Does thunder roll or roar?

The wide range of words we use to describe thunder's sounds – boom, crack, clap, roll, peal, rumble, grumble, roar – reflect the fact that what we hear a lightning bolt produce varies in volume, sharpness and duration.
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Does thunder roar or rumble?

Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. Depending upon the distance from and nature of the lightning, it can range from a long, low rumble to a sudden, loud crack. The sudden increase in temperature and hence pressure caused by the lightning produces rapid expansion of the air in the path of a lightning bolt.
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Why does thunder sound rolling?

The fading rumbling occurs as sound waves from increasingly distant stretches of the lightning column reach our ears. But other factors can be involved. Sound waves travel faster in warm air than cold. In addition, thunder may be reflected by hills or even scattered by small swirls of air.
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What sound does thunder make?

The combination of millions of shock waves gives thunder the continuous booming/rumbling sound we hear. The temperature of the atmosphere affects the sound of thunder as well as how far it travels. Sound waves move faster in warm air than in cool air.
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Does thunder come in rolls?

The sound of thunder from a distance, though, is the result of many overlaid echoes of that original sharp crack, all arriving from a range of distances and hence sounds more like familiar long “roll” of thunder; it's the difference between a single, sharp, up-close beat of a drum, and the sound of a drum roll.
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Thunderstorms 101 | National Geographic

What does long rumbling thunder mean?

Typically, a sharp crack or click will indicate that the lightning channel passed nearby. If the thunder sounds more like a rumble, the lightning was at least several miles away. The loud boom that you sometimes hear is created by the main lightning channel as it reaches the ground.
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How long can a single roll of thunder last?

There are four general types of thunderstorms. (1) A single-cell storm is the isollated one that is usually caused by convection and last about 30 minutes. (2) Multicell cluster storms are individual cells that form along a cold front and can last several hours.
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What are the two sounds of thunder?

Sounds of thunder

A “rumble” is typically associated with storms further away and/or with a strike parallel to a person (ex. lightning bolt stretching from one end of a cloud to another). A “boom” is indicative of a lightning strike reaching the ground.
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What are the two sounds of thunder in a sound of thunder?

e.g. "A sound of thunder" first means the sound of the dinosaur's step; then it means the firing of the rifle that kills Eckels.
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What is the weird sound before thunder?

It's the sound produced when the air around a bolt of lightning is heated. The air expands like a bomb exploding and produces a shock wave. Lightning is the result of a buildup of static electricity in a cloud. As this process continues and the charge gets bigger, the air begins to break down into ions that conduct.
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Is thunder just a sonic boom?

Lightning heats the air and causes shock waves. These in turn cause sonic booms—but you probably know them better as thunder! Lightning and thunder happen at the same time. But you see lightning before you hear thunder because light, which travels a million times faster than sound, arrives almost instantly.
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Is thunder actually a sonic boom?

Overview. Thunder is a result of the rapid expansion of super heated air caused by the extremely high temperature of lightning. As a lightning bolt passes through the air, the air expands faster than the speed of sound, generating a "sonic boom".
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How long can thunder last?

Since sound travels about one mile in 5 seconds, the rumbling sounds of thunder from a single bolt can last for up to 25 seconds from start to finish. And, we can hear thunder from lightning up to 10 miles away.
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Why is thunder so loud in Texas?

"It's traveling slower through the cold air, faster through the warm air above, so that actually makes the sound waves refract more towards the ground."
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What causes thunder without lightning?

No, it is not possible to have thunder without lightning. Thunder starts as a shockwave from the explosively expanding lightning channel when a large current causes rapid heating. However, it is possible that you might see lightning and not hear the thunder because it was too far away.
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Why is it a bad idea to hide under a tree during a thunderstorm?

Trees are generally taller objects around them. So Lightning current will pass through trees into the earth. But trees are not very good conductors of electricity. So when you go under a tree, current will pass through your body because the human body is a good conductor of electricity.
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What is a thunder roar?

1 a loud cracking or deep rumbling noise caused by the rapid expansion of atmospheric gases which are suddenly heated by lightning. 2 any loud booming sound. 3 Rare a violent threat or denunciation.
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Which comes first lightning or thunder?

A person on the ground sees the lightning flash before hearing the thunder because light at a speed of around 300,000,000 meters per second travels much faster than sound which moves at 340 meters per second.
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What is the difference between lightning and thunder?

A bolt of lightning heats the air along its path causing it to expand rapidly. Thunder is the sound caused by the rapidly expanding air.
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What is the 30 minute thunder rule?

When You See Lightning, Count The Time Until You Hear Thunder. If That Is 30 Seconds Or Less, The Thunderstorm Is Close Enough To Be Dangerous – Seek Shelter (if you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule). Wait 30 Minutes Or More After The Lightning Flash Before Leaving Shelter.
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What's the thunder rule?

Protective Actions. Remember the 30/30 lightning safety rule: Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.
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Is it safe to swim if you hear thunder?

Whether you're swimming in a pool or the ocean, lying on the beach, or playing at a water park, you're in danger if a storm kicks up. Your best course of action is to get indoors and wait to resume water-based activities until at least 30 minutes after you've heard the last clap of thunder.
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When you hear thunder roar?

Remember: When thunder roars, go indoors. Find a safe, enclosed shelter. Safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles with the windows rolled up. If you are caught in an open area, act quickly to find adequate shelter.
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What does the Bible say about loud thunder?

* Exodus 19:16 - And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that were in the camp trembled.
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