How do you beat Origin forme Dialga?

As a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokémon, Dialga is vulnerable to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Dialga Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible.
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What is best against origin form Dialga?

The best Pokemon Go Dialga - Origin counters are Primal Groudon, Shadow Excadrill, Mega Garchomp, Terrakion, Mega Heracross & Shadow Groudon. Login to see your custom results!
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What is the origin form Dialga weak to?

Origin Forme Dialga Weaknesses & Type Effectiveness

Being a Steel/Dragon-type, Origin Forme Dialga is vulnerable to Fighting and Ground-type moves.
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How many people do you need to beat Origin Form Dialga?

Origin Forme Dialga can be defeated with three trainers, but if you cannot guarantee the top counters with maxed-out CP and the best moves, your best bet is to make sure you have four or more players.
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How many trainers to defeat Origin Forme Dialga?

For Origin Forme Dialga, we'd suggest 4-6 higher level trainers, and 7-10 lower level trainers due to the slightly improved stats and powerful Roar of Time moveset.
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Pokémon Game : Evolution of Dialga Battles (2006 - 2023)

How to defeat Dialga in Pokemon Scarlet?

Dialga and Palkia will have Dragon tera typing and be weak to Ice, Fairy, and Dragon. The two best counters for Dialga and Palkia are Iron Hands and Azumarill.
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What Pokemon should I use against Dialga Arceus?

This makes strong Dragon Pokémon like Hisuian Goodra and Garchomp great choices, along with strong Fairy Pokémon like Togekiss, Sylveon, and Gardevoir. Similar to Dialga, as long as players have one or two Pokémon with moves that are effective, the rest of their team should be able to take the Legendary down.
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How to beat Dialga Origin Form?

As a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokémon, Dialga is vulnerable to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Dialga Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible.
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What Pokemon kills Dialga?

Dialga counters: Terrakion (with Sacred Sword), Keldeo (with Sacred Sword) Therian Forme Landorus (the cat one), Groudon, Lucario and Excadrill. Tactics: Primal Groudon is vital here - it's simply one of the best attackers in the game when it has Precipice Blades.
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Can you get origin form dialga in scarlet and violet?

How To Get Origin Form Palkia And Dialga. The Lustrous Globe and Adamant Orb can be obtained from the Porto Marinada Auction on random days. By giving the Lustrous Globe to Palkia and the Adamant Orb to Dialga, they will change into their Origin Forms.
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What is Dialga weak to in Scarlet and Violet?

Pokemon SV Dialga Weakness

Dialga is a Steel Dragon Type pokemon. This will cause Dialga to take More Damage from Fighting, Ground type moves, and Less Damage from Normal, Flying, Rock, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Water, Electric, Poison, Grass type moves.
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Can you remote raid origin forme Dialga?

As with all Legendary Pokémon, Origin Forme Dialga will be available in five-star raids for a limited time, so, if you want to add it to your Pokédex, you'll need to battle it alongside a group of trainers. Thanks to Remote Raiding, you can do so in the space of your choosing.
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Can 2 people beat Dialga?

Beating Dialga should take 3 trainers with Pokemon of this strength. Make sure your group is prepared before the fight.
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Can you rematch origin Dialga?

It's possible to rematch Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, given that this title handles its boss battles differently compared to the mainline series. Instead of sending out a Pokémon to do battle, trainers will need to weaken the Pokémon using these special balms.
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Can you duo Dialga origin form?

While it can be threatening, and its bulk makes it a bit of a hard nut to crack, it's a pretty straight-forward fight for the most part. Note that the Duo is possible, but this guid focuses on the Trio.
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Should I pick Dialga or Palkia?

Both have strong stats and abilities, but Dialga has an edge in health over Palkia. Dialga is a powerful force to add to any team, generally making it a better choice between the two Legendary Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
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Is Origin forme Dialga V rare?

Origin Forme Dialga V - 113/189 - Ultra Rare - Sword & Shield - Astral Radiance.
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How do you fight origin form Dialga?

Fighting Dialga and Palkia

Just like the Noble fights, you will need to dodge and throw balms at the rampaging Pokémon. When there's an opening, you can choose to battle and stun it. At this point, you should be able to throw everything you've got at either Pokémon to take it down as quickly as possible.
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Which Pokémon is the god of time?

This Pokémon is spoken of in legend. It is said that time began moving when Dialga was born. It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity.
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What is the best team for origin forme Dialga?

Fighting and Ground type Pokémon are your best bets as they are the only typings that deal super effective against Origin Forme Dialga. We recommend fighting Origin Forme Dialga with a minimum of 4-6 Trainers with perfect counters and optimal weather conditions, or 7+ Trainers with suboptimal counters. Use Party!
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What is super effective against Dialga?

Thanks to its dragon/steel type combination, Dialga resists a handful of common types and only has two real weaknesses: ground and fighting. You'll have the best chance of defeating Dialga if you stack your team with Pokemon of those types.
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How to get roar of time?

The Roar of Time Adventure Effect can only be used by Origin Forme Dialga in Pokémon Go. It has the power to pause the timers for Incense, Lucky Eggs, Star Piece and, most helpfully of all, Daily Adventure Incense. Using the Roar of Time Adventure Effect for six minutes costs 5,000 Stardust and five Dialga Candy.
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Is Dialga weak against fire?

The Origin Form Dialga VStar shows a weakness of fire, but it only did the base damage of 240.
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