Does using a wand break invisibility 5e?

if it is a spell like ability (ring of invis.), then it does not break because you do not need concentration. If it is an item casting a spell (wand of invisibility), then yes it breaks because you are holding concentration.
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Does using a wand break invisibility?

because using the wand involves casting a spell the effects of invisibility are ended.
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What breaks invisibility?

bringing down the lightning probably breaks it, right? Well, invisibility says "The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell," concentrating on a spell, dealing damage with a previously cast spell, and even using an action to deal damage with a previously cast spell are all NOT "casting a spell".
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Does shoving break invisibility?

Because shove is a bonus action instead of an attack action it does not break invisibility. This means while invisible and hiding you can continuously shove enemies with a 100% chance of success and it never breaks your invisibility or stealth.
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What are the rules for invisibility in 5e?

A creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.
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Top 10 Defensive Magic Items in DnD 5E

What spells break invisibility?

Attacking or casting a spell causes invisibility to fail, regardless of the type of spell, so casting counterspell or dispel magic both make invisibility go away. “The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.”
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How do you counter invisibility in D&D?

You can grapple the invisible creature to keep it from moving. A pool of water or mud on the ground can give away a location too. Aoe attacks only need to know the general location of enemies. You can also use an action to look for signs of the invisible enemy and point out its location for allies.
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Does a grapple break invisibility 5e?

As cited in the question, a grapple attempt is one of the options you have for an Attack action. The fact that it doesn't require an attack roll doesn't change that this is still an attack as defined in the PHB. Being an attack, a grapple will end the invisibility spell.
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Does Blindsight cancel invisibility?

Per the actual rules and Jeremy Crawford confirming, if you're invisible via the Invisibility spell or Greater Invisibility, and a creature has Blindsight, Truesight, or Wizard lets say casts See Invisibility, they can see you, but you still have advantage to attack and they have disadvantage to attack you. MIND BLOWN!
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Does attacking with spiritual weapon break invisibility?

Yes. The interesting question is let's say the caster gets hit with a fog cloud so now he can't see the target, but the SW and the target are outside of it.
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Can clerics cast invisibility?

Two subclasses of cleric have access to invisibility. Trickery clerics get the class feature Cloak of Shadows at level 6, and Twilight clerics gain Greater Invisibility as a domain spell at 7th level. Monks can use Empty Body to turn invisible at level 18.
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How does invisibility work with light?

In order to make something invisible to the naked eye, all wavelengths of visible light must be refracted around the object simultaneously.
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Why invisibility is not possible?

“Even with active cloaks,” Alù explains, “Einstein's theory of relativity fundamentally limits the ultimate performance for invisibility. Yet, with new concepts and designs, such as active and nonlinear metamaterials, it is possible to move forward in the quest for transparency and invisibility.”
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What happens if you snap your wand?

Typically, when a witch or wizard is expelled from Hogwarts before they're of age, their wand gets snapped in half, meaning they cannot use it anymore. Based on when Ron broke his wand in Chamber of Secrets and Harry breaks his in Deathly Hallows, if the magical core is snapped, there is no saving the wand.
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How did Voldemort's wand break?

Voldemort's wand wasn't dammaged, it was Lucius Malfoy's that was destroyed by the power of Harry's wand. Voldemort merely stopped using his own wand after the discovery of the twin cores.
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What happens if a Muggle waves a wand?

While they wouldn't be capable of casting charms or curses, Muggles could accidentally force out the innate power within wands -- even if it's just the wand rebelling against them, such as in the Pottermore story "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." After finding one, a man named James waved a wand, and "as ...
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What is the disadvantage of invisibility 5e?

Attacks against invisible creatures are at disadvantage unless they can be “seen” by magical means or through blindsight or truesight. In addition, opportunity attacks against the invisible creature can't happen at all without magical means or ways to see without using normal vision (Player's Handbook p.
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Does tremorsense negate invisibility?

That said, the invisible creature is still invisible, and the creature with tremorsense will still suffer disadvantage on attack rolls against it and grant advantage on attack rolls from it. As long as the creature is on the ground and walking then yes Tremor Sense will detect the creature.
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Does Truesight negate invisibility?

Truesight does not explicitly override invisible, it merely allows you to see invisible creatures. Therefore, the second benefit of invisibility (which does not rely on being unseen) is still in effect. How, exactly, does the secondary benefit of being invisible not rely entirely on being invisible?
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How does invisibility affect combat 5e?

Creatures which use other senses to “see”, like blindsight or truesight, are unaffected by invisibility. Also, invisible creatures attack with advantage- that part is crystal clear. Attacks against invisible creatures are at disadvantage unless they can be “seen” by magical means or through blindsight or truesight.
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Can you blink out of a grapple 5e?

Blinking will only free you from a grapple if the grappler cant not effect things on the ethereal. For example, if you were grappled by a monk with an amulet of might fist that granted the ghost touch ability, then you would still be grappled.
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How does invisibility affect stealth rolls?

While invisibility doesn't give advantage on Stealth checks, you cannot even attempt to Hide if you're being seen; invisibility allows you to do so at any moment. The DM can also decide that circumstances influence a roll in one direction or the other and grant advantage or impose disadvantage as a result.
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Does counterspell break invisibility?

If they are using the second level spell Invisibility then the answer is yes. Casting a spell causes Invisibility to end and counterspell is a spell. The fact that it is cast as a reaction doesn't change that. Greater Invisibility (a fourth level spell) on the other hand has no such restriction.
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Do Cantrips count as spells?

Yes, cantrips are spells. They ate specially defined as level 0 spells in the PHB. So, if a description references a spell, with no level or slot reference, then cantrips are included.
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Does casting a spell break greater invisibility?

From the descriptions it appears one difference is that Greater Invisibility does *not* end when the target attacks or casts a spell.
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