How do I reset my NPC in Skyrim?

Save this answer. Try opening the console (` key by default), clicking on the NPC in question, and typing "resetAI". That should reset the NPC's AI and hopefully unstick her. If that doesn't work, you can try "recycleactor", but that may have side effects.
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Can you respawn an NPC in Skyrim?

Using Console Commands To Resurrect An NPC In Skyrim

To do this, players should press the tilde key, often found below the Esc button on the keyboard, and click on the NPC they wish to revive; then, they should type "resurrect" and press the Enter key.
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How do I reset my companion in Skyrim?

If the follower continues to follow you after being told to go home, return home yourself and sleep for an extended period of time (24 to 72 hours.) This may reset the follower.
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How do you reset AI in Skyrim special edition?

Open console, select npc, type "resetAI".
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How do you reset Lydia in Skyrim?

The only real option (at least for console players) is to load a previous save to get Lydia back. Once again, however, PC players can use console commands to revive Lydia if she has died. They just need to type the "resurrect" code, "000A2C94.
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Skyrim - How to Resurrect a Dead NPC using Commands

Is there a way to reset stats in Skyrim?

Either beat the main quest for the Dragonborn DLC and you will be able to exchange one dragon soul in order to completely reset the perks from one skill tree while keeping the skill at whatever it was at. Get a skill to 100 and the use the legendary system to revert it back to it's starting base.
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How long does it take for NPC inventory to reset Skyrim?

It will respawn the NPC's original inventory 40 hours Skyrim time or 7200 seconds real world time after the first time you've pickpocketed them since the last reset. This means they will get their clothes, weapons, jewelry, and food back. Some NPCs have leveled (random) items in their inventory.
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How do I reset my NPC clothing?

Select NPC with console, use "kill" command, then use "resurrect" command. They should now have their default gear. Actually you can just use the resurrect command.
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Who is the strongest companion in Skyrim?

Easily the strongest out of Skyrim's humanoid followers, Serana possesses high levels in the Destruction, Conjuration, One-Handed, and Light Armor skills, making her very offensively versatile.
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Does Lydia's inventory reset?

Since it's a new Lydia, her inventory will reset. If you can, take all the items you need from her before doing this.
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Which followers are immortal in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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How do you Respawn an NPC?

To resurrect a dead NPC:
  1. go to UESP, search for the NPC and note down its RefID.
  2. open your game, open console and type Prid #RefID, where #RefID is the number you wrote down. ...
  3. now type moveto player, making the NPC's dead body appear at your feet. ...
  4. now type recycleactor.
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What to do if Lydia dies?

To get Lydia back, all you have to do is level Conjuration to 100, get Conjure Thrall, and then raise her body again.
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How do you reset NPC weight in Skyrim?

The NPC weight is set in your save game, so if you've adjusted the weight to 80 go into the console, click on the NPC and type "setnpcweight 80".
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How do I edit an NPC?

To add commands to an NPC, follow these instructions:
  1. Right-click the NPC you want to edit.
  2. Click Advanced Settings.
  3. Enter the Command you want to execute. Make sure you only enter one command in this field.
  4. If you want to add more commands, click the Add Command button and enter the commands you want to enter.
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How do you force NPC to equip clothes in Skyrim?

Open console and click on the NPC - the NPC's ID will be displayed mid screen. Type equipitem (item id) 1. Make sure you have that 1 at the end or they will remove the item later. This definitely works - I've changed a lot of the (non follower) NPCs armor/clothing this way and it has not reverted back to default.
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How often do NPCs restock Skyrim?

Understanding their restocking mechanics can greatly benefit players seeking to manage their inventory and make the most of their trading ventures. Thanks for the A2A. By default, every two in game days(every 48 hours in game).
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How often do Skyrim vendors reset?

Merchants will generally have 3-40 gold more than listed, because their personal pocket change is added to the merchant-specific gold. Gold is reset each time the merchant's inventory is reset or every 48 hours.
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Do dungeons reset in Skyrim?

Most dungeons respawn, but not all of them. It can happen in as little as a week if you didn't completely clear out the dungeon, or over a month if you cleared the dungeon.
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What is max level in Skyrim?

Even though Skyrim's level cap was removed as of version 1.9, the hard limit is actually level 65,535 (Hex number FFFF). Attempting to level past this point crashes the game due to the value overflowing back to zero.
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What is the max health in Skyrim?

The base Health stat value is 100 points for all races/characters. Whenever the player levels up and accesses the skill menu, they will be prompted to increase either magicka, health or stamina by 10 points. If every single level up is upgraded towards Health, the final value will be 900 points.
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Does Helgen keep reset?

Helgen is an exterior cell and resets after 10 days of inactivity. The 7 or so assorted Bandits who inhabit Helgen will respawn. Helgen Keep, however, is a separate and different cell from Helgen. Once the Bandits who inhabit the Keep's interior are slain, they are perma-corpses and do not respawn.
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Can you get remarried in Skyrim?

Can you get remarried in Skyrim? No, marriage in skyrim is forever. However console commands and mods can change this.
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