How big is Cyberpunk 2077 map compared to Skyrim?

Witcher 3's Map Is Larger, But Cyberpunk 2077's Is Denser For comparison, this is a hefty 100 square kilometers larger than The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim's map, which sits at around 37 square kilometers.
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Is Cyberpunk bigger than Skyrim?

This would mean that Skyrim's open-world is at least one-third the size of Cyberpunk 2077.
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Does Cyberpunk 2077 have a big map?

The full Cyberpunk 2077 map will definitely require Fast Travel to get around, a huge map of Night City with different regions and districts, as well as desert to explore to the South and luxurious hills to the East, including the new Dogtown region added as part of the Phantom Liberty DLC.
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Is Cyberpunk 2077 map bigger than GTA 5?

In terms of sheer scale, the map size of Los Santos in Grand Theft Auto 5 surpasses that of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Los Santos, along with the surrounding region of San Andreas, covers approximately 49 square miles. In comparison, Night City spans an estimated 9.26 square miles.
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What game has the largest open world?

Open World Games Map Size Comparison
  • #1 Minecraft: Pioneering the Open World Realm | Jedi News Overview.
  • #2 No Man's Sky: A Universe of Limitless Exploration.
  • #3 Assassin's Creed Odyssey: An Epic Journey.
  • #4 Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: A Majestic Adventure.
  • #5 Dead Island 2: A Zombie Infested Open World.
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Cyberpunk 2077 News - Map Size EXPANDED, Unique Crowd System & 20 Million Sales Forecast!

What is the #1 game in the world?

Looking purely at the number of active players worldwide, PUBG is comfortably at the top of the most popular games pile right now, with over 100 million gamers enjoying this Battle Royale classic.
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How big is the Skyrim map?

Skyrim's heightmap is rectangular and uses 119 x 94 = 11186 in-game "cells". The engine uses the same cell size as in Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas - 57.6 metres (63 yards) to the side, 3317.76 m² (3 969 square yards) of area. The full map thus has an area of about 37.1 km² (14.3 square miles).
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Is Cyberpunk more violent than GTA?

Players can decapitate enemies with powerful weapons such as shotguns. The weaker guns show minimal amounts of blood. 9/10 at minimum. Higher amount of gore and more violent than all the GTA and Witcher games.
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Is Cyberpunk bigger than Witcher 3?

Cyberpunk 2077's Night City

Night City is estimated to be around 75 kilometers in size, nearly half the size of The Witcher 3's world and roughly the size of The Witcher's mainland. This reflects several other comparisons that can be made between the games.
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How big is Night City in Cyberpunk 2077?

There are 16 sub-districts and the total size of the city is 75.42 km². That's City Center – Night City's corporate showcase. Sleek skyscrapers form a brutalist, fortress-like skyline, presenting the unrivaled power of megacorps in all its arrogance.
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How far is cyberpunk from reality?

Although it may seem a stretch to suggest that we are already living in a cyberpunk universe, it is not far off. There have already been a number of significant technological achievements, and future advancements will bring us ever closer to true cyberpunk technology.
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How long is cyberpunk 100%?

When focusing on the main objectives, Cyberpunk 2077 is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 104 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How big is the world in Cyberpunk 2077?

When it comes to surface area, Cyberpunk 2077's map is considerably smaller, as EdgeRunner Cold on YouTube estimates it to be about 106 square kilometers. However, an important aspect to consider when it comes to the futuristic RPG's map is that its world building is exceptionally more complex.
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How big is Skyrim canonically?

This article from Elder Scrolls Wiki(yes I know they're not as reliable as UESP) says, in the "Geography" section, that Skyrim is 105,000 sq mi, which places it at roughly between the sizes of Italy and New Zealand in the real world.
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How big is the real world of Skyrim?

This can be calculated accurately. Skyrim, Oblivion, and the Fallout games use the same exterior cell size, which is a square 192 feet on a side. Skyrim's game world is a rectangle composed of 119 cells across by 94 cells high, so roughly 4.32 miles across by 3.42 miles high, or a total of 14.8 square miles.
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Is Skyrim or Red Dead bigger?

RDR2 is almost twice the size of Skyrim with about 29 square miles of land compared to Skyrim's 14.3 square miles.
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Which video game has the largest map?

Minecraft holds the title as not only one of the largest video game maps but also one of the most popular video games of all time.
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Is Cyberpunk 2077 bigger than GTA?

6 Cyberpunk 2077: Bigger Map Size

It has a wider playground for everyone since Night City and the surrounding area measures around 100+ square kilometers. GTA 5's Los Santos and the nearby wilderness is only about 75 square kilometers.
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How big is the Ghost of Tsushima map?

Size is one of the striking similarities between the two games' maps, with Rise of the Ronin measuring at 10.4 square miles, and Ghost of Tsushima at 11 square miles.
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Why did Cyberpunk fail?

Performance Issues with Last-Gen Consoles

The PS4 and XBOX One are, of course, last-gen consoles. According to several complaints, the game crashes frequently and can only be played at low resolution and framerate. Overall, it's reasonable to assume that Cyberpunk performs poorly on last-generation hardware.
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Is Cyberpunk the most demanding game ever?

Cyberpunk 2077. If not the most, then one of the most controversial video games in the history of the industry. In addition to poor technical condition at release, one of the main reasons for player dissatisfaction was the high system requirements.
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Is V the strongest Cyberpunk?

Although it wasn't always the case, by the end of the game, V is the most powerful character in Night City considering they managed to defeat most of the most powerful characters in Night City. V can defeat every fighter from the Beat on the Brat side gig and all the cyberpsychos in the game.
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Is Elden Ring bigger than Skyrim?

Meanwhile, however, Elden Ring has been determined by Reddit user Lusty-Batch to weigh in at a whopping 79 square kilometers, or 30.5 square miles, making it more than twice the size of Skyrim. Skyrim's base game has 343 fast-travel locations, while Elden Ring has 300.
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Is Skyrim or Oblivion bigger?

Oblivion is a larger game compared to the latest three main entries, allowing players to explore the province of Cyrodil.
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Is Baldur's Gate 3 bigger than Skyrim?

Combine the surface with The Underdark, though, and Baldur's Gate 3 is roughly three times Skyrim's size. Skyrim, however, is less linear; with its level scaling, players can basically pick any direction and wander anywhere from the very beginning of the game.
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