Does taking long rests in BG3 do anything?

Taking several Long Rests during these quests will impact the outcome, which can include failing objectives or creating other consequences in the world.
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Is it ok to long rest in BG3?

You can long rest as often as you'd like, provided you have the resources. However, long rests move "time" forward and may affect the outcomes of quests, the availability of NPCs, etc.
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Is long rest bad in BG3 Reddit?

Long Resting is actually harmless and impacts nothing 95% of the time, however there are still times in which it does and it is never obvious when that will be.
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What is the difference between short rest and long rest BG3?

When you're low on HP or Spell Slots in Baldur's Gate 3, you'll need to rest. Resting is split into two types: Short and Long Rests. Short Rests are more useful for a quick break between fights, while Long Rests will send you back to camp and allow you to have some evening chats before tucking yourself into bed.
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How many times can you long rest before Nere dies?

Since this is the only quest in the game that actually takes the passage of time into consideration (every long rest annoys Nere further and he dies after the 3rd).
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Baldur's Gate 3 Quick Tip - Long Rests

Is nere evil in BG3?

It's obvious from the get-go that Nere is not a nice person, but some people may be tempted to save the drow regardless. An evil-aligned party might sincerely want to support his aims or simply see him as the more powerful party to side with in the hopes of better rewards.
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Is saving nere worth it?

Of course, if you're playing as an evil or chaotic bad character, then siding with Nere makes the most sense. The choice is ultimately up to you, but taking Nere's head will allow you to complete the Myconid Colony and Grymforge questlines. There is also more gold and reward in it for you if you kill Nere.
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How long does it take to beat BG3?

When focusing on the main objectives, Baldur's Gate 3 is about 68½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 162 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How often should I camp in BG3?

Every 2 to 3 fights is a good general rule.
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Do you have a time limit in BG3?

None of the main story has time limits, some side quests do but im not sure if any in act 2 do, time limits only start once you get within proximity of the quest giving event so if you're struggling early on then you're not gonna hit any of them and will be fine.
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How long to beat Baldur Gate 2?

When focusing on the main objectives, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition is about 45½ Hours in length.
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Can you be evil in BG3?

1: Yes, going evil will have some companions leave you (specifically Karlach, Wyll, and Gale... though I think you can persuade Gale into staying.). In return you do get a couple evil companions. 2: While it is entirely possible to do an evil playthrough, doing so cuts out a massive portion of the game's content.
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Should I destroy the brain Baldur's Gate 3?

Since the talking brain can be used to aid you, you should help the talking brain unless you don't want to for roleplay purposes. Either way, you can continue the story by receiving the quest from someone else if you don't help the brain and receive the quest there.
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Should I let Astarion bite me?

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.
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How to romanticize Astarion?

Gain Astarion's approval by:
  1. Supporting his whims.
  2. Showing support for him concerning his condition.
  3. Aligning with characters typically referred to as monsters, such as Goblins.
  4. Being ruthless.
  5. Displaying dramatics.
  6. Presenting displays of power.
  7. Appreciating fine things.
  8. Demonstrating cruelty.
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How many long rests before the Grove closes in BG3?

The story isn't timed but some side quests are, they'll only trigger the countdown when you get near them so like with that burning building you have to go up towards the Gnoll area to trigger it's countdown, the Druid Grove does have a timer but it's like somewhere around 15 long rests before it closes off.
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What is the max level in BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 is based on Dungeons & Dragons 5e but has a maximum level of 12, not the tabletop RPG's maximum level of 20. Expansion of the level cap is unlikely. Higher-level spells and stronger villains in late-game DnD make it challenging to continue Baldur's Gate 3 past level 12 in a video game format.
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Can you sleep with the Mind Flayer BG3?

Despite being a sex scene with a Mind Flayer, it's actually one of the game's most tame – as long as you don't mind a bit of levitation, a flash of a tentacle, and can figure out how to make out with a Mind Flayer in the first place. Baldur's Gate 3 is available for PC and PlayStation 5.
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Can you become a Mind Flayer in Baldur's Gate 3?

At one point, you will be offered an Astral-Touched Tadpole, but taking it will turn you into a half-Mind Flayer.
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Is BG3 a hard game?

Baldur's Gate 3 can be a very difficult game even on Balanced and Explorer difficulties, especially for those who aren't used to D&D or similar systems.
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Which act in BG3 is the longest?

Having completed the game myself Act 2 is by far the shortest. Act 1 is the longest followed by Act 3. But then that could change depending on what you choose to do in each. However, I did not find much to do in Act 2 even after attempting to find things to do.
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How long should Act 1 take BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Act 1, which by most estimates should take you between 30 and 40 hours to complete, is just a very long tutorial, Larian says. As someone with very little prior knowledge of the series and who has never played Dungeons & Dragons, this would've been mighty handy to know.
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Can you romance nere bg3?

Baldur's Gate 3 offers players a plethora of romance options, but not all characters can be pursued romantically. Players might be disappointed if they had hopes of romancing characters like Prince Orpheus, Orin the Red, or True Soul Nere.
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Should I let Nere live in BG3?

If you want to save the deep gnomes for Thulla, siding against Nere is your best choice. Otherwise, he will eliminate all the deep gnomes, and you will fail the quest. You'll have to convince Brithvar to let them go, but at least they'll be alive. Ultimately, the choice is up to you.
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What happens if Nere dies in BG3?

If you accepted Brithvar's offer earlier, you can choose to kill Nere. This will end the quest, but your reward is whatever you can loot from Nere, Thrinn and the other duergar. Nere's body will have an illithid parasite, so this is a good opportunity to strengthen your abilities.
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