Does Pokémon GO level matter?

Levelling in Pokémon Go is one of the most important systems in the game. The higher your Pokémon Go level, the more items you can use, and the more powerful your Pokémon Go can become.
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Do Pokémon get better as you level up?

This is answered in game as well, the higher your trainer Level the higher CP wild pokemon will be. It's also the reason why if you traded high LEVELED pokemon to a new trainer it's level will be reduced.
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What is the average player level in Pokemon GO?

The demographic data also showed that the average player level was slightly above 23, where 80% were in the range between level 21 and 30 with an average Pokédex count of 108 (number of unique Pokémon caught), 18% between level 11 and 20 with an average Pokédex count 71, 2% on level 31 or above with an average Pokédex ...
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Does player level affect CP of Pokémon?

The higher the level a Trainer is, the higher the CP of a Pokémon can be. Trainer can power up their Pokémon up to ten levels above current Trainer Level. Wild Pokémon caught will also have higher CP as the Trainer levels up. Once the Trainer has reached Level 30, the CP ceiling for wild Pokémon is capped at level 35.
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Has anyone reached level 50 in Pokemon GO?

An avid player reached level 50 in under nine months by catching over 72,000 Pokemon and using various in-game purchases. Achieving level 50 in Pokemon GO unlocks exclusive rewards like Ultra Balls and Elite Charged TM, motivating players to push their limits.
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I Used the NEW Routes Feature in Pokémon GO!

Do you get a Mewtwo at level 50?

As some Pokemon GO players may know, the game rewards its dedicated player base by giving those who have reached level 50 a special questline. Completing it rewards trainers with an encounter with an original Legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo.
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How rare are 100% Pokemon GO?

The chance to get a 100% IV (15/15/15) Pokémon in Pokémon GO is 1/4096, or in percentage, 0.0244%. The chance to get any combination of IVs is the same and equals 1/4096. The game awards IV values using three random rolls, from 0 to 15.
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Should I get rid of low CP Pokémon?

In Pokemon GO, the Pokemon with a higher CP (Combat Power) is generally preferred even if the Pokemon has low IVs. Although it's not a traditional Level-system, the CP somewhat functions as a Pokemon's "Level" in GO.
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Is it better to evolve low CP or high CP Pokemon GO?

Basically the better the cp on the lower thing you are evolving the higher the cp on the evolved and the less stardust and candies you have to spend to get maxed. Basically save your candies and stardust until you find a higher level I'd say 3/4 full cp at least before even evolve.
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How important is level in Pokemon GO?

Levelling in Pokémon Go is one of the most important systems in the game. The higher your Pokémon Go level, the more items you can use, and the more powerful your Pokémon Go can become.
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What level should I be to have a buddy in Pokemon go?

After reaching level 2, Trainers can choose a Pokemon as their buddy, and will earn that type's candy after walking a certain distance. With your buddy level maxed out, you'll also receive aid during the catch phase, CP boosts, and found items.
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What is the average age of Pokemon Go players?

Pokémon GO is most similar to and Clash of Clans in their player age distribution, skewing younger than games like Words with Friends and Candy Crush and dominated by people in the 18–29 age bracket.
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Is it better to level up then evolve Pokémon Go?

That question depends entirely on the Pokémon and what you want to use it for. If it's for Master League or you want to use it for Raids and Gym battles, then you should power it up once you've evolved it to the final stage, as this generally offers a bigger stat buff, making it more useful quicker.
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What is the best Pokémon to level up in Pokémon Go?

Mewtwo is an absolute powerhouse in the world of Pokemon Go and definitely worth considering when it comes to powering up your team. Not only is Mewtwo an impressive Pokemon to look at, but it also boasts the highest damage output in the entire game, making it a real force to be reckoned with.
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Is it better to catch higher level Pokémon?

For example, if I have two Geodude, one is level 5 and another is level 25, the level 5 Geodude will have better "potential" EVs/IVs or something like that because you train it yourself. Therefore, it was always better to catch the low level Pokemon and train it up rather than catching it at a higher level.
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Should I max out CP before evolving?

A Pokémon's CP potential and IVs are not affected by evolution: IVs (Attack, Defense, Stamina values hidden in the game) and CP potential (the max CP that can be reached when fully powered up) remains the same regardless of whether you Power Up before or after evolving.
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Should I evolve higher CP or higher stars?

It's recommended to only evolve a Pokemon that has high CP, or a 3/4-star Appraisal.
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Is higher CP always better?

So, a combination of a Pokémon's hidden Base Stats, IVs, and Level are what dictate its CP - the higher the better, but remember that just because that Drowzee you caught has higher CP than your old one, that doesn't necessarily mean it's stronger. It might just be a higher Level.
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Should I keep all 3 star Pokémon?

Yes, Stars Shine Bright for a Reason

Having 3-star Pokemon is especially crucial when you're gearing up for battles, raids, or defending gyms. A higher star rating generally means a Pokemon will perform better in these scenarios, making your journey to become a Pokemon Master slightly easier.
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Can a 2 star Pokémon become a 3 star Pokemon GO?

In addition to this, a Purified Pokemon receives 2 points to all their IVs. This means it's possible for a Pokemon to go from 2 to 3 stars, etc.
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What is the #1 rarest Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

10 Rarest Pokémon in Pokémon Go
  • Rotom-Mow, the rarest Pokémon currently in the game, is a form of the strange Pokémon Rotom. ...
  • Snorlax (Cowboy Hat Costume) was a rare and sought-after Pokémon accessible only at the Pokémon GO Fest 2024.
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Are Shadow Pokémon better than 100 IV?

Remember a 0 IV shadow Pokemon has more damage per second than a 100% IV regular Pokemon! Here are some of the times when to purify a shadow Pokemon! Sometimes for pvp, if you need the move return, if you have a high IV shadow and want a strong mega, or if you like to collect hundos!
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