How do I abandon an active quest?

To abandon a quest, you should select the quest in your Journal in the game menu and press [Menu] on Xbox [Options] on PlayStation then select Abandon Quest. If you wish to reacquire the quest, you'll need to go back to where you originally picked it up. Please note that main quests cannot be abandoned.
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How do you abandon a quest?

You can quit a quest midway by selecting [Abandon Quest] from the menu displayed on the bottom right of the screen. *Using [Abandon Quest] quits the quest itself, not simply the battle.
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How to abandon a quest in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hi, thanks for this question about Hogwarts Legacy! To abandon a quest, you must press options/select to open your menu, then click on the "Quests" icon. After this, locate the quest you're on from the list, select it and you should see an option to "Abandon Quest".
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How to abandon a quest in Assassin's Creed Valhalla?

To abandon your ongoing run: Open your Inventory. Select Abandon Run.
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What is the command to abandon quest?

SetAbandonQuest(); C_QuestLog. AbandonQuest() end; Save the macro, add it to your action bar, press the button, and voila! All quests will magically vanish from the Quest Log.
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Skull & Bones: CANT "Fast Travel" Order Active FIX! How To Abandon Missions & Restart Quest

Can you redo an abandoned quest?

If you abandon a quest accidentally and lose progress, go back to the quest giver to pick the quest back up. In many cases, especially for quests that require significant time investment, the quest progress will stay with your character and appear in your quest log when you accept the quest again.
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What is the penalty for abandoning a quest in darkest dungeon?

Heroes will suffer 20 stress after abandoning a quest (which is unaffected by stress modifiers like trinkets, quirks, and torchlight).
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How do you abandon a quest in wartales?

To abandon a bounty quest: open the quest log [L], select the bounty quests section, highlight the unwanted quest, and then click "Abandon Quest." Abandoning a quest will allow the player to accept a new bounty quest instead, but will forsake any possible rewards the old quest may have given.
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How do you exit a trial in Hogwarts Legacy?

With the memory over, use the Enchanted Stone archway to exit the Trial and return to the Map Chamber.
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Can you undo a quest in wow?

World of Warcraft quests, achievements or collections cannot be reset.
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How do I abandon a quest in Mhrise?

Abandoning Quests

Select "Abandon Quest" from the Start Menu to end the quest on the spot and relinquish any items you earned up to that point, to return to the village/outpost in the same state as before you accepted the quest. This option is not available during Expedition Tours.
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Can you abandon a quest in Osrs?

To abandon a quest, highlight the quest in the Journal and select "Abandon." Warning: Players will need to return to the initial quest giver to be able to start this quest again.
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How to do the Nowhere to Hide quest?

How to complete this quest:
  1. Use the Revealing Dragon's Eye quest item (a red gem)
  2. Roam the city and look for an NPC to suddenly have a golden glow beneath them, with a small "whoosh" sound effect.
  3. Talk to them and there will be a dialogue option to tell them you see through their disguise.
  4. Kill them.
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What does abandon quest mean in Hogwarts Legacy?

Abandoning quest reverts all accomplished progress during that time. I've been playing this game with my partner and after getting stuck in a quest and being unable to track anything, we decided to abandon the quest in hopes to accept it again and fixing the issue.
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What happens if you abandon the side quest in Diablo 4?

Hi friend It's not always feasible to get back a side quest in Diablo 4 from the original task giver. You can't restart or resume a mission that you've abandoned since it usually disappears forever from your quest log.
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What happens if you fail a quest in wow?

If the quest does fail, it can be abandoned and restarted.
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How do I start the abandoned house quest?

This quest begins outside the Abandoned House in Markarth. Vigilant Tyranus, a vigilant of Stendarr, will ask if you know anything about the house. Offer to help and the quest begins. After a small conversation, you will be locked in the house with Tyranus and a voice will tell you to kill each other.
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What is the command for quests?

The three main commands for Quests are /quests, /quest, and /questadmin. The first two are enabled for all users by default, while the last one is reserved for server ops. To change this behavior, such as giving /questadmin to non-op administrators, you must set up permissions.
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How do I force end a quest in Skyrim?

Yes. Typically, stage 200 is the end of a quest; so you'd type 'setstage <quest ID> 200' to mark a quest completed. This will "show quest stages" -- it lists each numbered stage of the quest & whether that stage is completed (1) or not (0). This will set all stages of that quest to 0.
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