Does Scratch allow NSFW?

Scratch isn't a site that at all is meant to have NSFW content. There are other sites for NSFW content, Scratch is a site meant for all ages, regardless of whether or not the NSFW stuff is blocked for certain users.
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Is there inappropriate content on Scratch?

While something extremely inappropriate would certainly be picked up by the Scratch filters, things that some parents might consider inappropriate might be appropriate by Scratch standards. We have seen some projects with guns or blood, but that is not the norm.
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What is not allowed on Scratch?

It's important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.
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Is blood allowed on Scratch?

Yes, a little bit of blood is allowed. Use your best judgement, don't go…. overboard with gore. It also helps to keep violence cartoonish.
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How long does Scratch block your account?

Most users are unbanned within three days, but if the offence is severe enough, the Scratch team may impose a permanent ban, in which case the user must contact the administrator to be unbanned.
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The Problem with Scratch

What happens if you swear on Scratch?

Swear words in projects are definitely not allowed, and should be reported immediately. Scratch is for all ages, so be sure to use the report button if you see anything like this. Even if you see something in a project like “what the…”, and then censoring the word, that may be reportable as well. Hope it helped!
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Does Scratch have an age limit?

Scratch is designed especially for young people ages 8 to 16, but people of all ages create and share with Scratch. Younger children may want to try ScratchJr, a simplified version of Scratch designed for ages 5 to 7.
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Is Jumpscares allowed on Scratch?

I'm sorry, but they aren't allowed here. Not even warnings cuts it.
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Are guns OK on Scratch?

Also to answer your question, yes, guns are fine on Scratch, as long as they don't cause any fatal harm in your project.
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Why is text art not allowed on Scratch?

Because it counts as spam. I remember that there was a time when there was an incredible amount of dinosaur text art on every trending project.
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Are furries allowed on Scratch?

Everybody is welcome on Scratch, no matter what people think. Don't let other people get you down because of an interest. If you see furry haters, or anybody mean, report them. You are welcomed to create awesome things with us on this site.
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Is FNAF banned on Scratch?

They are restricted. The actual FNAF games are banned, and any other types of FNAF games or spinoffs that don't follow the community guidelines. However, you are welcome to use the characters from the game to make a dress-up game, or something along those lines.
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Is Scratch banned in China?

On 20 April 2020, Scratch was completely banned in China because of recognition of Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan as countries.
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What is very inappropriate content?

The most common forms it could take are: Pornographic material. Content containing profanity or vulgar language. Sites that encourage vandalism, crime, terrorism, racism, eating disorders or suicide.
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Why was I banned from Scratch?

Getting banned in Scratch is when the Scratch team disallows a registered user or IP address from using the Scratch website, and Scratch editor and interacting with the Scratch online community. A ban in Scratch is imposed when a user misbehaves, performs disrespectfully, or inappropriately in Scratch.
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Why does Scratch ask for your gender?

Yep. Scratch collects statistics to better understand things like the community demographics and who's using the site, so they can tailor Scratch more to its audience.
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Is it OK to shoot old guns?

Any gun has to be in safe, working condition before you take it hunting. If it hasn't been shot lately, check all aspects of its operation thoroughly. Make sure no pieces are missing, especially rings and seals for semiautos. The gun may shoot without those parts, but you'll damage it over the long term.
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What can ruin a gun?

According to him, these are eight of the most common ways to ruin your gun.
  • Leave Your Gun in the Case. ...
  • Lean Your Gun Against Your Truck. ...
  • Use Too Much Oil. ...
  • Clean the Barrel in Reverse. ...
  • Let The Stock Loosen Up. ...
  • Do Your Gunsmithing in the Garage. ...
  • Plug the Barrel. ...
  • Mess With Your Reloads.
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Do guns get worn out?

It is possible to wear out a gun- but difficult. Normally there are parts that may break or wear to the point of needing replacement, but more guns die from neglect and abuse than from wear.
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Are Jumpscares unhealthy?

Cardiologists are of the opinion that while movies with jump scare scenes may not pose a heart attack risk to everyone, if someone suffers from paranoia or PTSD, is elderly or has a pre-existing heart condition, it is recommended that they avoid watching such movies and that they should not partake in fear-evoking ...
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Why are jumpscares hated?

Some critics have described jump scares as a lazy way to frighten viewers, and believe that the horror genre has undergone a decline in recent years following an over-reliance on the trope, establishing it as a cliché of modern horror films.
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What do Jumpscares do to your body?

Bensen said this is called a "startle response" or "startle pattern": a bodily reaction to a sudden, unexpected stimulus such as a loud noise. Horror films and haunted houses are chock full of these stimuli. "They use those to elicit our startle response which is rapid heart rate, abnormal breathing," Bensen said.
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Who is the oldest user in Scratch?

The oldest user on Scratch still existing today is @andresmh. The oldest user on Scratch EVER is @wrgsfhwbxvb, but that was a test. Generation -1: The first time you see this, copy and paste it on top of your signature in the Scratch forums, and decrease the generation by 1.
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Is Scratch 3 free?

Yes, the MIT Scratch app is a free programming and learning software created by MIT Media Lab.
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Can a 17 year old use Scratch?

1.3 Scratch is open to children and adults of all ages, and we ask that you keep this in mind when using the Scratch services. When you use Scratch, you agree to abide by the Scratch Community Guidelines.
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