How do I remove a fear Sims 4?

Let the fearful Sim directly approach the Sim who was unkind to them and use the unique interaction of “Work Out Differences”. This would enable them to overcome their fear.
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How to remove fear trait in Sims 4?

The way I do it with that is to right click on the sim, go to Cheat Sim Info > Remove Trait > scroll until you find the Dead End Job or whatever trait, then do the same with Remove Moodlet; and bada bing bada boom it never happened.
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How to get rid of Sims fear of unfulfilled dreams?

You need to fulfill a want, then talk about fears with another Sim. To avoid getting it, you need to being constantly fulfilling wants - or just turn the wants & fears system off entirely, which I've done.
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What is the cheat to remove moodlet in Sims 4?

Bring up the cheats console (ctrl-shift-C) and enter "testingcheatsenabled true" without quotes. Then crtl-click on the moodlet you want gone. Be sure to disable the cheat (testingcheatsenabled false) when you're done. Hopefully this will also reset the sim's walkstyle.
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How to remove moodlet in Sims 4 MCCC?

You can remove moodlets using shift+click Cheat Sim Info > Remove Moodlet (you may have to click more choices once or twice to find it). A menu will open showing all the moodlets currently applied to your sim (some are hidden by design).
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How To Get Possessed Emotion - The Sims 4

How to reduce fear?

Steps to help you overcome your fears
  1. Think about your physical feelings and behaviours. ...
  2. Change the way you see fear. ...
  3. Break down and rate fearful situations. ...
  4. Start with the easiest. ...
  5. Allow yourself to feel the fear. ...
  6. Work your way up – but don't rush.
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How to get rid of fear of thunderstorms in Sims 4?

@Veykek The only way really is to get the storm chaser sim reward aspiration it's stops Sims getting the scared or tense moodlit from thunderstorms.
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How do you get rid of a Sims fear of ghosts?

The only way to solve it is to fight a ghost, any ghost. Or to drink a potion to make the fear go away (rewards store). Your sim will only get this fear if they see an object float because a ghost sim is possessing it. Avoid this and you should be good in the future.
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How to remove fear of fire in Sims 4?

In this case, the way to overcome fear of fire is by putting out another fire - that's why the chance of fires is increased when a sim in the household has it, to give them more chances to overcome it.
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Where are Wants and Fears in Sims 4?

They appear in the same area of the screen, just above a Sim's character portrait in Live Mode, where there are slots for up to three wants to appear at a time. The reward point payout for fulfilling a want is the same as it was for whims, too: about 25 to 100 points.
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How do you get rid of fear moodlets in Sims 4?

To get rid of Fears, you'll have to face them head-on. If you don't, your Sim will experience stronger and stronger negative moodlets that will incapacitate their normal day-to-day lives.
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Why is my Sim always angry from unfulfilled dreams?

I think the "Fear of Unfulfilled Dreams" comes from not completing enough whims. I looked it up, and apparently you need to complete a whim and then select another sim and choose "talk about fears"...
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How do fears work in The Sims 4?

Fears are not naturally spawned, but instead, they develop over time as the Sims navigate their virtual lives. This makes it possible for a Sim to have more than three fears at one time. Just as Traits influence how a Sim feels, Fears negatively impact a Sim's life and make them susceptible to strong negative Moodlets.
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How do I turn off Thunderstorm in Sims 4?

First, take a look at the weather options in the Gamplay Options>Environment under Seasons. You can turn rain and T-storms and Snow and Blizzards off altogether.
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How to unlearn fear?

One of the most effective ways to overcome fear is repeated exposure to a frightening stimulus in a safe environment, a technique of cognitive behavioral therapy. As an example, my own fear of heights gradually improved after spending more time dangling from a rope.
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How do you break down fear?

10 ways to fight your fears
  1. Take time out. It's difficult to think clearly when you feel scared or anxious. ...
  2. Breathe through panic. ...
  3. Face your fears. ...
  4. Remember that anxiety isn't harmful. ...
  5. Challenge unhelpful thoughts. ...
  6. Don't try to be perfect. ...
  7. Visualise a happy place. ...
  8. Talk about it.
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How can fear be treated?

Talk therapy

The most effective treatments are: Exposure therapy. This therapy focuses on changing your response to the object or situation that you fear. Gradual, repeated exposure to the source of your specific phobia, and the related thoughts, feelings and sensations, may help you learn to manage your anxiety.
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How to remove an emotion in Sims 4?

Although negative moodlets can be easily removed by consuming the Moodlet Solver elixir, some players may prefer using mods or cheats. The game disabled the moodlets-removing cheats a few years back, but players can still use TwistedMexi's mod to modify the emotional state of their Sim.
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What is the cheat to remove moodlet Sims 4?

if you enable cheats, testingcheats true , then type Traits. Remove_Trait Infected it will get rid of it!
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What is the cheat to change mood in Sims 4?

If your Sim is unhappy and you want to manually adjust their needs so they are happy again you will need to activate the cheat console, type in “testingcheats true”, shift and click on the Sim you'd like to change the needs for, and select “Make Happy”.
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