How do you beat The Elder Mist?

You can attack the Elder Mist himself but focus on the sword first. Any attack on the Elder Mist will result in him launching a counterattack that strikes your entire party. If you attack the sword four to five times, it will become inert for a few turns. This gives you the opportunity to attack the Elder Mist himself.
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What is the hardest boss in Sea of Stars?

Here are some of the best boss fights in Sea Of Stars.
  • 8 Stormcaller. ...
  • 7 Dweller Of Woe. ...
  • 6 Elysan'darëlle. ...
  • 5 Dweller Of Dread. ...
  • 4 The Catalyst. ...
  • 3 Aephorul. ...
  • 2 Meduso. ...
  • 1 Elder Mist (Round Two) The Elder Mist is the first real challenging boss that the characters face.
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How do you beat the Elder easily?

The best way to battle this beast is to melee him. A Bronze buckler will block the damage from its stomp, so players can hit the tree boss with an axe, then block the attack before returning to swinging. Players can also use fire arrows and a Valheim fine wood bow for hefty damage.
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What is the final boss in Skyrim?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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How do you beat the Elder Dragon?

If you wish to attack the dragon directly, it's recommended to use bleed weapons that deal a percentage of health when hemorrhaging. You can also avoid attacking Greyoll entirely and defeat her five children - the smaller dragons closest to Greyoll - as killing each of them will deplete her health by 1/5.
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Defeat Elder Mist Boss in Sea of Stars: A Comprehensive Guide

What is The Elder's weakness?

The Elder is weak to Fire damage, so bringing a stack of Fire Arrows with you will make this fight shorter and less dangerous. The Elder may put up a tough fight, but it's actually a very simple enemy.
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What does killing The Elder give you?

Defeating the Elder allows the player to unlock and enter swamp crypts (which are the primary source of scrap iron in the game) with the swamp key.
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What is the best weapon against The Elder?

The Elder: A Fine Wood Bow and Fire Arrows or Fang Spear

Keep your distance and aim for the head to maximise damage. For melee combat, wield a Fang Spear or Fine Wood Spear. Their piercing damage is effective against The Elder. Strike when its vines are exposed or after it attacks.
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How do I return to the Elder Mist?

Take the left exit and navigate through the overworld map up to X'tol's Landing. When you arrive, backtrack up through the winding path until eventually you reach the top where X'tol is sleeping. Speak to the giant X'tol here and tell him the magic word: “Y'eet.” X'tol will throw you over to Evermist Island's Landing.
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Who is the final boss in sea of stars?

Boss Battle: Aephorul the Fleshmancer. Before starting this fight, be ready to heal the characters with HP-restoring items or special attacks. Every attack Aephorul uses is powerful enough to deplete at least half a character's HP. At times, Aephorul will use a special attack that allows him to summon flesh piles.
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How to unlock true ending in Sea of Stars?

How to Get the True Ending in Sea of Stars
  1. First, gamers must finish the main story and complete the building of Mirth by recruiting an Innkeeper, Merchant, and other workers.
  2. Then, they need to complete 5 Solstice Shrines.
  3. After that, it is necessary to defeat the Elder Mist Boss.
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What does the elder boss drop?

The Elder drops an Elder Trophy and The Swamp Key, which will let you open Sunken Crypts in the game's swamp biomes — which is where you'll find iron to progress to the next section of the game.
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How do you fight NOX priest?

Nox Swordstress and Sword Priest Strategy

Work on timing your dodges well so you can get close and interrupt their attacks, continuing to hack away until you finally win and get the Nox Flowing Sword for your trouble. Both are weak to holy, so consider infusing your weapon with it.
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What do you unlock after beating the elder?

Once defeated, you'll get your hands on the Swamp Key, which opens the crypts in the Swamp biome, as well as the Elder Trophy and Elder Power. As the Swamp Key might suggest, the next biome you have to tackle is the Swamp.
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What do you sacrifice to The Elder?

Those altars might be some distance away, though; in our Valheim server, we had to travel to an entire separate island to finally track the Elder down. When you get to the Elder's altar, you'll need to make a sacrifice of three Elder Seeds to summon it.
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How do you summon and defeat the Elder?

How to Summon The Elder
  1. Step One: Explore the Burial Chambers. ...
  2. Step Two: Visit The Elder's Ceremonial Site. ...
  3. Step Three: Obtain Three Ancient Seeds. ...
  4. Step Four: Prepare For Battle. ...
  5. Step Five: Burn the Ancient Seeds.
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What is the weakest elder dragon in MHW?

Kirin is literally the weakest confirmed Elder Dragon, though. Shagaru Magala and Valstrax are also pretty weak, but they're still stronger than Kirin.
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What is the Elder Dragon's weakness?

  • Fire (On Tail Only)
  • Thunder.
  • Water.
  • Dragon.
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What does Greyoll's roar do?

Greyoll's Roar sounds the roar of Great Ancient Dragon Greyoll, lowering nearby enemy attack power. While it doesn't deal any direct damage, it unleashes an area of effect blast that will lower every enemy's attack power in range.
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Why is Greyoll stuck?

Elder Dragon Greyoll

She is immobile, either having grown too weak to move or as a result of having fused with the surrounding rocks, but can still let loose fearsome roars to weaken her enemies.
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Can elder dragons be killed?

This marked the first known time an Elder Dragon had been defeated, and proved that they could be killed. Zhaitan's death magic was absorbed by the remaining dragons, giving them the ability to utilize corpses with their corruption.
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