How do Fae trick humans?

Here are some examples of the kinds of tricks that fairies are known to play on people:
  1. Leading travelers astray.
  2. Making people fall in love with them and then disappearing.
  3. Changing people's appearance.
  4. Stealing children and replacing them with changelings (fairy children)
  5. Cursing people.
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What do the Fae do to humans?

Fae will steal adults as well. They are particularly fond of musicians and poets and will take them away to their realm for their entertainment. They also take humans who offend them and transform them into strange creatures or keep them as servants. In some versions of the story of Tam Lin the bard, he went willingly.
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What are the rules of the Fae?

Rules of the Fey
  • Never say 'Thank you' to them. ...
  • Never, ever accept a gift from a Fey. ...
  • Never lie to a Fey. ...
  • Always keep your word when dealing with a Fey. ...
  • The Fey hate dirty water. ...
  • Never brag about any interaction that you may have with them. ...
  • Don't spy on them or capture their likeness without their permission.
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What happens if a fae knows your name?

Some legends state that knowing the “true name” of a supernatural being (spirit, faery, demon) grants power over it. The reverse is also possible : if a Fae knows your complete name, maybe this gives it power over you.
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What is the behavior of the Fae?

They are more malicious and nearly always unfavorable to humans. These faeries are not always evil but they tend to prefer harming rather than helping. Unseelie faeries like to travel in a group at night and assault travelers physically, mentally, and emotionally, especially if they are spiritually ignorant.
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How To Do The TikTok Fairy Flying Trick! **EXPOSING TIKTOK FAIRIES** | Sydney Raynell

What's a Fae trap?

As for fae traps, these refer to elaborate setups the fae would create to lure humans into their secret world. On TikTok, it's now being used to describe any place in nature that seems to have a magical yet deceptive aura about it.
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Can a Fae fall in love with a human?

Those of the fae fortunate enough to see otherwise might realize just how lucky they are, but this is fairly uncommon, even in fiction. The human treatment of love is a concept many faeries do not understand, and thus a "human"-like love of a faery to a mortal is frowned upon.
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What to do if a Fae asks for your name?

A well known trope in DnD for faeries and other fey creatures is they may "ask you for your name", and if you "give" it to them, they will "take your name". Literally. This comes from real world mythology about fey creatures, and the consequences for this are extremely varied depending on the story.
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Can Fae tell lies?

Faeries who enjoy word-play can skillfully lie without literally appearing to lie. Faeries are skillful illusionists. Humans are ill-equipped to deal with them, because Humans are too rational, too linearly logical, too pragmatically methodical — while Faeries are adept at casting shifty or misty glamour & illusions.
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What is the difference between Fae and Fey?

Latinate fay is not related the Germanic fey (from Old English fǣġe), meaning 'fated to die'. Yet, this unrelated Germanic word fey may have been influenced by Old French fae (fay or fairy) as the meaning had shifted slightly to 'fated' from the earlier 'doomed' or 'accursed'.
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How do you outsmart the Fae?

Fey Contracts – How To Beat the Fairies
  1. Accepting a gift. Don't accept – shoot the damn thing and take the item off its corpse.
  2. Thanking it for a gift. Again, just shoot it with your crossbow.
  3. Stealing something from it. Easy – it won't bind you to a contract if it's dead.
  4. Killing someone who owes them.
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What happens if a Fae breaks a promise?

Fey creatures are famously bound to their promises. Their very nature makes it impossible for them to betray someone by breaking a promise they have previously forged. The same way humans can't choose to simply reverse their aging.
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What kills Fae?

The Fae possess the same physical weaknesses as ordinary humans, meaning they can be killed through sustained injuries or blunt trauma. Decapitation: Fae can be killed through decapitation. Heart Extraction: Fae can be killed by ripping their hearts from their bodies.
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Can a Fae marry a human?

Dozens of stories about Fairy Brides have been passed down and retold up to the present day, but who are these mysterious fair folk? Fairy Bride is a term used to describe the phenomenon when an otherworldly woman marries a mortal man, though eventually she will leave him behind and return to her otherworld.
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Are Fae good or evil?

Fae are not good or evil by nature, they just have inhuman values, to humans the act of saying thank you is to show them that you are grateful thus a good gesture, but to the Fae they take it as an insult because it implies they did you a favour out of kindness.
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What do high Fae look like?

The High Fae are a group of faeries that are known as the ruling nobility in the Fae world. High Fae differ from the lesser faeries by their human-looking appearances, save for their delicately arched ears and longer limbs. Any other difference will mark a faerie as 'lesser' faeries.
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Why can't you thank the fae?

If you've studied fairy lore for more than five minutes, you'll know that you don't ever say “thank you” because it implies an obligation on your end (you've just agreed to a contract you didn't know you were agreeing to) or it's insulting to the fae, because it implies they are there to serve you.
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What can hurt fae?

Rule 1 of Fairies: They hate iron. This takes different shapes in different folklore and pop culture. Fairies might be repelled by iron, burned by it, only able to die to an iron weapon, be unable to cross under an iron horseshoe, or simply dislike it and find it irritating.
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What is true fae?

In the World of Darkness, True Fae are a type of supernatural being that are native to the realm of Faerie. True Fae are incredibly powerful and often malevolent beings that are known for their capricious and unpredictable nature.
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Can I name my child Fae?

This name also has meanings in other countries, such as in Irish, referring to “trust” and “belief.” So if you believe baby will resonate with any of these definitions or you simply would like to honor baby's Irish or French roots, Fae can be the perfect name!
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Do Fae have to tell the truth?

Fae can't lie. Any attempt to lie would result in their voice cutting off before they could finish the sentence. They can, however, tell a factual falsehood if they believe it to be the truth. Fae have exceptionally good hearing.
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What are the Fae rules of hospitality?

The rule of hospitality states that when a friend, an enemy, or stranger enters your home, you are expected to be gracious and accommodating to them until such time as they prove, by their words or actions, as undeserving of such hospitality. Hospitality is a pillar of fey society.
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What is a fae mark?

A Fae Mark is a mark bestowed on a human by a Fae. The mark gives the human the ability to use magic, therefore making them a Spell-caster.
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How do Fae sleep?

Because they are so delicate, they are also incredible sensitive. This leads to many fairies donning veil-like night covers that protect their wings as they sleep. While many do sleep on their stomach, some also sit perched up on a branch, their knees folded underneath them.
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Do Fae have pets?

Some say they ride mice as we do horses, that they keep ladybugs as birds and grasshoppers as dogs. Of course, that's assuming they're tiny. Full sized, there are white dogs that resemble whippets, hawks, eagles, owls (birds of prey).
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