How do I survive a volcano?

Limit your time outdoors and use a dust mask or cloth mask as a last resort if you must be outside. Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano. Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash in the location where you are. Cover ventilation openings and seal doors and windows.
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What to do if a volcano erupts near you?

If outside at the time of eruption, seek shelter in a car or a building. If caught in volcanic ashfalls, wear a dust mask or use a handkerchief or cloth over your nose and mouth. Stay indoors as volcanic ash is a health hazard, especially if you have respiratory difficulties such as asthma or bronchitis.
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Can you escape a volcano?

Could I outrun the lava and make it to safety? Well, technically, yes. If lava were all you had to deal with while scrambling down the side of a fiery mountain, you might be in the clear. Most lava flows — especially those from shield volcanoes, the less explosive type found in Hawaii — are pretty sluggish.
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What kills during volcano eruption?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) trapped in low-lying areas can be lethal to people and animals. Carbon dioxide constitutes approximately 0.04% of the air in the Earth's atmosphere. In an average year, volcanoes release between about 180 and 440 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.
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Can you tear down a volcano?

No because a volcano is actually a “Release Valve” for the weakest area between the plates. And without those relief valves the pressure will slowly build up until the area explodes.
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How to Survive a Supervolcano

Does it hurt to fall in a volcano?

So if you fall in a pit of lava, you will float, not sink. The superheated air will likely burn your lungs within seconds, likely resulting in them filling with fluid much like a blister from a burn fills with fluid. You would likely go into shock near instantly.
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Would falling into a volcano hurt?

Now, falling into lava is another story. The extreme heat would probably burn your lungs and cause your organs to fail.
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What volcano almost killed all humans?

The eruption of the Toba supervolcano, according to theory, plunged the world into an apocalypse, almost wiping out the entire human species. Seventy-four thousand years ago, the Earth suffered a catastrophic event which, according to the Toba catastrophe theory, led to the extinction of many animals around the globe.
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What volcano has killed the most people?

This event is at number 1 on the list, due to the number of deaths it caused. Volcanic eruptions generate drastic changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere. It is estimated that between the explosion, the toxic emissions and the waves of gas, the Mount Tambora volcano took the lives of 90,000 people.
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How hot is lava?

The temperatures of molten lava range from about 700 to 1,200 °C (1,300 to 2,200 °F). The material can be very fluid, flowing almost like syrup, or it can be extremely stiff, scarcely flowing at all. The higher the lava's silica content, the higher its viscosity.
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Could any volcano end the world?

These sort of explosive eruptions are the kind that we are most familiar with, but in fact, they can't happen on a large enough scale to cause a mass extinction. The sort of volcanic activity that scientists suspect leads to mass extinctions is not your iconic mountain erupting in a spew of lava.
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How do you outrun lava?


Humans can run only at about 15 mph, so your best bet is hopping in a vehicle, which can travel must faster. If you are escaping a lava flow, do not drive or jump over it, as it will melt your vehicle and potentially trap you between multiple streams.
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Why didn't Pompeii evacuate?

Within the ruins of Pompeii there were several human remains found, so we can only assume that these people chose to stay behind. The most probable reason for them to remain was that they were too poor, or they had nowhere else to go.
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What not to do in a volcano?

Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano. Take temporary shelter from volcanic ash in the location where you are. Cover ventilation openings and seal doors and windows. Avoid driving in heavy ash.
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What is volcano Class 7?

A volcano is a vent from which a combination of melted rock, solid rock debris and gas erupts. It has a reservoir of molten material below the surface (magma chamber) called magma, and when this magma rises to the surface, it is called lava.
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How close to a volcano is safe?

The danger area around a volcano covers approximately a 20-mile radius; however, some danger may exist 100 miles or more from a volcano.
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What is the baddest volcano in the world?

10 Most Dangerous Active Volcanoes in the World
  • Yellowstone Caldera, USA. This volcano can spread lave over 40 miles and it an go as far as New york and this would poison all the vegetation in the USA. ...
  • Mt. ...
  • Popocatépetl, Mexico. ...
  • Sakurajima, Japan. ...
  • Galeras, Colombia. ...
  • Mt. ...
  • Mt. ...
  • Ulawun, Papua New Guinea.
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What was the worst volcano in the world?

Hundreds of articles have been written about the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history, at Indonesia's Mt. Tambora just over 200 years ago...
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What if Yellowstone erupts?

What would happen if a "supervolcano" eruption occurred again at Yellowstone? If another large, caldera-forming eruption were to occur at Yellowstone, its effects would be worldwide. Such a giant eruption would have regional effects such as falling ash and short-term (years to decades) changes to global climate.
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What is 1 extinct volcano?

Mount Thielsen (2,799 m or 9,182 ft) is an extinct volcano north of Crater Lake, Oregon that last erupted about 300,000 years ago.
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Where did humans live 70000 years ago?

Between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago, Homo sapiens began migrating from the African continent and populating parts of Europe and Asia.
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How many humans were alive 70000 years ago?

A late human population bottleneck is postulated by some scholars at approximately 70,000 years ago, during the Toba catastrophe, when Homo sapiens population may have dropped to as low as between 1,000 and 10,000 individuals.
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What happens if you touch lava for 1 second?

Lava won't kill you if it briefly touches you. You would get a nasty burn, but unless you fell in and couldn't get out, you wouldn't die. With prolonged contact, the amount of lava "coverage" and the length of time it was in contact with your skin would be important factors in how severe your injuries would be!
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Would jumping in lava hurt?

Most lava is very hot—about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At those temperatures, a human would probably burst into flames and either get extremely serious burns or die.
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What does lava smell like?

Rotten eggs. During a volcanic eruption, volcanoes erupt lava and ash. You'll mostly smell ash, sulfur, lava, and H2S which is not safe to breath.
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