How common are Dex saves?

Three are common, three are uncommon. Dex, Wis, and Con saves are wildly more common than the other three, by something like to 4-to-1.
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What is the most common spell save in 5e?

TL;DR: CHA is the Saving Throw that is targeted by a significant portion of the most frequently used save-or-suck spells in high-level games. 5e was designed to have three major Saving Throws (Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom) and three minor ones (Strength, Intelligence, Charisma).
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What is the advantage on Dexterity saving throws?

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated. The effect you described fits the bill, it is a Dexterity saving throw caused by a bucking animal the barbarian can see.
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Can a prone creature make a dex save?

The Prone condition does not inflict disadvantage to Dex saves, so no. You don't know what fear is until you've witnessed a drunk bird divebombing you while carrying a screaming Kobold throwing fire anywhere and everywhere. The prone condition doesn't impose disadvantage on any saving throws.
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What is the difference between a Dex check and a Dex save?

Well, mechanically, the purpose of a saving throw is generally to avoid harm while the purpose of a skill check is generally to bring about an effect.
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What is a Saving Throw? | Dungeons & Dragons

What is the downside of Dex?

Global Access - DEXs are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of where they are located. Cons: Liquidity - DEXs generally have lower liquidity than centralized exchanges, which can result in slower trade execution and higher transaction fees.
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What determines a DEX save?

Type of save (Dex or Con) is determined by what type of breath weapon you have (refer to the Race section of the PHB for details). If you are the one saving against a spell or effect roll a d20 and add the relevant modifier (plus your proficiency bonus if your class is proficient in those kinds of saving throws).
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How common are dex saves in 5e?

Dexterity saving throws are definitely the most common ones. But any Ability Score might be subject to them. If a creature is being knocked prone by another creature, it usually requires a Strength saving throw from them to resist it and keep their balance.
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Do objects automatically fail dex saves?

Objects always fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and they are immune to effects that require other saves.
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Does uncanny dodge work on dex saves?

Uncanny Dodge does not work on anything that has a Saving throw. It does NOT matter that you first had an attack roll. It only works on things that have an attack roll and nothing afterwards.
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What gives disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws?

Attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws made by a restrained creature have disadvantage. Attack rolls against a stunned target have advantage.
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What is a successful saving throw in D&D?

A saving throw's success depends on the DC of the original effect. The DC, or “difficulty class” of an enemy's effect determines how tough it is to beat. If the number you roll for your saving throw equals or exceeds the DC, it's a success; if it's below the DC, it fails.
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Do ability checks count as saving throws?

However, they are not the same thing, a Saving Throw is not an ability check. If a game rule says something such as a class feature or a spell affects an ability check, it will have no effect on a saving throw, unless it says it affects saving throws as well.
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What is the most damaging spell in 5e?

With a whopping 40d6 damage meteor swarm is the single most damaging spell in the game. It deals 20d6 each of fire and bludgeoning damage. With a save for half you're still looking at an easy 60 to 120 damage with a middling roll.
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What is the most destructive spell in D&D 5e?

No other spell even comes close in terms of immediate, raw damage dice in 5th Edition D&D, and any casters looking to take down their enemies fast and hard need look no further than Meteor Swarm.
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What is the most common saving throw in DND?

Dexterity saving throws are among the most common. There are plenty of circumstances both in combat and out that might force a DEX save.
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Does blindness affect Dex saves?

Blinded only affects ability checks and attack rolls (made both by the creature and against it). It doesn't affect any saves, just as invisible does not.
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Does difficult terrain affect Dex saves?

Crawling through difficult terrain costs an additional foot of speed (1 foot movement costs 3 feet). SQUEEZING: A creature or player can move through spaces one size class lower, but may only move up to half their speed and suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity saves.
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Does incapacitated fail Dex saves?

Being unconscious also means your PC is incapacitated, but being incapacitated doesn't make them unconscious. Furthermore, when PCs fall unconscious, they automatically fail any Strength or Dexterity saving throws—but incapacitated PCs can still make saving throws without any interference.
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How important is Dex in D&D?

Pretty much through 4th edition, Dexterity was the 'God stat. ' It influenced armor class and Reflex saves (which are vital to avoiding a lot of different types of damage.) It was essential for ranged attacks, and with a little feat tax it could be made to work for melee attacks as well.
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How much Dex should a wizard have?

While perhaps a marginal benefit in some games, it is a benefit. I always try to start the game with CON 15 in order to round up with Resilient, usually at level 4. DEX 14-16 depending if I manage to get armor proficiency somehow. I usually go for 16 if I'll rely on Mage Armor.
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Is a dex save an ability check?

No, Skill Check and Saving Throws are different. The Skills that use Dexterity are Stealth, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand (do I forget one ?). If you do such a Skill Check, you are indeed doing a Skill Check. If you are in the area where a Burning Hands or Fireball explodes, you do a Dexterity Saving Throw.
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Why is fireball a dex save?

Basically, the underlying premise is that someone with a great dexterity has an improved chance of not being totally scorched by a fireball. It doesn't necessarily mean that they jump 20 feet to avoid it, but they can drop and roll, turn away, dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge sufficiently to not take full damage.
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Is a DEX safe?

Security — Although distributed networks provide enhanced security by allowing users to hold their private keys, it doesn't always hold true especially if the DEX platform is not properly audited. In cases of theft, DEX funds are absolutely gone and non-refundable as distributed networks are not covered by insurance.
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How does a DEX actually work?

DEXs use “automated market maker” protocols to determine the prices of assets without a centralized body orchestrating trades. A common approach is the “constant product” mechanism, which determines prices offered as a function of the ratio of the DEX's total reserves of each of the assets involved.
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