Does talking to a villager make them leave?

This does not necessarily mean the villager wants to move out, but it is most commonly associated with it. If the villager is thinking about moving and you talk to them, you will be given the option to either prompt them to stay, or allow them to move.
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Do villagers get mad if you talk to them too much?

By A Smug Villager

If a player talks too much to a villager, they will usually get upset, and decide that they don't want to talk to the player anymore.
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Does talking to a villager too much make them leave?

Villagers moving out is completely random. Being mean to them or being nice them makes NO difference.
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What happens if you keep talking to villagers?

We've found that if you talk to a villager more than five times, they'll get burnt out and won't want to talk to you for a bit. You don't want to seem clingy, so make sure to restrain yourself a bit.
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Does ignoring your villagers make them leave?

There are a few myths surrounding how to move out your villagers. Hitting them with a net or simply ignoring them will not work.
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How to Kick Out Villagers in Animal Crossing New Horizons

What happens if you tell a villager not to leave?

You have partial control over which villagers move and which don't, but you can't stop them asking. Every time a villager asks about moving it resets the clock, but your answer determines the minimum length of time before someone asks again.
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Do villagers ever forget you hit them?

YES they do. Personally I just traded once (overpriced) with all of them, and went netherite mining for 30 minutes. I made this post for all people who search up "How long do villagers remember", "Do villagers forgive".
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Will villagers leave if you hit them?

Making a villager angry by hitting or pushing them can lower friendship points, but not friendship levels. This can make them slightly more likely to ask to move out (provided the target villager isn't at the level threshold already), but it doesn't always have a significant effect on ask chance.
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Do you have to talk to a villager for them to move out?

You have to talk to a villager at least once if you want them to move out.
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How do villagers get mad at you?

There are 5 ways this can be triggered in villagers: The villager is hit with a net, axe or toy hammer 3 times consecutively. The villager is pushed for 4-8 seconds straight. The villager's name is said with a megaphone very close to them.
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How do you know when a villager wants to leave?

When a villager wants to move out, a thought bubble appears above their head and they ask the player if they should move. If the player lets them move, they will pack up their belongings the next day and move out the day after.
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Does complaining about a villager make them leave?

Another way to encourage a villager to leave your Animal Crossing island is by complaining to Isabelle. Simply enter the Residential Services building, then sit down and speak with Isabelle. Select the option to Discuss a Resident, and pick any reason to complain about the resident.
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Does hitting villagers lower friendship?

Contrary to popular belief, abusing villagers with a net and other means of abuse does not lower the player's friendship with the villager. Instead, they are placed on the friendship ladder, remaining stationary until an act of kindness or negativity is done upon them.
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Will villagers be mad if you steal?

Villagers should be able to see you stealing from chests in the village and tell any local Iron Golems that someone is stealing. This wouldn't cause the Iron Golem to attack the player initially, but if you get caught two or three times, then it would attack you.
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What does it mean when a villager has purple swirls?

A dark purple cloud with a swirl means the villager is either sad or sick (indoors only until New Horizons). An exclamation mark above a villager's head appears either when they are realizing something or, if not talking to anyone, wanting to talk to the player.
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Do villagers move out if you don't play?

Removing this mechanic cost me the chance at getting another villager. I'm weird. No. Apparently in this version they won't move out unless you specifically talk to them about it and tell them to move.
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How to lower friendship in ACNH?

Actions that decrease friendshipedit
  1. −1 point — offering medicine to the villager when sick without actually having any.
  2. −1 point — ending a treasure hunt without finding the buried item before talking to the villager again [nb 2]
  3. −2 points — giving the villager trash [nb 1] as a gift during a conversation.
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Will villagers steal from my chest?

Yes. There's a little icon in the upper right of the chest storage and if you press it, that chest will become usable to villagers.
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Do villagers drop anything when killed?

A villager, either adult or baby, does not ordinarily drop any items or experience when killed. However, when a player holds an emerald or other item a villager is willing to trade for, the item it offers in trade appears in its hands, alternating between items if there are multiple items the villager wants to trade.
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Why do pillagers hate villagers?

According to the Minecraft Mobestiary, the Illagers were banished from villages for committing "unspeakable activities." An example of this banishment could be seen in The Rise of the Arch-Illager, the prequel novel of Minecraft Dungeons. This is likely be the reason why the Illagers feel such hatred for Villagers.
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Why do Iron Golems keep killing me?

Also, if a player has -15 popularity or less in a village, or has -100 or lower reputation with any nearby villager, naturally-spawned iron golems become hostile to that player until the player's popularity climbs above -15 and reputation with all nearby villagers goes above -100.
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Do villagers respawn after dying?

A villager can respawn if: It has a claimed bed nearby. It doesn't become zombified.
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