How do I upgrade my Blacksmith Ed?

Blacksmith Ed He is located in World 2 - Stonefang Tunnel near the archstone. You'll need to activate the platform that leads to him. Blacksmith Ed can upgrade Weapons using any Stones that you have. You can unlock advance upgrades by bringing him the Searing Demon Soul (You can get it by defeating the Flamelurker).
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How do you get Blacksmith Ed to make Northern Regalia?

It can be created by trading the Boss Soul, Demonbrandt, and Soulbrandt to Blacksmith Ed, assuming you have given him the Searing Demon's Soul. Northern Regalia's damage scales with character tendency, reaching its maximum power at either extreme (Pure Black or Pure White).
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How do you upgrade unique weapons in Demon Souls?

The blacksmiths can repair, upgrade, or sell the player weapons if they need it. If the player has enough resources and souls, they can purchase these upgrades. For the early game, it's best to focus on the Base Path to increase the damage your weapon does.
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Should I give searing demon soul to Ed?

After beating the beast, return to Ed and give him the Searing Demon Soul. Now you can finally upgrade weapons with other special souls dropped by different bosses.
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How do you get Ed to make boss weapons?

Boss Soul Weapons are rare weapons that can be crafted by combining a specific weapon and a Boss Demon Soul. These weapons can only be crafted at Blacksmith Ed, and only after you have given him the Searing Demon's Soul to unlock advanced crafting.
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How To Give Blacksmith Ed The 'Searing Demon Soul'

Why won't Blacksmith Ed take the Searing Demon Soul?

Check if you really do have the Red Hot Soul in your inventory. If he haven't asked for the soul before, you must talk to him until he does, and then leave. Next time you talk to him you'll be asked to give him the soul.
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What is the hardest hitting weapon in Demon's Souls?

The Northern Regalia is without a doubt, the most powerful weapon in Demon's Souls. First of all, you need to obtain two swords; Demonbrandt and Soulbrandt. After obtaining both Swords, forge them together alongside the False King's Demon's Soul to obtain the Northern Regalia. The weapon itself is a strange one.
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What is the highest AR weapon in demons souls?

Northern Regalia

Whichever path the player chooses, if their Character Tendency has reached its maximum state, the sword will attain a stunning Attack Rating of 540, which puts most other weapons in Demon's Souls to shame.
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Is Ed's Sharpening Stone reusable?

Ed's Grindstone is a consumable item in Demon's Souls.
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Why can't i upgrade my weapon Demon Souls?

You need to bring Ed the Red Hot Demon's Soul (kill the 2-2 boss) before you can use demon's souls to upgrade weapons.
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Where is Ed the blacksmith?

Blacksmith Ed

You can find Ed in 1-1, in a put behind the Filthy Man merchant NPC. You will need to activate the elevator before you can gain access to his chamber. Once you have defeated the Flamelurker you can give its Searing Demon Soul to Ed to improve his forge, allowing him to craft weapons from boss Souls.
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What is the best weapon upgrade in Demon's Souls?

For those magic users that aren't worried about MP regeneration, the strongest weapon upgrade to use is the Moon upgrade. Like the Crescent upgrade path, Moon weapons gain scaling with the Magic stat (though not as much), but they reduce scaling from Strength and Dexterity rather than completely removing them.
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Is Northern Regalia worth it?

Regalia is a nice step up for them. BP players can still use though. Just keep in mind it isn't necessarily deadly in PVP outside of backstabs. If you're great with backstabs, that thing hurts.
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Does demon souls have multiple endings?

Demon's Souls Has Two Different Endings

After playing through the entire game players will find themselves returning to the Boletarian Palace, the final and most challenging area. At the end of the area is the final boss of the game, the fallen Old King Allant.
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Can you upgrade the Demonbrandt?

Demonbrandt's unique property is that its damage goes up with your character's White Tendency value. Black Character Tendency will have the opposite effect, reducing the sword's damage to 0 at maximum. Demonbrandt cannot be upgraded.
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What is the highest defense armor in demon souls?

The best armour set in Demon's Souls, in our opinion, is the Ancient King's set which offers the best balance between weight and defence in the game. This set is dropped by Old King Doran.
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Do weapons scale in demons souls?

The best Demon's Souls weapons can scale with different stats, so raising things like magic, dexterity or strength can be key to getting a powerful tool, or wasting its potential - if your damage output isn't increasing as you level up your character, then you're probably buffing a stat that your weapon isn't affected ...
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What are the best strength based weapons in demons souls?

The Meat Cleaver is a great weapon that scales off of Strength, Dexterity, and Faith. This is also great for Strength builds because the Meat Clever does not require any dexterity to wield.
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What is the strongest class in Demon's Souls?

As there is no class that outright starts with nothing, the Barbarian comes closest in Demon's Souls starting out with just a club and a wooden shield. However, the Barbarian has the highest Strength of any starting class in the game.
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What is the hardest boss in Demon's Souls?

10 Hardest Bosses In Demon's Souls, Ranked
  1. 1 Flamelurker Is Simply Cruel.
  2. 2 The Maneaters Don't Fight Fair. ...
  3. 3 Old King Allant Is Blindingly Fast. ...
  4. 4 Armor Spider Exploits Its Home-Field Advantage. ...
  5. 5 The Old Hero Is Lethal Without Exploiting His Weakness. ...
  6. 6 Penetrator Challenges The Player To A Relentless Duel. ...
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What is the hardest class in demon souls?

Male Barbarian is overall the hardest class to start with. Unless you purchase Plate Mail through grinding, you're going to be naked when beating 1-1. Royals are easy if you use R3 and spam Soul Arrow. Soldiers are pretty good for melee thanks to the flexibility of both a Short Spear and the Broadsword.
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Can Kris Blade be upgraded?

Kris Blade's unique property is similar to that of the Ring of Magical Sharpness, in that it increases magic damage dealt but also increases magic damage taken by the user. This makes it an ideal offhand item for magic users. Kris Blade can be upgraded up to +5 at Blacksmith Ed using Colorless Demon Souls.
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What Souls can you give to Ed?

Searing Demon's Soul is a boss soul dropped by the Flamelurker. Flamelurker can be encountered in the second zone of the Stonefang Tunnel Archstone (2-2). This Soul be consumed for 18000 Souls. Searing Demon's Soul can also be given to Blacksmith Ed to open up advanced weapon crafting.
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