How do I upgrade my netherite gear?

in the new Minecraft update, the smithing tables had a brand new change of a GUI. so now to upgrade your diamond to Netherite, you need to place a smithing template, which is the Nether upgrade in here. you place your sword or armor into here, and then your Netherite now goes into it.
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How do you upgrade items in netherite?

Alongside armor trims, we're also making changes to netherite upgrading. To upgrade your diamond tools and armor to Netherite variants, you will now need a Smithing Template called “Netherite Upgrade”, which can only be found in Bastion Remnant chests.
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How do you upgrade to netherite enchantments?

Upgrading gear to netherite will keep all of the enchantments that were on the diamond gear. Due to the rarity of netherite, players are recommended to upgrade only their most favored of tools. It will also retain the same durability as the previous piece of gear.
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How to make a smithing table?

You should see a crafting area with a 3×3 crafting grid in the crafting menu. Place two iron ingots and four wood planks on the 3×3 crafting grid to build a smithing table. You may construct with any type of wood plank, such as oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, red, or warped boards.
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How much netherite do you need for a full set of gear?

Once smelted into Netherite Scrap, it is used to craft Netherite Ingots, the highest tier of material, which can be used in a Smithing Table to upgrade diamond tools and armor. 36 blocks of Ancient Debris must be mined to upgrade a full set of gear (as it requires 9 Netherite Ingots).
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Is full netherite worth it?

Full diamond and full netherite provide the same amount of damage reduction (80%). However, each piece of netherite armor provides 10% knockback reduction. It is up to you whether that is worth it. For durability differences, netherite seems to have about 40-60 more durability for each armor piece compared to diamond.
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Is netherite really worth it?

Netherite armor/tools have roughly 1.3x the durability of Diamond, but the tools are all the same speed as Diamond tools, which makes them not worth getting because the difficulty to obtain is 4x greater than Diamond.
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Can you use diamonds in a smithing table?

First place the armor on the smithing table, then place the desired template, and finally, choose the material for the trim. Diamond as the third material will result in a diamond trim, for example. The third material can be iron, copper, gold, lapis, emerald, diamond, netherite, redstone, amethyst, or quartz.
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Can you make diamond armor with a smithing table?

A smithing table is a utility block used to alter tools and armor at the cost of a smithing template and the appropriate material, a process that keeps all enchantments. This is the only way to obtain trimmed armor or upgrade diamond equipment with netherite.
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Can you turn iron armor into diamond?

You can upgrade your iron armor to diamond armor fast with smithingtable now. craft a diamond ingot , then using smithing table to upgrade.
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Should I enchant before or after netherite?

Enchant your diamond tools first, then upgrade them to netherite, they will keep their enchantment. By the way, enchanting netherite costs more experience points. Is the new "Netherite Sword" better than a diamond sword on Minecraft? Yes.
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Do my enchantments stay when upgrading to netherite?

Netherite ingots can be used on a smithing table to upgrade diamond items to netherite items, as well as trim any armor piece. Data such as durability, enchantments, and custom names are preserved.
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Does upgrading to netherite keep trims?

When upgrading a diamond armor piece that has netherite trimmings to netherite armor, the netherite trimming is kept on the netherite armor.
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Where is the netherite upgrade?

The Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template can be found exclusively in bastion remnants in the Nether biome. The player can find these remnants in any Nether biome except the Basalt Deltas. These large structures are typically easy to notice as they are constructed from blackstone and have distinctive appearances.
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Where is the netherite upgrade template?

You can find the netherite upgrade smithing template in the chests generated in the Bastion Remnants.
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How do you upgrade gear in Minecraft?

To upgrade your diamond gear into netherite take them to a smithing table. Right click the smithing table to open the UI. Place the diamond tool/armor you want to upgrade in the left slot and the netherite ingot in the right slot. As you can see the helmet keeps its enchantments and becomes a netherite helmet.
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Can I use iron pickaxe on diamond?

The most important item is an iron pickaxe. Diamond ore can only be mined with an iron pickaxe or better (better meaning gold, diamond, or netherite). If you try to mine diamonds with a stone or wood pickaxe, the block will break but you won't get anything from it.
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Can you upgrade iron pickaxe to diamond?

smithing table could also be used to upgrade iron gear to diamond one, but you gonna need more than one diamond.
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Where can I find armor trims?

The Armor Trims available, and where they can be found, are as follows:
  • Pillager Outpost - Sentry Armor Trim.
  • Desert Pyramid - Dune Armor Trim.
  • Shipwreck - Coast Armor Trim.
  • Jungle Temple - Wild Armor Trim.
  • Ocean Monument - Tide Armor Trim.
  • Ancient City - Ward Armor Trim.
  • Woodland Mansion - Vex Armor Trim.
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Can you smelt Diamond Ore into diamonds?

However, if you just mine the ore regularly with an iron, diamond or netherite pickaxe, the diamonds automatically smelts unless you have silk touch enchant on your pickaxe. You can but it's a total waste. Even a Fortune 1 pickaxe will yield more diamonds than smelting it.
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Can diamonds spawn in blacksmiths?

In naturally generated large villages within Minecraft, there is usually a blacksmith's workshop that occasionally holds a chest containing diamonds. While the probability of finding diamonds here is relatively lower due to the poor financial state of the village blacksmiths, it's still worth exploring.
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Should I use a diamond pickaxe in Minecraft?

The best pickaxe for mining in Minecraft depends on the type of materials you want to mine. Here are some of the best pickaxes in Minecraft, based on the materials they can mine: Diamond Pickaxe: This is the best pickaxe in the game and can mine all types of blocks, including obsidian.
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Are netherite pickaxes worth it?

Netherite pickaxes have the highest durability of all pickaxes along with the ability to mine blocks faster than most other picks, with the exception being the golden pickaxe, though that hardly counts as a true benefit to gold tools.
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Does netherite burn in lava?

Netherite items are the most robust and the most durable. As mentioned, they do not burn in fire and lava, but they are pretty hard to obtain. Ancient debris, the primary source of netherite, can only be found in the dangerous depths of the Nether dimension.
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Can you use mending on netherite?

Mending does not work on Netherite Tools or Weapons.
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