Does Turn Undead affect vampires?

Vampires, being undead, are susceptible to Turn Undead.
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Does turn undead work on vampires?

If you are lawful or neutral, certain classes of undead monsters may be killed instantly. If you are chaotic, they may become peaceful. These monsters are, in increasing order of difficulty: zombie, mummy, wraith, vampire, ghost, lich. Demons and those undead who are not killed will flee.
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What does turn undead actually do?

Turn undead is a channel divinity cast by nearly all clerics. When a cleric casts turn undead he or she pushes any undead within a nearby area of five feet in radius back at least fifteen feet, perhaps further depending on the cleric's strength of personality.
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What repels vampires?

Why is it believed that vampires hate garlic? Many cultures have long believed in the extraordinary powers of garlic: from ancient Egypt to Romania, garlic has been used as a natural insect repellent, a natural antibiotic, and as protection against other preternatural evils.
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Does turn undead destroy undead?

Starting at 5th level, when an undead of CR 1/2 or lower fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, the creature is instantly destroyed.
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TURN UNDEAD Rules (for D&D 5E, 3.5E, 2E & 1E) [ RPGmodsFan ]

Are all undead evil?

Not at all. While many undead are labeled evil, that's a matter of making and using them. And perspective. Necromancy is more labelled as evil because that's the cliche.
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How does Turn Undead work in 5e?

As an action, Clerics can present their holy symbol and speak a prayer against the undead. Each undead within 30 feet of the cleric must make a Wisdom saving throw. Those who fail are 'turned' for one minute or, until they take any damage. For context, one minute is ten rounds of combat in a typical skirmish.
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Why can't vampires eat garlic?

Garlic, specifically the chemical compound allicin inside garlic, is a powerful antibiotic. Some European beliefs around vampires stated they were created by a disease of the blood, so a powerful antibiotic would “kill” a vampire.
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What is poisonous to vampires?

Vampires don't have much trouble eating meat, especially rare, and even fruit and vegetables to some extent. However, they react badly to vegetables similar to garlic, large amounts of salt, or edible wood-like substances such as cinnamon.
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Why are vampires sexualized?

Vampires aren't just a vessel for disease. They are also often portrayed sexually in literature and media, as a vessel for sexual repression, as sex is another big societal taboo. In Pop Vampires, Freud, and Primary Masochism, Charles Henry discusses how vampires symbolize repressed masochism, a sexual taboo.
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Does turn undead work on mummies?

Using Turn Undead against a mummy doesn't deter it in the slightest: as soon as it wears off, the mummy returns to the slow-motion chase.
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Is turn undead instant?

At fifth level, Turn Undead gains an additional power to instantly defeat enemies who fail their save.
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What harms undead?

Generally radiant damage is there to deal with undead. You can flavor it as your healing energy burning the undead down, but nerfing what a cleric is great for mechanically is bad.
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Could a necromancer control a vampire?

Necromancers have an inborn ability to control the dead. They can raise zombies easier than animators, and sometimes don't even need an animal sacrifice. They usually also have some control over vampires. In the daytime they can animate a vampire's corpse, whilst it is soulless.
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How do you reverse being a vampire?

Falion leads the player to nearby Summoning Stones, North by North West of Morthal on a river delta. The player won't need to provide anything else to Falion to cure Vampirism. Just let him do his thing, stand in the Summoning Stones, and the Vampire curse will be cured.
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How many times can you turn undead?

You must present your holy symbol to turn undead. Turning is considered an attack. Times per Day: You may attempt to turn undead a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You can increase this number by taking the extra turning feat.
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What are vampires most afraid of?

Legends suggest crosses (or crucifixes), holy water, garlic, and sunlight as effective deterrents for vampires. Sunlight, a stab through the heart, and beheading are all common ways to kill vampires, variously depicted in Dracula and associated media, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Supernatural.
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Why do vampires hate silver?

Because silver is seen as pure, it is effective against impure forces, such as vampires and werewolves. Silver bullets are especially potent when blessed by a priest. Silver is also why vampires have no mirror reflection, as mirrors were originally made from silver, and thus could not reflect anything unholy.
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Why do vampires hate crosses?

In many myths and legends surrounding the fiends, vampires are said to be afraid of, or damaged by, crosses and other holy symbols. This is, essentially, the result of vampires being understood as unholy and thus symbols of the divine, like crosses, are anathema to their very beings.
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Why can't vampires have kids?

Technically, vampires are undead creatures so there's no way to procreate in a traditional way. Vampires create offspring by "siring" children when they drink the blood of a victim and then make that victim drink of the vampire's blood, and voila! New vampire.
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Why do vampires hate running water?

Ultimately the reason behind this is likely that running water is seen as clean, and an unclean being such as a vampire would not stand up to it. In some cultures, other unclean (or “un-Christian”) beings such as witches or fairies also could not cross running water.
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Does Turn Undead do damage?

In its most basic form, Turn Undead is essentially a highly effective crowd control ability for any undead foes. Turn Undead becomes even more powerful when a Cleric reaches Level 5. At that point, Turn Undead will also deal 4d6 Radiant damage to any undead that fail their Wisdom saving throw.
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What spells are undead immune to?

Undead are immune to death effects, Disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, phantasms, and patterns), paralysis, Poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
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Do paladins get Turn Undead?


Eternal Defender, which, whenever you are incapacitated but not killed, you expend 2 turn undead charges, and are healed for 250 positive energy.
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