Does Steam keep save files after uninstall?

Your saved items and progress will all be lost, so make sure you actually want to delete the game. If you decide that you'd like to play the game again after removing it, you'll need to install it again. Your new game will default back to its original settings.
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Does uninstalling Steam delete save files?

Understanding Save Data Storage

Uninstalling the game does not delete cloud saves. Progress is preserved and can be accessed upon reinstallation. Save data is stored in a dedicated folder within your “Documents” directory.
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Will I lose anything if I uninstall Steam?

Important: This process will remove Steam and any installed game content from your machine. If reinstalling Steam and Steam games in the near future, please move the steamapps folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps) outside of the Steam directory to prevent your games from being deleted.
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How do I uninstall Steam without losing saves?

If you don't want to lose any game data: delete all files and folders in /Steam EXCEPT FOR the /SteamApps folder (this contains your game downloads and any local save files.) If you're removing all Steam data from your computer: delete the entire Steam folder.
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Does Steam keep save files?

The Steam Cloud allows games and the platform to utilize cloud storage hosted by Steam. Games can utilize Steam Cloud for storage of many different types of data, including game settings, save games, profile stats and other user-specific bits.
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Does Steam keep save files after uninstall?

Where are Steam saves kept?

Games that utilize Steam's cloud saves, for instance, may store these files under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Userdata.
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Will my Steam saves transfer to a new computer?

Once a game is installed on one PC, all other PCs or the Steam Deck can install or update that game by transferring files directly from that one PC. A modern PC can easily transfer game content with 100MB/sec over a wired network connection.
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Does uninstalling Steam games delete screenshots?

As they are stored in the Steam directly, when you uninstall Steam it deleted everything in the Steam directory, including the screen shots that have not been uploaded. I suggest moving the screenshots (as well as anything else you want to keep) first, before uninstalling Steam.
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How do I delete all my Steam saves?

Go to the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata. You should see a folder with a name made up of lots of numbers. That's your Steam ID, and holds all the save data associated with your Steam account. Go into that folder.
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Do I have to pay for a game again if I uninstall it on Steam?

if you delete a game to make space for another you will be able to download it again later without re-purchasing it.
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Will uninstalling a Steam game keep my progress?

Your saved items and progress will all be lost, so make sure you actually want to delete the game. If you decide that you'd like to play the game again after removing it, you'll need to install it again. Your new game will default back to its original settings.
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Does uninstalling Steam free up space?

Uninstalling Steam games can free up space to install new games. You can uninstall Steam games right from your Steam Library. Once you uninstall a Steam game, it won't be playable until you reinstall it.
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How do I completely uninstall Steam?

How to Delete Steam
  1. On Windows, go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Steam and click "Uninstall."
  2. On a Mac, drag Steam to the Trash, then delete the Steam library from the "Library/Application Support" folder.
  3. On Linux, use "apt-get remove steam" and then "sudo apt-get purge steam."
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What will I lose if I uninstall Steam?

Uninstalling steam will remove any updating process the system uses so, unless your game was added as a “non-steam” game and uses a different process to update, your games will no longer remain updated. IE: Any steam purchased games will no longer update or even launch (if memory serves).
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Will I lose my saves if I uninstall a game?

If the game supports Cloud saves, you'll keep any progress you've already made. If the game does not support Cloud saves, uninstalling a game from Epic Games Launcher might delete the files from the install location which could include the save files.
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How to reinstall Steam games without losing data?

How to Reinstall Steam Client Files without Losing Games?
  1. Open the file explorer and navigate to Steam> Steamapps> common.
  2. Back up the whole Common folder manually or using third-party software.
  3. Now reinstall the Steam Client, and paste all the game files you have backed up into the new common folder.
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Where are Steam save files located?

They can be in the Steam Userdata, Documents, MyGames, Appdata, or in the game folder. Just search in this places, use google or name the game. The developers determine where the save files are located. Use GameSaveManager which will scan for all saves, show you where they are located and back them up for you.
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How do I clean up Steam storage?

From your Steam Client, open the Settings panel by selecting "Steam > Settings" from the top left client menu. In the Settings panel, select the Downloads tab and you'll find the "Clear Download Cache" button at the bottom. Then select "OK" to confirm and acknowledge that you'll need to login to Steam again.
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How do I restore my Steam saves?

  1. Install Steam and. log in. to the correct Steam account (see Installing Steam for further instructions)
  2. Launch Steam.
  3. Click on. Steam. ...
  4. Select. Restore Game Backup...
  5. Browse to the location of the game's backup files.
  6. Continue through the Steam windows to install the necessary games.
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What happens if you remove a game from Steam?

It's just a way of sweeping a game under the rug for the moment. Removing is permanent. When you remove a game from your Steam account, it's permanently deleted. The game won't appear in your library.
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Does uninstalling a game on Steam delete achievements?

Regarding removing the game via Steam support question, achievements don't go anywhere, they just won't show up on your profile. If you restore the game they should be back.
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How long does it take to uninstall a game on Steam?

A dialog window asking if you're sure you want to uninstall the game will appear. Click the blue Uninstall button. After a few seconds, the game will be successfully uninstalled.
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Does Steam Backup save files?

Steam Cloud is a cloud storage service that allows users to upload game data to cloud space for hosting. The data that Steam Cloud can save includes game saves, game settings, profile information, etc.
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What happens to my Steam games when I get a new computer?

Connect the external hard drive with Steam games back up to the new PC and log in to Steam with your account. > Open up the Steam platform on the new PC and select Steam > Backup and Restore Games... > Select "Restore a previous backup" and click on "NEXT>."
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Can I transfer all my Steam games to a new account?

No, you can't transfer Steam games to another account, as Steam's terms of service don't allow users to transfer games between accounts. However, using the Family Sharing option could be a workaround.
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