How do I get rid of FIA's blessing?

If you're one of those players who decided to hug Fia, there is no need to worry too much. Getting rid of Baldachin's Blessing's HP debuff is as easy as getting the item itself. To get rid of the debuff, you need to consume the Baldachin's Blessing item to get it out of your inventory, and the debuff will just go away.
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How to remove fia blessing?

Removing Fia's Debuff

Getting rid of the -5% Total Health debuff is actually quite simple, though it can easily go overlooked. You need only use the Baldachin's Blessing that Fia has given to increase your poise, and once the blessing's effects are gone, so to will the health debuff leave you.
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How to get rid of fia status effect?

Use a Specific Consumable Item

If you're wondering why this debuff exists in the first place, the answer lies within the gift Fia bestows on you after her embrace, i.e., Baldachin's Blessing . This happens to be a Consumable Item, like a potion in Elden Ring that will let you remove the Red Square Debuff.
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How do I get rid of the curse of Zanzil?

It is cured by [Eau de Mixilpixil] or [Hinott's Oil], but can also be cleared by anti-poison spells and anti-venom items. Dwarves can use their racial ability, [Stoneform], to remove this debuff.
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What happens if you don't cure Touch of Zanzil?

The followup is a quest that takes you over to Tarren Mill. You do a quest for a guy there & he gives you a potion that cures this. OR just have a shaman cast remove curse & you'll be fine. After 7 days, you die.
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Elden Ring Red Square Debuff (How to Remove)

How do I get rid of Jaheira's curse?

Take the Lock of Jaheira's hair from Ployer's body and Jaheira will feel better. The curse will go away after 24 hours.
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Should I let Fia hug me?

Fia the Deathbed Companion is located in Elden Ring's Roundtable Hold, and she's gained quite the reputation in the time since the game was released. If you choose to embrace her, you get an item called Baldachin's Blessing. Using it increases your poise and physical damage, but decreases your max health.
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Can I undo scadutree blessing?

You can't undo em so you kinda just have to guess and hope you are correct.
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Can you remove scadutree blessings?

Fortunately, those players who dislike Scadutree Fragments can now remove them from Shadow of the Erdtree thanks to the "Normalized DLC Damage" mod by creator Sereenaty over on Nexus Mods.
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What does Fia's blessing do?

Baldachin's Blessing is a unique item only obtainable from Fia's hugs. It uses a small amount of FP and raises your Poise during combat. Poise is what determines how likely it is that an enemy's attacks will stagger you, breaking your defense and leaving you stunned and vulnerable.
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Should I hug Fia in deeproot depths?

She tells you to kill her - don't! Hug her instead with the option "No, I want to be held" and she'll offer the next stage of the quest - find the Cursemark of Death. This actually intersects with somebody else's mission too…
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Is Fia's debuff permanent?

The red square added for hugging Fia the Hug Lady is a marker for a debuff - specifically, a debuff that reduces your maximum HP by 5%, so the actual numerical loss varies according to how much health you started with. This sounds pretty grim, but don't worry, it's not permanent.
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What happens if you give the Cursemark of Death to fia?

Give her the Cursemark of Death and choose to talk in secret with her to learn of her plans to lay with Godwyn. If you rest at the Site of Grace, then return to Fia, you'll be presented with the option to enter a Deathbed Dream. Choosing to do this will bring you to the optional boss fight with Lichdragon Fortissax.
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How do I end the FIA quest?

Towards the end of the aqueduct, just before the Valiant Gargoyle boss fight, you'll come across D's brother, locked in some kind of permanent dream. If you give D's brother D's Twinned Armour, then at the end of Fia's quest, D's brother will kill Fia.
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Should I use Baldachin's blessing?

Is Getting Baldachin's Blessing Worth it? While having a five percent health debuff sucks in a game as challenging as Elden Ring, the other effect Baldachin's Blessing grants you makes it worth it. The item's effect is a buff in your Poise stat.
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Can you revoke a blessing?

When God pronounces a blessing, it's a done deal. Nobody can revoke it or change it! The only thing that will stop the blessing of God on your life is disobedience to God's Word. But if you're walking in obedience, then the blessing of God will be on your life!
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Can your blessings be taken away?

You may think that God is withholding blessings from you, but He's not. God wants to shower you with blessings every day. You are the only person who can block yourself from receiving His daily blessings. Usually, you are your biggest critic.
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What's the max scadutree blessing?

The maximum level for the Scadutree Blessing in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is 20, achieved by consuming every Scadutree Fragment . That means by the end, players will be dealing 80% more damage than they would have at the start of the DLC, and receiving 40% less damage in return.
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Should I give a dagger to D?

The biggest hint as to its rightful owner is in the description of the dagger. It's described to be gold and silver intertwined, which should remind the player of D's armor. Speak to D and give him the dagger. After giving him the dagger, a new room will open upon the next visit to Roundtable Hold.
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Is baldachin's blessing permanent?

The effect lasts longer than a mere favor. It's said a deathbed companion will only produce a blessing of this kind for a champion but once in her entire life. The sole blessing which she imbues of her own volition. Protection of a hidden temple in the guise of a bedchamber.
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What happens if you refuse FiA?

Refusing her offer means you won't get the item or start her quest.
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How do I stop swearing forever?

Quick Ways to Cut Down on Cursing
  1. Recruit a friend to discourage you.
  2. Avoid triggers that make you swear.
  3. Adopt alternative, clean words to use instead.
  4. Practice using a swear jar that's donated to charity.
  5. Avoid overly-explicit media.
  6. Pretend your grandma is always nearby.
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Can you romance Jaheira in BG2?

If you want to romance Jaheira, your best bet is to play Baldur's Gate 2. Keep in mind that you'll be doing so while the body of her dead husband is still warm. There are some... questionable workarounds.
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Can you ever take off curse of binding?

Usage. An item with Curse of Binding cannot be removed from any armor slot unless the player is in Creative mode, the player dies, or the item breaks.
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