How do you attract more pillagers?

So, if you find a large open area and wait for long enough, a pillager patrol will spawn. Please note, that Pillager Patrols only spawn when your world reaches 100 minutes or 5 in-game days. The game will attempt to spawn a pillager patrol every 10 ish minutes with a success rate of 20%.
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How do you increase pillager spawns?

In Java Edition, killing multiple captains in succession raises the Bad Omen level to a maximum of V, increasing the chance of pillagers and vindicators in the resulting raid wielding enchanted weapons.
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How do I get more pillager patrols to spawn?

Patrols spawn naturally after the world age reaches 100 minutes (5 in-game days), then after a delay between 10–11 minutes an attempt is made to spawn a patrol with 20% chance of success. After an attempt is made, the delay is reset.
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How do you get pillagers to show up?

Patrols spawn after five and a half in-game days, at any moment, implying that they can also spawn in an environment with no generated structures. A patrol will spawn on the highest block roughly 24 to 48 blocks away from a player. Individual Pillagers of a patrol will only spawn at a light level of 7 or lower.
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What triggers pillagers?

Pillagers continually spawn in a 72×54×72 block volume centered on the top floor. They may spawn on any valid opaque block as long as the sky light level is 11 or lower, and the block light level is 8 or lower, but can also spawn on grass or sand blocks regardless of block light level.
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The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Pillager Raids in Minecraft!

How do you attract raiders in Minecraft?

Kill the Patrol Leader and Get Bad Omen

Once you kill the leader, you will be cursed with a new status effect called Bad Omen. The Bad Omen effect is a new status effect that causes a group of hostile mobs to spawn and attack when a player with the Bad Omen effect enters a village. This event is called a Raid.
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Can you turn pillagers into villagers?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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Do Pillagers steal your stuff?

During a raid Pillagers will try to loot chests or any other storage items like barrels and shulker boxes. This would be a feature that would occur on normal difficulty and higher. You would be able to kill the Pillager for any items they looted.
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Do ominous banners attract Pillagers?

Yes, having an ominous banner in your base will make it more likely for pillager patrols to spawn near you.
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How do you spawn Illagers?

Illagers spawn naturally in patrol and raids. They always spawn naturally in groups while in patrols and raids, or inside their structures. Pillagers spawn in pillager outposts. Vindicators and evokers spawn in woodland mansions.
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What to do if pillagers come to your house?

If you aren't the best at fighting, I suggest you run away and tunnel down out above into your house and ambush the pillager if it doesn't see you. Some day or another, though, the pillager will either get bored and go away, despawn, or you will have to fight it.
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Can pillagers spawn without an outpost?

Despite that they are often found next to villages, this is simply a coincidence, as the generation of these two structures is completely independent. The spawning of pillager patrols is also unrelated to the location of outposts, so do not assume that a patrol means an outpost is nearby.
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What triggers pillager raids?

A player with the Bad Omen status effect triggers a raid upon entering a chunk with at least one villager and a claimed bed, or one of the 8 chunks surrounding it in a square. In Java Edition, a villager with a claimed bell or job site block can also trigger a raid, even if no claimed beds are present.
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Why are no pillagers spawning?

So, the Pillagers only spawns one time when you approach It, then, they won't spawn anymore after that, even if you're on the spawnable radius they need to spawn. How to reproduce: Set the game to Hard. Go to a Pillager Outpost.
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Do more pillagers spawn?

Once two or more villagers in close proximity are willing to breed, they will breed automatically. You will know that villagers are breeding when they face each other and hearts float all around them. A tiny villager will emerge. It takes 20 minutes for a baby villager to mature into an adult.
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Does placing the illager banner do anything?

In Minecraft, will displaying an ominous banner attract pillager patrols to your base? - Quora. In Minecraft, displaying a Pillager banner will not attract Pillagers to your base. However, if you have the effect “Bad Omen” and you enter a village then pillagers will come to your base and attempt to attack you.
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What happens when you tame a pillager?

Side Effects of Taming a Pillager

Your tamed pillager will still scare away villagers. Even though your tame pillager will not attack any of the villagers, the villagers are still programmed to run away from pillagers in the game. You should use a name tag on your tamed pillager to prevent him from despawning.
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What does a illager banner do?

An Illager banner (also known as an Ominous Banner in Java Edition) is a special banner type that can be carried by Illager captains. Killing an Illager captain that is not on a raid will give the player the Bad Omen effect.
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Can you befriend pillagers?

Unlike melee Illager, these Pillagers can be manipulated to drop their crossbow and embrace friendship! Taming a Pillager is a straightforward yet difficult task. The Pillager simply needs to expend all of its available ammunition to become a friendly unit.
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Does Bad Omen attract pillagers?

In other words, gaining the "Bad Omen" effect causes all pillagers to stop attacking you, begin following you, naturally attack hostile mobs, and also attack mobs which you attack (similar to a dog).
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What do pillagers hate?

These pillagers are allied in the Illager Forces, which apparently sided with the zombies and skeletons with their hatred of the villagers, but it is never specifically stated that they work for Herobrine.
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Can you turn a pillager outpost into a house?

However, you can't really make it your home as it is right now, or even just a safe base of yours, as pillagers constantly spawn there. Some players may want that, for things like pillager farms for example, or just places they can go to constantly kill some pillagers for a XP boost and maybe some other loot.
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Why does pillagers hate villagers?

According to the Minecraft Mobestiary, the Illagers were banished from villages for committing "unspeakable activities." An example of this banishment could be seen in The Rise of the Arch-Illager, the prequel novel of Minecraft Dungeons. This is likely be the reason why the Illagers feel such hatred for Villagers.
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Is it pillager or Illager?

Illagers is the collective term for all villager-like hostile mobs. Pillagers, Vindicators and Evokers all are illagers.
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