How did Raszageth get free?

Raszageth meets Wrathion. 20,000 years later, a modern incarnation of the Primalists was led by Kurog Grimtotem to free Raszageth from the Froststone Vault in the Forbidden Reach.
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Who freed Raszageth?

This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

20,000 years later, Raszageth the Storm-Eater was freed by Kurog Grimtotem, and schemed to release her kin from the Vault.
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What happened to Raszageth?

Raszageth is sealed away by Neltharion. While the proto-dragons who would become known as the Dragon Aspects accepted the gift of the titans, the proto-dragons who would become the Primal Incarnates rejected it.
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Who did Raszageth release?

They finally confront Raszageth who falls in battle, but not before she is able to release the other three Primal Incarnates: Fyrakk the Blazing, Vyranoth the Frozenheart, and Iridikron the Stonescaled, who are unleashed onto the Dragon Isles.
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Where is Raszageth?

Raszageth, The Storm-Eater is the final encounter in the Vault of the Incarnates raid in Dragonflight.
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Raszageth’s Escape Cinematic

Is Raszageth a girl?

Raszageth the Storm-Eater was one of Primal Incarnates who led the Primalists during the War of the Scaleborn and in modern times. Along with her brethren, she rejected the gift of the titans and turned to the elements instead, becoming an incarnation of storm. She was the youngest of the four.
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How to avoid Raszageth?

At 100 energy, Raszageth will conjure a gust of wind, pushing players away. Position the entire raid in a way that a Static Field is directly behind the raid. Standing in a Static Field prevents the pushback of Hurricane Wing.
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How to unlock Raszageth mount?

Unlock Raszageth Dragonriding Customization by simply buying Embodiment of the Storm-Eater here at Boosthive. This item drops from the final boss in the Vault of the Incarnates raid and it grants your Renewed Proto-Drake mount the appearance of Raszageth herself!
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Are dracthyr dragons?

He created the dracthyr as ideal soldiers, combining the essence of dragons with the traits of mortal races. While the direct processes used were largely unknown, the dark history of the dracthyr were immortalized in the halls of Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible.
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What killed Galakrond?

Despite his best efforts, the actions of Malygos's ice breaths would force the boulder to remain in the place and the boulder would ultimately be lodged further down his throat when Neltharion blasted a not-living into it, causing Galakrond to ultimately choke to death.
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Who is the antagonist in Dragonflight?

The Primalists are the main antagonists of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. They are a faction of rogue proto-dragons and their mortal followers that have rejected the edicts of the Titans, in favor of the elements.
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Who is Fyrakk?

Fyrakk is the secondary antagonist and final boss of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The Primal Incarnate of Fire, he serves as the third in command of his siblings and the main antagonist of The Fury Incarnate chapter of the expansion.
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Who is Ebyssian?

Ebyssian is the Aspect of the black dragonflight, and one of the few black dragons uncorrupted by the Old Gods.
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Who killed Raszageth first?

Clip of the kill.
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Who are Raszageth's siblings?

Though Sarkareth has optimistically claimed ownership over the reach, his triumph is short-lived as Raszageth's siblings arrive: Vyranoth, Fyrakk, and Iridikron - the remaining living Primal Incarnates.
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What happened to the earth incarnate in WoW?

Despite the Primalists' alliance with the djaradin to end the dragons' reign, the remaining Primal Incarnates were ultimately defeated, but Alexstrasza, having failed to restore peace between the two groups, still couldn't bear to kill them given they had once been as close as clutch-mates, and decided to imprison them ...
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Why is Caraxes like a snake?

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Caraxes by Constantine Sekeris closely resembles a loong, albeit with wings; a loong is usually depicted as a wingless serpent with four legs. The visual design of Caraxes is inspired by a loong (Chinese dragon).
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Is Caraxes a deformed dragon?

Caraxes is his giant, red-scaled dragon. First ridden by Daemon's uncle Aemon, Caraxes is a slightly deformed dragon in the series. He has an unusually long neck and wings on his hind legs. This earned him the nickname “Blood Wyrm.”
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Who did Caraxes belong to?

Caraxes is a large red dragon ridden by Daemon Targaryen. Perhaps it won't surprise you to learn that Caraxes—like Daemon—is know to be particularly brutal, described as one of the fiercest dragons in the Dragonpit. He's nicknamed Blood Wyrm because of his color and disposition.
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How rare is Raszageth Mount?

I'm pretty sure it has like a 1-3% dropchance for each player. I really like how Blizz is making normal and heroic raiding more attractive by including those higher ilvl "very rare" item drops as well as a small chance for getting the mount from the final boss!
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How do you get Dracolisk mounts?

Dracolisks. To unlock Dracolisks, you must first kill any one of the Dragons. This will unlock an operation from the war map called "Hunter Shade Dracolisk." After finishing the operation, you will be given the Hunter Shade Dracolisk for free automatically.
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What is the drop rate for Storm Eater skin?

Renewed Proto-Drake: Embodiment of the Storm-Eater, is available from LFR as well. This full transformation changes your Renewed Proto-Drake to look like Raszageth herself. The drop rate is unknown, but from other difficulties, it seems to be around 5 to 10%.
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Does Raszageth have a human form?

Unlike her siblings, the dragon was never shown in mortal appearance. And as the events unfold, it's unlikely that players will ever have the chance to see her in human guise. Thus, the champions of Azeroth are left to speculate and create their own versions.
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How to survive hurricane Wing Raszageth?

Players should use the Static Field (large puddle on the ground from Static Charge) to prevent getting knocked back by Hurricane Wing! This ability occurs every 100 energy, but this basically happens after each Static Charge cast.
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What is the charge of Raszageth?

Static Charge – Raszageth marks players with a Static Charge, inflicting 8833 Nature damage every 1 sec for 8 sec. Upon expiration, it inflicts 194323 Nature damage to all players. This damage is reduced the further away players are from the blast. Static Field – Electricity clings to the area.
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