texting your boss, however, or someone whose relationship with you could potentially affect you, it's advisable not to use “K” to agree.
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Why is OK a bad response?

"OK" can just indicate acknowledgement of what's been said, it doesn't always mean anything more. If "OK" is all you say in response to "my wife is dead" then yes, that's rude in pretty much any context because more is expected of you than mere acknowledgement.
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How to be rude over text?

Use aggressive language. The most straightforward way to pretend that you're angry over text is to use mean or aggressive language to get the point across. Whether you insult the person, criticize them, or clearly state that you are angry, being hostile is the most unmistakable way to express anger.
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What does OK literally mean?

One such example was “orl korrect” or “ole kurreck” (taken to mean “all correct”). To that, you add in another phenomenon that was popular in the 1830s: shortening words to acronyms and initialisms. You might shorten “small potatoes” to “SP” for example. “Orl korrect” became “O.K.,” and thus the term was born.
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What is the full form of kiss?

KISS, “keep it simple, stupid” is thus a great rule of thumb to be applied when considering your design work in a larger context of usage.
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What does OK mean in texting?

1. Ok. This is the the most swift and actually neutral way of answering a message. It does not sway either to being too happy or rude. It can also be a quick acknowledgment to a message.
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